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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan



    What if RDJ is terminally ill and this dump is his last tittle gift to the world before his imminent demise.


    Jesus christ dude get a fucking grip


    Sorry mate, I'm just paranoid like that. Before Syro's announcement I had a recurring fear that RDJ was planning a come-back, only to die in a traffic accident right before he could launch it. :cry:



  2. This has been an awesome experience but I'm definitely starting to feel the totally unjustified sense of entitlement lately. Getting my jimmies rustled when I don't wake up to new tracks being uploaded, getting all specific with what era of Aphex Twin should be uploaded more, and now essentially suggesting that µ-Ziq gets in on this utterly ridiculous trend for my own selfish enjoyment (better be flac or at least 320 too brah or I ain't messing with it).







    Might be time to sit back, take a deep breath, and just totally punch myself right in the fucking face.

  3. Awesome read and track. Thanks. I'm curious though, as I don't know when you were interviewed for this




    I recognise several of these later (post-’92) tracks from what he’s uploaded. I remember loads more which I wish he would, although the rate he’s going, they’ll probably be up there soon too.


    did you hear anymore of those tracks or did you give your answer fairly recently?

  4. Nice one, man. I love that song.


    As far as the video is concerned you can just copy and paste the link in your post as it is. It takes care of itself from there. If you hit 'more reply options' you should get a preview of your post to confirm whether or not things are working out for you.

  5. I've seen most of these so +1 on jynweythek (japan bonus track), coma lilies, Flim guitar, and AWS.


    Never saw the dutch stuff( prep gwarlek was cool), Windowlicker jam was nice. Thought the Vordhosbn cover was gonna be really shitty at first, but then I had a change of heart




    A couple more for the hell of it. Judging by the view count you've probably already seen this but if not and you enjoyed Rushup I Bank 12 it's worth a look imo.



    and Acrid Avid Jam Shred just because



  6. i can't stand listening to alarm will sound's covers just cuz of them getting "richard" "yeah?" wrong on 4


    Jesus. That's a bit extreme. I could see that one song irking you as a result but the whole album? lol. Can't lie though, I thought it was "That was good" "yeah" for years.

  7. In addition to the Alarm Will Sound album which I'll listen to once in blue moon, the following videos are my favorite covers I've encountered on youtube. What are yours?



    Xtal acoustic cover



    Rushup I Bank 12 Drum Cover


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