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Posts posted by bendish

  1. Trump must be suffering from some degenerative brain disease. And the spineless reporters just accepts any babble he spews forth and moves on without putting that cheeto on the spot with follow up questions. I guess keeping that WH access more important than doing your actual fucking job as the fourth estate.

    The amount of lies and overall BS this administration keeps churning out has been immense, yet it's all met with a shrug like it's normal. What the fuck is wrong with the world?!


    One thing the Trump election has shown is that the political system is severely broken in the US and the founders of the country had no idea what kind of morons could get elected when there are plenty of things in the system that are based on good faith and decorum and not codified in any laws or procedures. Whoops.


    There will always be a third of the electorate that would still support Trump, even if he started to eat his own shit at the podium. But what about the other two thirds. Get your shit together and do something about it. Or is this a lost cause and the great American experiment will fall into a shambles sooner rather than later


    I want to add some hope to this...but i cant...cause yes its so f'd...so pitifully shit. Everyday disbelief at the stupidity of it. 


    Wathced the great Louis Theroux and his new documentry on Milwaukee Gun crime last night. Absolute bonkers.


    i tried to watch the tri-state one on opiates in West Virginia, Ohio et al, but it was relentlessly grim & had to bail after 25mins-ish, summat about needles/sharps and puncture marks down arms reminds me too much of olde school friends who descended into that pit of heroin addiction


    wish he would do summat on UK issues instead of the proverbial "check out how fkd up things are across the pond", because it abstracts the issues by framing them as US-centric problems

    Good point.totally agree. It's U.S voyeurism when we have similar terrible shit right here.


    feeling that admitting you were wrong is more embarrassing and humiliating than continuing to believe absolute crap



    and straight up lies are accepted. 


    so, the trump vs the congresswoman about the phonecall... the call came when they were in the car.. on the way to view the arrival of the body.. the call was put on speakerphone.. everyone in the car heard the call. 


    the congresswoman.. the goofy one who wears the big hats.. she had known the soldier personally for like 12 years or something nad met him through some program she started that helps at risk kids or something.. the family had invited her to come along to view the body as it arrived w/all the military respects adn flag on teh coffin etc.. 


    but media not really reporting the whole story widely.. 


    also, this latest controversy that she apparently said something at the groundbreaking of the FBI building is also just a lie.. miami herald dug up the video and she says nothing disrespectful.. media asked the question to huckabee sanders fucktard in the press briefing.. she says "oh it wasn't on mic.. it was something she said to someone she was talking to and was overheard" this groundbreaking ceremony was 5 years ago.. wtf.. these poeple just make shit up.. 



    wheres the source on this? i.e. hat ladys relationship with soldier


    Is there ANY examples of die-hard Trump supporters now realizing what they have done and regretting the shit out of it AND trying to turn their former fanboys?


    Or is the human mind just not capable of such clarity?

    I saw one of these focus group type segments on CNN, where a Southern white female voter over 65 came to the realization on camera (after some education from the moderator) that she might have voted herseld out of healthcare coverage. It's sad so see someone of probly high school level education taken advantage of like that by a billionaire who shits in a golden toilet, but the Bible Belt blue collar white voters consistently vote against their own interests.



    but we can understand why someone voted for tump...he lied...told people what they wanted to hear....roused the crowds...and then there was hilary..seen as corrupt continuation of entrenched elite...many mcs pissed with obama for raising their premiums....wcs pissed that factories getting taken out of country...while trump says hell stop them....comey....etc....its stupid...but it makes sense

  5. I reckon it's things like this that end him rather than some big crime. People (even the dumb fs) will begin to see or at least have to accept. He actually thinks that money solves problems. Just like Weinstein, oreilly and all the other cs. If i were the fam I'd burn it on fb live. Or donate it to planned parenthood or Greenpeace.

  6. Where the fuck did this idiot go to school, I mean he went to college correct?  TV networks don't even have broadcast licenses, individual stations do, and most are affiliates with independent owners, plus the FCC handles broadcast licensing.  Goddamn, someone hand him a manual on being President or sumthin.  Maybe they make a Little Golden Book for it with big pictures?




    What matters is not whether he's referencing anything in reality but whether he is signalling something ideologically (ideology in the loosest possible sense i.e. his ideology is himself). In this case, gaslighting confidence in 'mainstream' media thereby undermining all the true stories that talk about and report his ineptitude. If it's against me it can't be true etc



    Identity politics is often misunderstood imo. For example yea police brutality against black people....removing birth control from the insurance of millions of women....Dakota Access pipeline...transgender out of the military....DACA...Charlottesville...


    That said someone said i was mansplaining the other day because I had an alternative opinion...and I finally understood why people get so pissed off about it...ultimately they get pissed off when it gets used by vacuous liberal narcissists...and then inverted and regurgitated by some white supremacist nra maga imbecile...


    I agree with all that. Speaking of higher dimensional political planes, I find myself not relating to identity politics in general, which both the staunch conservatives and liberals can't seem to get enough of these days. It's one thing to protest disproportionate police brutality, it's another to spout bullshit about nationalism on one side, and politically correct righteous indignation on the other.




    people do seem to disappear up their own asses and forget all about practical aspect of communication and evolving conversations and language. also.. the professionally outraged on the internet aren't doing society many/any favors.  the internet as a tool is double edged right? i mean.. it gives voice to people who are just discovering themselves and the world like college students etc and it comes off as a giant sludge of sameness. a hive mind saying the same mantras.. but i guess that's to be said of lot's of parts of culture/society.. and of course as a middle class middle aged white guy i shouldn't have an opinion.. ahem.. anyway.. the good parts of progressive politics get lost and caught up in seemingly petty battles instead of actual policy ideas and reform. but i think that's just because everyone is talking at the same time and the people actually doing things and making the world a bit better for people who need help are pretty busy doing stuff to affect change. 


    it'll be interesting to see where we are in 10 or 20 years w/that old chestnut of unintended consequences. 


    but maybe everything will just be on fire. 



    The internet and real life do often get confused dont they.

  8. Identity politics is often misunderstood imo. For example yea police brutality against black people....removing birth control from the insurance of millions of women....Dakota Access pipeline...transgender out of the military....DACA...Charlottesville...


    That said someone said i was mansplaining the other day because I had an alternative opinion...and I finally understood why people get so pissed off about it...ultimately they get pissed off when it gets used by vacuous liberal narcissists...and then inverted and regurgitated by some white supremacist nra maga imbecile...


    I agree with all that. Speaking of higher dimensional political planes, I find myself not relating to identity politics in general, which both the staunch conservatives and liberals can't seem to get enough of these days. It's one thing to protest disproportionate police brutality, it's another to spout bullshit about nationalism on one side, and politically correct righteous indignation on the other.

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