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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan

  1. Those three are up there, just click on the number 190 on his page and it will reveal the songs that for one reason or another don't show up on his main profile.



    On the topic of comments I just came across this.

    EARL @earlxsweat

    Aphex Twin Soundcloud is a good source of endless heat / noise

    Wouldn't be surprised if I heard some of User 483297149139134207's jams being sampled in the future since it's kind of uh, open to the public or something right now.

  2. I read allot of you raving about how superb this collection of 'unrealised' works from AFX is, but a large portion of the SC tracks aren't that great imo. Some of them are amazing, but to me it's just a handful of them. There are many good tracks, but there are also allot that make me go "meh...whatever"


    However, I consider all these tracks as a whole are an amazing insight into his creative process. Even the tracks I don't really like, collectively have given me so much insight in the way he experiments with music. That's what is so valuable, not to mention inspirational about this SC dump, but I can definitly see why he might consider allot of these to not be release worthy in a proper sense.


    Yeah, basically. Still amazing however, and AFX B-Sides > most everyone else's A-Sides.

  3. Aside from the musical aspect of all of this, I think what's also incredible about the SC gift is that it's yet another thing RDJ has done that is soooo beyond the norm and separates him from of any of his contemporaries....I don't know of ANY acclaimed and professinal artist (let alone a Grammy winner) that has given away around 200 songs (many of them easily releasable or even classics) for free. I equally admired his game changing videos with Chris C (that somehow even made it on MTV) or the balls to name his remix collection "26 Remixes for Cash" etc etc etc and again that's untop of how unique and multifaceted his music is. RDJ is breaking boundaries left and right. Having said that, perhaps the most shocking thing of them all is that he is shedding a bit of light on his personal side, something I think we all never expected, through his comments on SC. Even this is unique. He's skipping journalists and even conventional social media, to chat with his fans exclusively via SC. wtf


    Well said.



    Since the sleeper has awakened, again, I wonder if µ-ziq is going to continue to upload as well. Mike was uploading like nobody's business until he started to approach Richard's amount of songs and took his foot off the gas.


    ^ I think the term "musical genius" is heavily overused but I really do believe Richard can be mentioned alongside the likes of Mozart or Beethoven. He's the Isaac Newton of electronic music imo.




    Damn near 200 free, previously unreleased tracks being uploaded by one of the greatest minds in music.


    Richard D. James is


    as fuck








    Yeah. In my opinion, he is kinda the mozart or beethoven of electronic imo...

    But there are lots of GREAT other electronic artists out there 2. ;) I have many favorites.


    Allot. He is one of them. Somewhere at the top. (imo..)


    Im digging these new tracks. Cant decide which i like the most...

    But i will just melt this new tracks. ;) Take them in...

    Digest. Loving this. All of this music. What a kind gift. Lets send flowers! Just kidding. ;) Start a kickstarter and send a thousand flowers.



    *Aphex twin received 100 000 flowers from fans." (And limited editions of all his favorite vinyl records.) Or something like that..


    Nah, im overtired. Rambling. But i really dig these new tracks and all. Im thankful.


    Peace out



    Avatar/suggestion combo

  5. ^ I think the term "musical genius" is heavily overused but I really do believe Richard can be mentioned alongside the likes of Mozart or Beethoven. He's the Isaac Newton of electronic music imo.




    Damn near 200 free, previously unreleased tracks being uploaded by one of the greatest minds in music.


    Richard D. James is


    as fuck







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