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Posts posted by Psychotronic

  1. 30 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

    Even the walls are laughing at you, pathetic little human

    You are worthless, grow some arms, drink them

    In other words: Very cool textures and psychotic atmospheres, the reverbs suck you into a huge dark void with clouds of sizzling electronic artifacts, really immersive and spacious

    If you stare at wall for too long, words will appear. A message about your safety and all that you done wrong so far.  :psyduck:

    • Like 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, Braintree said:

    My friend's girlfriend is a nurse and she said they had to admit a woman into the ER as a level 1 trauma because she tied a machete to a door and fucked it.

    People are starting to lose their damn minds.

    Sanity is a myth, a mask every human being wears. I expect exactly that and more of it.

    • Farnsworth 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    Is Germany just getting this taste/smell info now? We've had that in the US for over a week now. Any more detail on the throat discomfort symptoms?

    My wife and I have been in self quarantine since March 10th and except for a few necessary outings, we've stayed in. No Covid symptoms ( that I'm aware of) but I've had an off/on throat irritation that feels a bit like the beginning of a cold that never really takes hold. 

    No, but there is a new study out of Iran that seems to confirm it, so they brought that info up again.

    It was news to me and i actually think that i already had that a few weeks ago. My throat discomfort felt like it wanted to clear my throat all the time but whatever was there, was to dry and sticky to come up. The teas and food that i had that time tasted awful. Like they where missing some part of their taste. The troat thing went away after a week, taste and smell came fully back after some weeks. I didn't make much of it and i'm basically locked in out of paranoia since mid February anyways. My nose also felt like it was numbed, a bit like it had a very light local anesthetic.

    5 minutes ago, auxien said:

    there have been personal experiences from people who had confirmed cases of COVID of the lack of taste/smell for at least a month, maybe more. dunno that there's ever been any hard science backing this up but nonetheless it seems a possible indicator. 

    lots of people just have mild issues in spring with throat/sinuses with the pollen everywhere, but that's likely something that happens every year to those people (dependent upon location of course) so not necessarily worth freaking out about ofc.

    I see. I had no sinus issues.

  4. There is information given right now in Germany that Covid-19 has a high chance of causing a temporary numbness in taste and smell. Very light cases could also be just that and maybe have a little bit of throat discomfort. The numbness is definitely noticeable. There was for example one women that couldn't smell the need to change diapers on her newborn anymore.


    If you any of you guys have that or notice that in the future, you should quarantine yourself for a bit.

  5. 2 hours ago, chim said:


    German finance minister found dead by suicide. Also left a note behind. 

    "His main concern was whether he could manage to fulfill the huge expectations of the population, especially in terms of financial aid [...] For him, there was clearly no way out."

    Surely public office is a stressful job these days, but really? Did the dole money count turn up red and they're seeing pitchforks and guillotines next? Left behind wife and two kids, sad. RIP.

    Maybe he calculated, saw the world we are heading into and didn't wanna live in it.

  6. 7 minutes ago, xox said:

    Head-shakes are now forbidden in Germany so today they decided to revive the old salute. :nelson:

    Actually, that's a nice idea.

    Best wishes from the middle of germany.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

    I'm worried about it because I work in healthcare and I'm on the frontline seeing it.

    To be frank, if the doom sayers are wrong, then the human race had a nice little exercise in how to deal with a pandemic situation. If not, they saved us.

    I'm not angry with that situation.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

    Lol I'm afraid to ask how did you go about testing it. taste test?

    Don't be.

    Normal testing in a lab. I got values from a lab in Germany after being severely sick for weeks and also data from a lab in Boston that shows normalized values months after. It's likely that i had SARS-1 (my own judgment). It never got diagnosed cause at the time i was in the US without health insurance as a german tourist. After seeing my data, i went into a whole phase of treatment, i even did try acupuncture. What helped out of the many things i did to get it back up to speed i actually don't know.

    So anyways, all i'm saying is: This is a virus out of the family of corona viruses. They and others do that to you. Measuring data now in china does not say anything about possible recovery paths in the next months for cases that have been severe enough.

    This is just a scientist asking for more money and the media picking it up and actually dropping it again.

    • Farnsworth 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Entorwellian said:

    Also follow up reports from China are saying that Covid is causing male infertility.


    There is something about that here:



    Hint: Out of my own experience with testing. This is imho recoverable for normal cases. It has to be a very sever case that your balls wont recover and a lot of viruses do that to male reproduction.

  10. 16 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:

    That’s the point. I’m in good shape, no problem, but how the government hope to stop the epidemic if people with no or low intensity symptoms spread this shit all over the place ?

    edit : And without massive testing ?

    The government can't stop it. All humans need to proactively go into public shutdown themselves and reorganize their lifes and the life of the people that surround them. Look at the data from Hongkong and Taiwan.

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