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Posts posted by WeAreOceans

  1. looking forward to the post empire death throes being so mind melting that we elect a candidate running under the motto "better things aren't possible" before the sea eventually consumes us

  2. In the same boat of trying to unlearn all that muscle memory from Soulsbourne for Sekiro. It's fucking great though. Managed to beat horsey dude and butterfly lady so the game is opening up a lot more now. I'm slowly gitting gud, agree with one comment about how hard it can be to see move telegraphs sometimes eg dont know if they're going to sweep or thrust or whatever.

  3. Sekiro looks cool, but I tried Bloodborne and just got crushed by the first boss. And I play a lot of games on hard. Looking up tips online was no help. Never got anywhere close to beating him.


    Cleric Beast? I assume you knew about shooting/throwing bombs at his head to stagger and visceral attack him.


    Soulsborne games aren't hard like a lot of other modern games are hard, they're just punishing. You really have to understand the fight to succeed. Worth just entering the arena and not attacking him, just watch how he telegraphs each move and learn where to dodge for each of them.

  4. Really looking forward to Witchfire, I'm hoping the visual style is a little bit more interesting in the final version though, the gameplay at the end looks really drab. They need to take some notes from Bloodborne (a pretty obvious influence) for keeping limited colour palettes scenes looking good.

  5. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPzxfgGc2bWCuVuz0dPF-GtUby6u83AINS29Nq5l9M9uyXorE5ulM4ry9dDJ67NIw?key=bS1tbGxVbFhjb3ZvcFBaQklXaE1YR09uWG5ZY1RR


    looks fucking great


    "The Extraordinary And Fantastical Deathsong Of The Worst Timeline Immemoriam" "Friendly but lacking any useful opinions or takes" lol Daniel is extremely online


    First time I've heard of this as well but would love some scans too, some lovely stuff in here. Might include what the hell that sped up voice was saying between some songs as well.

  6. I got about halfway through BotW but got a tad bored of it, the gameplay loop just didn't grip me enough. I really should finish it before Link's Awakening though


    I picked up Hollow Knight for the Switch last week and I am hooked, must have sunk 20 hours in so far easily (handheld mode helps a lot with that). Gorgeous gorgeous game.

  7. yeah I was never that into BRs but Apex Legends is really really good, you can tell they spent a lot of time learning from other games and streamlining the entire experience. definitely some kinks to work out (netcode analysis came out really bad) but I think there's potential to dethrone PUBG at least (Fortnite is never going away)

  8. Apex Legends is good


    it's incredibly depressing that they took an excellent FPS and took away all the fun unique things about it - the movement system, mechs, cool sci-fi weapons - and replaced it with a f2p BR with loot boxes. Doubly so that this seems to dash any chances of Titanfall 3 happening.


    all that being said... it adds a lot to the BR formula, mostly in the usability and QoL side (things like being able to ping locations and the group drop system)

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