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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan

  1. Friday the 13th



    My first step into an asymmetrical multiplayer survival horror game. Having a lot of fun so far. There are quite a few bugs and the price point is pretty steep at this point ($40) for a game with only 3 maps and multiplayer (there all be a single player campaign sometime in the summer). Despite all that there's awesome potential here for F13 and future games of a similar ilk. Now, if only they could get this for VR...

  2. Farpoint


    bought it in a bundle with an Aim controller 






    a lot of fun, and I still get freaked out when one of the space arachnids jumps from 25 feet away directly on to my face. Also, despite the decreased resolution that comes with VR one multiple occasions I've just stood on the edge of a cliff and looked up into the sky to see the stars. irregular shaped moon,etc. The aim controller is incredible, and extremely responsive. It feels so good to close one eye and actually sight down the barrel while picking off the enemy as the gun rumbles in your hand, or throwing the rifle over your shoulder and coming back down with a shotgun in your hand instead. The dual joysticks and familiar layout of all the buttons is a major plus, as within a couple minutes I figured out how to do everything required with ease. 

  3. Stranger sounding Rolando just got posted on his SC

    I don't know why but I hope this means he's stylistically going down this rabbit hole, I'd love to hear some more eerie and surreal sounding stuff. Not that I don't love his music already, but this is giving me some Aggon Magic vibes and I'm hoping there;s yet another side to Matthias we haven't fully encountered yet.


    also, he unearthed some more Trackermatte tracks on that account as well. Just re-listened to Ná a few times recently. easily one of, if not the, best braindance albums from last year. 

  4. Bazilleon is good as hell, but Baklava was even a step up from that. As far as this being Señor Östling? Nah. I can't hear it. If it is then holy shit that's impressive that he was able to flip his style so much. He definitely has the versatility and talent to make another alias if he wants to, and I would love to hear it, but I don't think this is it.

  5. Seen both and enjoyed both but enjoyed both Raids more than either. Chocolate was another one I really enjoyed. Speaking of the Protector (not starring Tony Jaa), since I was on a kung fu kick when I bought the raid collection I bought an 8 film collection of Jackie Chan films off amazon for $4. Since it had Police Story 1 and 2 included it was an instant buy for me. One of the films in the 8 was called the protector, which I had never seen before and was surprisingly good despite being incredibly dated. I guess when it comes to martial arts flicks I put stunts and fight scenes before storylines, which is why Chan is my favorite. In his prime, knowing everything he did and all the injuries he suffered to give the viewer authentic action is why I will always hold him in the highest regard.


  6. Broke down and bought The Raid collection on blu-ray after waiting for the Raid 2 to appear on Netflix. Even more brutal than the first and the best martial arts action flick I've seen since the original Ong Bak. 



    Thank you Indonesia/10

  7. thumper was by far the biggest disappointment last year. What a piece of shit game that doesn't even test musical rhythm like it purported to do. Billed itself as "cool, alien, industrial amplitude" and instead it was about 1000x less fun that the new amplitude, even considering how bad harmonix fucked up the music



    you already posted this but no, it's actually a really fun game.

  8. selling off the Switch. 100hrs into Zelda and can't be arsed to continue tbh...

    it was good but I don't play games regularly and seem to have low tolerance for a fatigue that always sets in.


    like when games are kinda complex, all the pretty art etc is like a veil that thins away as you progress... what remains is pure mechanics. Then you feel like a robot trying to work the mechanics as efficiently as possible, more or less.


    guess not all people experience this.. wanna know more about it, probably someone has written a book. Dunno? When googling, all that come up are threads about open-world fatigue in games.. but all from a gamers perspective. Guess it's especially something in open world games but not only there.



    Have you messed around with VR at all yet? It has completely restored my excitement for video games, and since it's such a new platform there are a ton of different ideas and games out there or in development to keep things feeling fresh. 

  9. DIRT Rally VR


    Never been a simracer guy and it shows, as I've gone plummeting off cliffs into the treeline dozens of times already. For me it's a mixture of some really thrilling and rewarding moments in the form of pulling off near-death turns after hitting jumps on the icy roads of Sweden mixed with the extreme frustration and disappointment of trying to crack in to the top 5 of some stupid race around a simple track in clown cars. I've already considered pulling the trigger and just buying a wheel and pedal set but that's a no-go right now, as it's a $200 dollar investment I just can't afford atm. Any of you lot really into this sort of stuff? I'm not sure if the wheel would be worth it but it sounds like an awesome immersive experience.

  10. Is RE7 standalone enough that I could jump in without having played 5-6, and not clearly remembering 4?... TBH I never was big into the RE lore, but this game looks like a proper horror game and I'm curious to give it a try.



    Yeah, the storyline isn't as prevalent or convoluted as it was in previous RE games (never played 6). The main protagonist is not a part of S.T.A.R.S or Umbrella or anything like that, you're basically just a guy who goes out looking for his wife who went missing years ago and is in the dark as to what's actually going on. Later in the game some of the lore comes into play but I really didn't even care for it that much tbh, it's the constant suspense and creepy characters that keep you engrossed. And dude, try to find a way to play this in VR if you don't have it already.


    according to this guy his next album draws influence from Aphex Twin and Autechre, although this particular song to me this sounds way more akin to Phillip Glass. A really soothing and hypnotic track on an instrument that generally annoys me for some reason.


    Finally beat Resident Evil 7 after playing it entirely in PSVR.


    I never want to play standard video games ever again.

    did you play Banned Footage?




    I played a few waves of Nightmare which is fun, and a little bit of bedroom, which was creepy. I would have bought the standard RE7 but there was only one place that actually had a physical copy near my city and it was the deluxe edition with a code for the season pass. I can't really say right now whether or not it's worth the extra $30.


    also, I just downloaded the free VR playroom thing and holy shit, Robot Rescue was pure joy, I got the same feeling I had playing Mario 64 on N64 for the first time ever when i was a kid. I hate trying to show videos because it really doesn't do it justice unless you have a headset on. Apparently a few of the games in there were made by only one or two guys which is nuts.



    I would definitely buy something like a Crash Bandicoot or Spyro or some other shit I thought I outgrew long ago if it is as fun as this is. Platformers in VR have serious potential. 





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