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Everything posted by CroydonCaptainJack

  1. Did he take the tracks down as he got nominated for the Brit award? I guess it was a coincidence.
  2. Just going back to that post about Rough Beat Tune. I listened to it on the way out tonight and it is awesome. However, I have just listened to Avid Acrid Jam Shred a couple of times and that is just sublime. Still my favourite RDJ track of all time. Simply the best track ever. That's all really.
  3. Probably mentioned thousands of times before but yeah, the XMAS_EVE bit in the track sure is interesting. Can’t remember how old Bradley's Echoes (or fLutterwave) is but the said bit surely took some time to eventually find its way to SYRO. Yup it’s fascinating to notice how Rich has developed some of his ideas and tried out some of those in different songs. Like the similarities between the drum fills in 34.5 P.E and RANDOM FX. Now that the show is over, I could say that my favorite is still Rough Beat Tune like it has been from the point I heard it first time. Other honorable mentions go to afx[rough mix], afx origTheme, Martin’s Car LPF, Mooow, MTG powerpill, Octave Nob, Ibiza Spliff and fooooking rogphlange 1[braiNfLOSS 2] <- ooh how dirty. Yet the most special piece is Utopia - not necessarily the best track of the bunch but that’s the track that started it all. I remember NI64 pointing out that Rough Beat Tune sounds like a twin to Acrid Avid Jam Shred and can’t do but agree on that; they flow perfectly together. Would’ve been sweet if it had ended on ICBYD. And while I’m on it, Sekonda would have been a perfect last track of the album. It’s like a love child of Icct Hedral and Next Heap With. Yet there are bunch of tracks which I can’t really pinpoint under a certain album or alias. It’s one of those great little things which make the soundcloud experiment so great; hearing a totally new and never heard side of Aphex. I’d owe a huge apology to Rich ‘cause before I saw how cool he was with the fans, I thought he was kinda arrogant and cocky person who didn’t really appreciate the fanboys. Or at least that was the picture I got from the magazine interviews. On the other hand he seemed a mellow dude on the radio and tv interviews. Anyway it was nice to see that Rich actually do appreciate people who like his tunes. Now I don’t anymore have to feel like a total ass for investing some money to his music. It hasn’t really prevented me from enjoying Aphex but still…. Thanks again Rich! (sorry for the mammoth post, maybe I should start a blog) Nice post mate.
  4. Why would you suggest killing the thread. We will be talking about this for years.
  5. He seemed to really enjoy engaging with us on that youchoob track. Seems odd to me that he would end it all.
  6. That's because the comments missing are attached to his own tracks that have now gone.
  7. To be honest I have refrained from any political comments on here for that reason but I think if he is going to say what some might perceive to be controversial stuff there is bound to be people including fans of his that won't agree and will say so.
  8. Anyone else showing 269 tracks but when you click on it, it only shows the nine? Edit - back to showing only nine now.
  9. Are any of these tracks back up different to the original ones?
  10. I would be genuinely surprised if he is throwing his toys out of the pram. If you post opinions like he did then you are bound to get a reaction from people who don't agree with it. I don't think that would have surprised or particularly bothered him and I doobt he would have taken all the tracks down for that. It would not seem consistent with how he has been engaging and seemingly enjoying the soundcloud experience. He knows how appreiciated it has been by all of us and I don't think he would do that to spite a few so the majority suffer. I think it is likely this is temporary and they will be back. Perhaps we should keep a look out for any new soundcloud accounts that appear!!
  11. I get the impression ge was really enjoying the interaction on soundcloud, especially the uchoob track. I'll 've surprised if ges permanently taken them all down.
  12. Its because the Mecury winner is announced tonight I would imagine.
  13. I am loving it that he is a new order fan as well as being influenced by a lot of early Chicago House. Even more of a top bloke than I thought he was.
  14. Sounds Bradley Strideresque.... So that could put in the '92-'94 range? Some of the drum sounds seem SAWesque as well. afx should probably make it a bit clearer it's just a remix of the track i linked a few posts up :p Yes, I agree although the convaluted title give us a clue. It reminded me of that Liz Torres track I posted a few posts above yours.
  15. I don't want to sound ungrateful but I don't like these modular tracks at all. Hope he puts some proper (my definition) tracks up as well.
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