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Posts posted by bendish

  1. it's interesting to think that both net neutrality and deregulation / free markets are often presented as 'freedom' issues separately, and yet when deregulation is discussed with net neutrality it is framed as being problematic. so are we sort of exposing the idea that naive devotion to free markets creates a lot more problems than it solves? if you're going to tear up regulation, at least have something that replaces it that reflects our current knowledge, including public interest. it begs the question to suggest that private interest benefits the public, and bulldoze over any opposition without considering the facts. and yet this happens all the time when discussing any issue of deregulation "it's in the interest of the public because it's in the interest of the private sector. look! cheaper goods and services!" public oversight is good. whistleblowers are good. there are enough examples of large entities doing ghastly shit that defies human decency because apparently corporate personhood is a right up until the point where you need to actually think like a human. 


    guess we all assume the net will naturally become less of a hell scape 

  2. Got hooked on Mike Judge's Tales from the Tour Bus. I think you kinda have to be a fan of rock music history from the 20th Centiry to appreciate this, or the old Behind the Music series. George Jones vs. Tammy Wynette is the best one so far.


    Agree. Its excellent.


    So is Big Mouth...risky funny puberty mash up

  3. The most absurd part was connecting those papers into that "map" all over the house. Like...if you draw big black lines from one end of a page to another, and make like 1000 of them, you cab literally connect them in any way you want. How the fuck would you know which piece goes where?? Winona's running from room to room with a page that looks exactly the same as every other one like "This one goes.....here!" And the angles and shit are just so perfect that Bob just immediately gets it when he walks in haha.


    I dunno why that's the one thing that stuck out to me but fuck that's a ridiculous scene.

    Haha yes

  4. basically they watched a bunch of 80s kids movies like the goonies, stand by me and indiana jones....and then mashed these together with shitty 80s horror like house, it, gremlins, lost boys etc


    winona is still no 1 tho


    just so many moments of god this is garbage...those bits where the characters reconcile and talk it out...and the ginger girl and douche dickhead!!!!!! why

  5. And what comes out of washington. The White house in particular. It currently reminds me of the last days of Saddam Husseins regime. Sanders is the general giving an interview saying everything is allright, while you can hear the us tanks driving through bagdad in the background. The bullshit Sanders is forced to say, will become unmanageable sooner than later. This may sound unlikely, because there's been so much bullshit for so long, right?

    I think the difference here will be that it's going to be the same story from here on out. Forcing the white house to dig a hole so deep, they'll forget whats up or down in no time. Before this, they used to have some kind of control over the news cycles. After a week, the stories had been forgotten because newer stories pushed aside the old ones.

    The Mueller investigation will be a reverse of that template. Mueller will control the newscycles. Not Trump or the white house. And after each newscycle, the white house will likely dig itself deeper and deeper in their bullshit story. Without the ability to change the subject, their story will cave in on itself in dramatic ways. And it's going to be very public as well. Seeing that Trump likes to go for the attack in public. As we currently see with Sanders comments about these first indictments. I'm guessing Mueller might even try to get Trump to proverbally hang himself in public. Which is likely if they keep going like they currently are. (Read: anything besides "no comment" will create a deeper hole )


    Don't get your hopes up

  6. its really not good...first series way better cause for some weird reason it was fresh despite being a nostalgia fest


    the ginger new girl and her brother....urghh


    the chicago gang shit...



  7. the 80s nostalgia is starting to get on my nerves...i know thats the point but still...


    some of the adr and sound design is shit too


    i am however happy to waste 10 hours of my life watching the second series

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