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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan

  1. To his credit at least they weren't polaroids. He's also entitled to countless hours of free music, let's not forget that. Richard's to blame for forcing him to sit through the whole shebang and not solely providing certified-bangers​™. Or maybe dude is just playing it safe and bringing the #backlash in response to the recent praise the gawd has received from rival media sources?



    On a serious note, perhaps he just genuinely doesn't enjoy it. In which case lol @ willingly sitting through hours of punishment. If he was assigned this task (don't think that's how this thing works) then I can kinda feel for the guy. But really, doing journalism on something and then essentially turning the entire write up into how you feel seems both unprofessional and self-centered. Dude certainly has the skills and the time to offer some valid criticism of the music but basically just started whining and feeling sorry for himself instead. Try harder, guy. You're better than that.



    I'm not anti-vice either. Vice still does some good work imo, but they've been kinda falling off lately. Hopefully they can get back to where they were a few years back.






    He's actually made a body of quality work so large and varied that you could listen to it on repeat for years and still not get bored.





    it is pretty sick. I'm going through everything again, trying make a digestible playlist for myself just from the sound cloud stuff and it's quite difficult. i almost can't cut anything out from yesterday alone. plus if he adds more...well, fuck...




    u serious? theres 8 trax maximum I want to relisten again from the last dump.

    and from the 150 trax, maybe 30 trax.

    His released material is of much better quality overall.



    I'm quite serious





    Yeah, I've got quite a bit on my playlist as well. 45 from the 110, but also have the same issue with the last 40 tracks. Not a lot of catch and release going on with those tracks. Too many keepers.

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