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Posts posted by WeAreOceans


    Haunting of Hill House is incredible, horror in TV and movies has been so bad for so many years, this show actually gets it


    I just finished the series today and the level of quality was EXTREMELY high, all throughout. I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was. Top notch writing, acting, directing, editing... you name it. The last episode didn’t exactly live up to the standards it set, in my opinion.

    Whatever the case, if y’all aren’t watching it, change that.



    I didn't mind the ending too much but they could have cut the last 5 minutes or so. The script also liked to punch you in the face now and then which was jarring.



    The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is way better than I expected. Pretty much like the original 90s show in name only. None of the bullshit overload of indie rock background music and it's dark as fuck visually. I went in expecting MOR supernatural binge watching and it's totally exceeded those expectations.


    No snarky self-deprecating cat though.

    Salem not speaking is my only real complaint with the show so far (besides Miranda Otto and Lucy Davis’ wildly different accents for sisters), but the rest of it is so bugfuck ridiculous that it’s easy to overlook.



    So much happens in each episode that even though they explained the entire Cain/Abel grave plot like 20 minutes prior, I still lost my shit when Sabrina slit Agatha’s throat without any hesitation whatsoever.

    It's been entertaining so far, if they can just tone down the teen angst and play up the occult angle more.



    they wont because as mentioned this is a show for teenage girls


    I'm confused about the excitement though because, yeah, in the 90s it was just a light-hearted sitcom? And now it's some slightly edgy drama? it'd be like getting excited for Fraiser coming back as a depressing and seedy look into the upper classes. Branding and all that I guess.


    Same reason I find Riverdale weird, it's got all the hallmarks of a slice of life teenage drama and stuff like Jughead's dumb hat and that ridiculous car, but it's this "gritty" drama where the antagonists look like they're going to break out in song and dance at any moment


    anyway I stopped watching because it became clear at no point would Cheryl be nude on camera

  3. Just FYI - the GOP and Trump are pushing him through because he's ruled in favor of foreign entities donating to PACs and of the qualified conservative judges is the most likely to grant Trump immunity. The Roe Vs Wade overturning is just a bonus.


    there must be a dozen other judges they'd trust to toe these same lines, surely?





    And Graham whining it was the worst sham he's ever seen in politics, Kavanaugh for some reason asking Klobuchar if *she* ever gets blackout drunk, the constant constant mentions of liking beer. On top of all that Dems being fucking useless overall.


    Just an amazing shitshow all around.

  5. Went to EGX over the weekend and had an ace time. Only complaint was extremely lone queues for demos but I guess that's pretty normal (wanted to play the new Metro but gave up after 20m and not moving). A bit of sensory overload with just so much shit going on in so little time, tempted to do two days if I ever go again.


    One highlight I think other WATMMers would enjoy is a little indie title called PUSS! that has this glitched out/VHS vaporwave aesthetic, and Satanic imagery when you're near death.

  6. Weirdcore's interactive display goes through each track, each one with increasingly weird visuals and a increasingly fucked up effects on the original track. By the time pthex is over, the crowd looks completely stunned. A metasynth sweep a la windowlicker bleeds into the speakers and richards face appears "Hahahahahahaha(reverberated and reversed), are you ready for some aphex aciiiiiiiiiiiiiid?" richard screams. What happens next is track after track of the most next level shit you've ever heard, each track has more and more sublime melodies a la ziggomatic 17 or fenix funk 5, DSP a la squarepushers go plastic, also a more evolved version of one of the myspace-only steinvord tracks, confirming it is him, after two hours of anus rupturing and bliss enducing, depression curing music smoke shoots out from tha back of the white van. Richard emerges with a scraggly ginger beard that has clearly been growing for a number of months, maybe even a year. Richard climbs on top of the white van, takes a short moment to throw appreciation and gratitude to his fans with a slight nod. He puts a gun to his head and with a wry smile pulls the trigger. Confetti streams out and he winks and says, "this is only my penultimate album, drukqs 2 coming 2020, I will see you then". He then proceeds to ejaculate and projectile diarrhea onto the faces of his fans and several of them isnta-cum as a reaction to this magnificent display. He proceeds to climb back into the van turned mobile bedroom, basking in the glow of his trusty sony vaio.


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