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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan


    For whatever strange reason I've been on a Kung Fu kick for the past couple of months, and after rewatching the Raid and Raid 2 I was excited to see my dude Iko in the Netflix 'just added' section




    there's some good fight scenes and ultraviolence here but sadly the ending wasn't like either of the Raids as it went out on more of a fizzle than a bang. Thankfully there's plenty of fireworks in other scenes to make up for it.


    Weird, I've just rewatched both Raid movies and I recently watched Headshot. Man, what a long movie. It really wasn't worth it.



    I watched it in two sittings which may have helped. The story wasn't great, but it was worth it for the police station segment alone, 

  2. For whatever strange reason I've been on a Kung Fu kick for the past couple of months, and after rewatching the Raid and Raid 2 I was excited to see my dude Iko in the Netflix 'just added' section




    there's some good fight scenes and ultraviolence here but sadly the ending wasn't like either of the Raids as it went out on more of a fizzle than a bang. Thankfully there's plenty of fireworks in other scenes to make up for it.

  3. The Wolfenstein and Days Gone showings were pretty dope but goddamn Nazis and Zombies are exhausted in the video game/cinema world. I'm actually excited for The Evil Within 2, the first one had some issues with like the acting and the graphics, neither of which were mind-blowing, but it was a fun game with a good upgrade system that added some interesting elements to the survival horror genre when the lackluster RE6 was out and the hope for Silent Hill was dying. It was my favorite trailer of E3.

    As far as Sony is concerned Spiderman looks like it has potential as does Detroit.



    Don't own an XBOX but Cuphead and The Last Night are beautiful to look at, which is a breath of fresh air considering apparently every game on PS4 right now wants to be third person with the camera positioned 8 feet away from the character that occupies the lower left side of the screen with a dark filter (God of War, Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted, everything else). 


    The Mario Odyssey reveal let me know what it must feel like to be Rubin Farr for a little while. I wasn't excited about new donk city but after watching some actual gameplay it looks like a ton of fun, being able to possess other characters and jump back into 2d to scale up a tower only to seamlessly transition back into the colorful 3D world looked amazing, in my opinion that was the highlight of E3.


    As far as PSVR is concerned the only game I'm really looking forward to is Moss. Platformers in VR look incredible. It's anybody's guess as to how Inpatient will be, Supermassive succeeded last time out with Until Dawn: Rush of Blood so I'm guessing whatever it is it will be fun.


    Damn, he played Death Fuck

    and w32.mydoom.au@mm?





    Lo! thats my recording from the LAST FF afx played at!...


    meanwhile in 2017....


    My take on FF  vs FD


    Visuals - well the Barn at FD was obviously indoor so the contained smoke/darkness showed off the lasers more, no surprise there. The displays and general graphics were the same though - i really got lost in the color schemes - excellent!


    Crowd - as usual, more agro at the irish gig   - younger/drunker. Afx works best in ireland at his own shows in indoor venues. Its a pain to navigate through the messy festival crowd but once you're at the gig itself you're usually immersed in like-minded folks. I only go to irish festivals if they're tiny or afx is playing.


    Set -  much more even than FD which was very disjointed and abstract for most of it. Im not complaining, just different vibes and each differently enjoyable and very welcome. I can't wait to hear the recordings now  and get lost in them again in a  different way. I recorded all of FF on my ipod but doubt its that usable - i will see later. Man AFX loves those squarepusher unreleased tracks!


    Sound: slightly better at FF i thought with some odd moments at FD like Lisbon acid having the drums quiet - can't imagine it was on purpose but maybe



    ahh shit. my bad. nice upload though.


    i dont see why he would not use computers for composing, effect modulation and so on.  Especially vst´s like the Eventide H3000 must be much handier and faster then the analog version.

    Basically this, I'm not sure if he's still an analog elitist like he was (or pretended to be) 11 or 12 years ago but even then there were obvious advantages to at least some digital workflow. I don't own any hardware because of the price of admission as well as DAWs and plugins being so good these days, but I'm not going to criticize someone for using it because the workflow works for them. Whatever sounds good is good. But he may have just been taking the piss.




    Yeah, if you have the money for all that stuff then more power to you. I think Richard is big on methodology, a big part of his music lately is probably trying to meet the challenge of manipulating different pieces of gear that have their own limitations and strengths. Supposedly the Cheetah gear he was working with was notoriously difficult master, and he said on SC that CCAI pt.2 was not easy at all to create. If that SYRO gear list is to believed, and I think it is, it's probably the unique presets and constant need to learn different gear that keeps him sharp as fuck and still evolving as a musician as opposed to someone that has just been churning out slightly different versions of the same album. Not that that's a bad approach either, some people like to refine a certain sound they're chasing. Richard, on the other hand, is one of the few people in music that can pursue styles that are completely different sounding with mastery. Can't wait for whatever this countdown brings, hopefully it's a new album and has elements of what we heard on the field day LP. 

  6. Apparently Tekken has VR mode, although it just sounds like a side view where you control your fighter. Not sure if that would be any good but I was pleasantly surprised at how awesome 3rd person platformers are in VR and assume this would be like sitting ringside at a fight between my dudes Yoshimitsu and King. Might need to buy another game...fuck. 


    Still playing F13 a lot, so fucking fun. If any of you have PS4 and wind up getting it later (I would wait for a sale and some patchwork) shoot me a pm. I want to see Jason killed in game at least once (the real way, no compliance), but it's gonna take some serious skills and teamwork to put that bitch down. 


  7. A5 is really beautiful little piano tune...love the muffled lofi quality. I wonder how it was recorded. To cassette, then copied between cassettes like 100 times?


    A5 is beautiful. The lofi quality really gives it a sentimental value as it reminds me of a cross between Slo Bird Whistle from the peel sessions and Aisatsana, agree with it sounding as though it was repeatedly re-recorded, although the bird songs sound like they're less muffled and higher fidelity, giving them a more lifelike presence in the track. Or maybe I'm just imagining that part. 

  8. Just got around to listening to these. While the DFN LP seemed like a couple long minimal jams on a new piece of gear, these are cool little tunes with quite a bit more variety. Good shit! A3 and A5 are my favorites upon first listen.


    A3 sounds like a menacing level from an NES game like Metroid or something. But super funky. Someone mentioned it sounds like a boss battle right? Spot on. Fucking love it! Can anyone pick out what drum machine is being used?


    A5 is really beautiful little piano tune...love the muffled lofi quality. I wonder how it was recorded. To cassette, then copied between cassettes like 100 times?







    but then Joyrex scrubbed the thread clean of any posts involving youtube links or pm requests, throwing the meme out with the bathwater.

  9. A1 and B3 are pretty wicked. A lot of it sounds old



    Yup. I love the way B3 makes my brain buzz when it seethes with those crackling, static rays. 


    my description may make it sound abrasive but it has the opposite effect somehow. The beat knocks nicely as well over that faint melody.


    There are quite a few bugs and the price point is pretty steep at this point ($40) for a game with only 3 maps and multiplayer (there all be a single player campaign sometime in the summer). 


    lol what the fuck, I've been seeing a lot about the server issues and bugs, and had automatically assumed it was an Early Access title.


    With your description, it even sounds like an Early Access title.


    But it's not. They're actually asking full price for this. lol.




    There are still a lot of kinks they got to work out, and yeah, $40 is asking a lot for some people especially considering it's also light on content. Even with all those faults, which are undeniably big, I'm still enjoying the shit out of it. I would take this over a AAA fps any day at this point. Still though, steer clear especially if you were considering playing on xbox, as apparently there are STILL people that haven't even played a full game yet and this shit was released on the 26th.

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