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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan


    Speed 9/10 I was a young buck when this came out and remember falling head over heels in love with Sandra Bullock. In retrospect still one of the best action films of the 90s, so enjoyable, though the dialogue remains sub cheese. 




    Haven't seen it in years but it was an awesome action movie at the time. Thought this was funny



  2. Perhaps optimistically I choose to believe it was named a la "chink in one's armor" but idk


    he actually did say the word has different meanings in the soundcloud comment section of that track. But damn, that melody... 




    Yeah, let's celebrate music more and make racist comments less.




    Have to admit, I was a little surprised to hear him play this in his Fuji Rock set



    to his credit he did change its name to clissold 101[dat28 otari] 48k 

  4. 45 tracks?!



    probably 40-60 seconds long on average. These are just the syrobonkers tracks right? 


    Anyways, cool collectors item but if it's that I don't have any desire to go back and give it another listen really. Good for you if it's your thing though (Ivan Ooze) and lol @ the poor casuals in Japan that buy this never having heard those nqz tracks. They're in for a real treat.

  5. under-the-shadow-1200x520.jpg


    Under the Shadow, an Iranian horror flick. It's based in the 80's during the Iran-Iraq war and does a good job of making you feel sympathetic towards the Mother whose career as a doctor, standing in society as a woman and family are all being undermined by the political climate at the time. Unfortunately for her, all the fear and torment she's facing is exacerbated by the supposed arrival of something else in her life. Low budget and outside of a couple of forgivable CGI sequences this actually did a really good job at building suspense and genuinely creeped me out more so than the babadook which people seemed to enjoy (thought it was decent). Really enjoyed this one.



  6. My fav moment is when the melody from T13 Quadraverb, which has been knocking around since SC 2014, comes out in T16 MADMA! I did not expect that. 





    seven hells... 


    it's true, my two favorite tracks off of this were bound by sound (the melody at the end of Quadraverb) this whole time and I never realized it until after reading your post. 

  7. reordered CCAI pt2 and ODJS even though I bought physicals for both. Fuck it. Plus pretend analogue demands a ODJS re-up anyways and that new midi pipe song is also great. The only purchase I made that seemed a little steep was the Korg Trax + Tunings, it actually costs more than the previously mentioned albums. Come to daddy re-up is next on the agenda.

  8. Just bought KORG 1B and I was charged and can't download...WTF???  The page just greys out and shows 4 blinking dots and no download.  keep retrying with no luck.



    exactly what happens to me with End E2


    Hey BLEEP, if you see a powder blue '65 Impala rolling up on HQ with oslo 2 +6.1 blaring out the speakers in the near future that's us. Give us our shit.



    Oh my god, so much stuff to check out, so little time. Since I have a long drive ahead of me in less than six hours I will just have to settle on "end E2" a couple more times, so goood!


    Also this comment on Syro:


    Got more alternative takes if anyones is interested? ill upload them.


    Fuck yes I'm interested!

    LOL if anyone is interested ? yeah a few of us might be.



    Someone comment yes on this please.


    Also note the alternative Syro art, with a breakdown of his FB followers.



    Last I checked there were at least 4 of us saying we were "mildly interested" in what else he has to offer, self included.

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