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Posts posted by bendish

  1. “Every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here and what is your death count? Sixteen people, versus in the thousands,” Trump said. “You can be very proud. Sixteen versus literally thousands of people.”

  2. A comment from the gurdian:


    One nutter in one night has killed ten times more Americans in 30 mins than "terrorists" have killed in a decade, a decade in which more than 300,000 Americans have been killed by the guns they love. 

    Obviously banning Islam and travel bans are just what is needed to keep America safe.

    If ISIS wants to be more effective, they simply need to donate more dollars to the NRA and then sit back and watch the show.

  3. Is there such a thing?


    Are there any particular hallmarks of style that are required or is it just some niche slice of a more general electronic music subculture?


    Is IDM or electronic music culture ever subversive or essentially, because of links with technology (synths, drum machines, daws) just part of the mainstream commercial music industry? The spectrum from making music for car ad music to diy electronics noise makers. 


    I don't really know what I'm asking tbh


    Humour me.



  4. i tip everywhere. taxis, fast food, restaurants. not shops though. while it doesnt suprise me that eugene doesnt, lots of people dont enjoy being an arsehole. 


    interesting that cheffing doesnt cut the mustard when it comes to your standards of what an acceptable job is aswell. 


    If they paid people a living wage there would be no need. So for now if service is genuine i'll tip.


    on the series tip..big little lies is terrible



    Neo-Nazi dipshit harassing people on bus gets a taste of vigilante justice: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/antifascists-used-twitter-to-find-a-neo-nazi-walking-around?utm_term=.cxlDe9jary#.wwDxKrA6zd


    Unfortunately it appears the YT clip already got taken down. But still...proud of Seattle today.

    Video works for me. Talk shit get hit. So proud of my city.







    Seattle police said there is not an investigation underway because no one reported a crime.

    f l o l



    lol nice



    i honestly think most of thee people have real issues...their nazi personas are just symptoms of their messed up lives

  6. I don't like the Clintons at all but people should listen to her view. Yea she is defensive and unable to take responsibility but on many counts shes right. The whole system is sexist as f. The electoral college is a broken system. Russia did do whatever they could to disrupt. Kim is more of a rational actor than Trump. Trump does not have a clue - he is racist, misogynist, homophobic etc etc. The white house is incompetent. His supporters are either stupid or just loathsome humans. 

  7. finished the leftovers. i've never seen a show that had so many great episodes of television with so many horrible moments in them. there's a sound design thing on this show, where like a rush of noise will build and then there's a hard cut to near silence. they do this over and over until it becomes parody. and the score made me never want to hear max richter again. and i felt the last episode was classic lindelof, with the penultimate ep teasing some ideas that never really get resolved and then the final concluding with an (extremely moving and well acted) monologue that felt like it should have been an entire episode. and yet, i loved this show. basically a premium cable version of lost with better acting, writing and direction. weird to think the woman who directed deep impact helmed like half the episodes of this show but hey, whatever works.


    Max Richter was best when his music had that narrative space for your imagination....especially with pepperings of novels that worked well to enrich the score-like quality of his albums....when placed over adverts or films or tv series...the music just becomes sentimental emotive sap....a shame cause i have many a memory of walking dark streets of london with him as soundtrack of the gloom...

  8. The point of the lawsuit was to force Trump to end daca immediately, sessions was not going to defend daca in court anyways (and like I said before daca was presidential overreach,it would've lost the lawsuit)


    What Trump did was give Congress a chance to legalize daca so it's protected from lawsuits and it can stand a chance in court if challenged


    And by the way I'm not the only one that feels this way, most of the dreamers are happy with this, it was the best case scenario


    I hate Trump as much as the next guy but he made the compassionate decision here believe me.


    Compassion requires giving a shit....the only thing he cares about is himself and how he appears in the mirror of his delusions.

    It's a political decision.

    As usual its divisive...intentionally....signal to base...a cheap attempt to remove himself from responsibility and blame congress if things don't go smoothly while congratulating himself if they go well, whatever well is....it will divide republicans like health care and everything else he's attempted....

    Dreamers will have 6 months waiting to see if their game is up. 

    This all happening at the beginning of the leg year where they have a million other things to f up as well.

  9. i barely finished its first episode, it's just so dull, turgid and cliched. it really pales in comparison to silicon valley which kinda deals with the same stuff, but in much more fun, clever and vigorous way. take for example that ultra-hot and ultra-smart punk/goth/gamer/engineer/whatever girl that gets established as a main character in the first episode, it's just so stupid, it's borderline angelina jolie from 1995's hackers but without a hint of self awareness of its cheese. or that montage of american psycho guy ruining his apartment by hitting baseballs everywhere and looking all determined and serous with some 80's post punk song with overly literal lyrics for the scenes as a background, i mean come on.

    SV deals with both "women in hi-tech" issue and with this wild and often misguided entrepreneurial ambition (in the form of bachman, for example) in a much more fun and ridiculous but nevertheless more illuminating way.


    Yes the riot girl is beyond cliche and so is the damaged patrick bateman dude...and the family man just trying to make his techy mark on the world...

    and the nerd groups and their geek speak

    and the battle versus corporate establishment 

    ill give it a chance though

    silicon valley is great...although it felt like it always had those tying up and making everything right endings and turns....and someone always just has a moment of blinding light innovation where the boys get back on top....funny though which is the point i guess

    reckon they need more gamer gate parody shit in it

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