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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan




    if he reads some of these threads we may be getting a 10 minute field recording of a coal refinery

    still better than syro amirite lololo




    take a winter break







    I really need to listen to END E2 more than I have. Also, for a second there I thought you had only fully listened to Produk 29 and 4 bit only 3 times each and was going to really insist on you taking that winter break again.

  2. I liked it, although the comic relief was excessive and used at the wrong times. Also that whole casino planet bullshit was completely worthless. We've already established that the star wars' universe is filled with wacky critters, we get it. For some reason I recalled liking Finn in TFA but here he was a non-factor where as Rey and Kylo Ren have continued to grow on me. Poe is an interesting character as well. I enjoyed the Snoke battle scene, on a purely visual level it looked great. You could see where it was going when he was trying to puppeteer both of them but ultimately I thought it worked out and the acting was good. Also, it was a pretty brutal looking death so good on disney for that. Lastly, I was impressed with Mark Hamill's performance. I always figured he was a bit of a hack but he exceeded expectations here and was overall my favorite storyline in the film. A bunch of stupid shit happened, there were potholes, etc. Go back and watch episodes 4-6 if you like, if you can put your sentimental relationship with the films aside for a moment you can pick that shit apart too.


    slightly better than The Force Awakens/10



    ?. Not a crowd pleaser it seems.


    Average Rating: 8.1/10
    Reviews Counted: 318
    Fresh: 295
    Rotten: 23

    Critics Consensus: Star Wars: The Last Jedi honors the saga's rich legacy while adding some surprising twists -- and delivering all the emotion-rich action fans could hope for.



    Average Rating: 3.2/5
    User Ratings: 123,9


    This is a fan-inspired backlash - people don't like the fact it did something no other Star Wars movie has done, and despite the fanservice in the movie (which I thought was unwarranted), the "true" Star Wars "fans" are rallying against this movie and the director, going as far as making threats of bodily harm and encouraging suicide. FFS.



    Yeah but that's just the norm at this point. There's always going to be that 0.1% of the general population now that says that to anyone who has any sort of visibility or measure of success within the entertainment industry. Then there's Span who admittedly has 10,000+ posts on a brony website despite "not wanting to be associated with the community at all" himself. So there's those dudes too.

    It's probably just Span

    using multiple accounts




    I fear daddy1 has lost interest in the Bleep store. :-(

    we need to chill people

    that extended field album is a superb new afx record + we got like a new album of top notch unreleased tracks + he mastered our favorite soundcloud tracks, that is another album and he just toured around the world

    give the man a break will ya :rtfm:



    edit: afx bro, put that dfn vinyl in the bleepstore pliss




    For real




    -releases 5000+ tracks on soundcloud with free downloads



    -Lets super fan direct his video

    -Shares favorite songs + conspiracy theories 

    -Listens to fans and tells Bleep to change it so that if you order any physical copies of his shit a FLAC download is included at no charge, retroactively even

    -Releases a bunch of exclusive vinyls at festivals

    -Had a few WATMMers in his set lists

    -Aphex store opens with remastered SC tracks plus shit you've never heard before like all the bonus Tuss tracks

    -Helps design the korg monologue

    -Probably handed out king size candy bars on Halloween


    and these hoes have the audacity to call the gawd stingy?




    Thanks for the insight on Strange Poet. Also, unrelated to this album but can we expect more Trackermatte material, or any other aliases or collabs in the near future?

    No trackermatte planned or being worked at currently. It's a frame of mind sort of thing. Trackermatte is a lot of (only) computer work and that's not inspiring atm. It's easier to combine RS stuff with other non-music aspects of life as I can take little synths with me and work from anywhere. There are some collabs in progress, however. Not sure how and when they might materialize, but it's good and with awesome people :)



    ove the Trackermatte stuff but that makes sense, why force yourself to create something when your current inspirations lie elsewhere. Collabs, plural, has got me hyped. I would start speculating but you've been involved in creating so much for so many labels (Occult Research, Love Love, 030303, Analogical Force, Caoutchou, Tektosag, did I name them all?...jesus man) with so many other talented musicians that it's just overload.  I can only imagine how crazy some shit with qebrµs would sound. I don't even know if that could "work", but holy shit that would be interesting to hear.

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