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Everything posted by donotseemecricket

  1. I'm in the US and ordered 1 of the cd and 1 of the vinyl. Just says 'boxset' for both of them tho. Haven't recieved any tracking info yet and nothing on the ae store.
  2. So that was my list 3 years ago Today it would look something like this: LPs elseq 1–5 Quaristice NTS Sessions 1-4 Untilted LP5 Chiastic Slide Exai Amber AE_LIVE DRAFT 7.30 Oversteps Tri Repetae confield Incunabula EPs Quaristice.Quadrange.ep.ae Garbage Digital Exclusive EP Anti EP L-event move of ten We R Are Why / Are Y Are We? EP7 Peel Session Peel Pession 2 Gantz Graf Anvil Vapre Basscad,EP
  3. Have to agree that all end is so good while in motion, listened to session 4 in a car, and when that track came on my friend who was driving just started taking turns and driving completely out of the way from our destination just to keep in motion, we were passing by fields and old forests and trees and buildings. the track is just time itself. it was vast and just put us both into a deep meditative state. we spoke after it ended and both admited we had deep thoughts conemplating our own lives and our occupancy in the place of the universe. watching cars move and people pass around you and watching life move forward and backwards it was an incredible moment. we were both completely sober but yet it was certainly a mind altering experience. we both have enjoyed drone tracks in the past and have gone to many noise and drone performances but that may be the best drone track i've ever heard. and to call it simply a drone track seems inadequate. The next day at another friends house we listened to session 1-4 back to back on an amazing sound system my friend had put together over the years in his living room. the only thing lacking was a subwoofer that was powerful enough to fully push some of the bass. the clarity in the mids and highs were amazing and it wa slike experienceing it again for the first time in many ways. yes the sound design is ae at their very best i've heard. we ate two meals in the span of the album and sampled some scotch. coming down with all end at the last hour was amazing. we both laid back and close dour eyes. my friend said he got vast sand dunes and canyons from it, which i thought was spot on. i also was getting these types of images, as well as a huge dark ocean or sea. waves crashing and again, the vast expansiveness of space and time. a huge undertaking listening to all 8 hours back to back on quite a high volume (-16db on his reciever) its hard to really comment on things in particular at this point. so much to digest. interesting to note that his two dogs while active and wanting to play during the first 3 sessions both had a lie down and fell asleep for the duration of session 4.
  4. had another listen last night… yeah session 4 really is best at the night time, lest it is for me. having the wavs really helped open it up. i also had it on while doing mindless farming in dark souls, wouldnt say background music, cos my attention was just about all on th emusic and yeah, it's really starting to open up to me now. not that i had any issues with it before, but like a lot of autechre upon first listen its ab it overwhelming and i'm not able to really take it all in. i enjoy having listens sometimes where i'm not ultra focused on it and rather than searching through the music for things i let it come to me. gonna listen again in full while in a car today. and tomorrow all 4 in one go. can't waet.
  5. or maybe special K or something of the same familyY'all with ur fancy chemicals whatever happened to good old fashioned acid yeah whats wrong with soem acid? and too long? a standard trip where you're feeling the full effects is about hmmmm 8 hours in length
  6. Session 4 summary: https://youtu.be/1beZYtrR-NQ?t=10m15s 10:15 - 10:24
  7. Overall a fantastic finish for a month of new Autechre. Very much looking forward to the listens to come. Funny that the albums Session 4 reminded me the most of (Quaristice, Oversteps, and Exai) were the ones i revisited this past week. I will be listening to all 4 in their entirety this weekend on my friends ultra sweet über hifi while enjoying a home cooked meal, sipping on fine scotch and lounging like a gentlemen. Cheers Rob & Sean! May you enjoy your summer, the years to come, and continue exploring and expanding the reaches of sound and music to share with the world.
  8. ha i did the exact same thing. just had the .jpeg
  9. we're gonna need a 24" vinyl for this one boys
  10. yeah if it's still the same track, which it sounds like it is, it's already over 35 minutes
  11. its at about 21 minutes now so im guessing its about to transition
  12. that drone bassline kinda reminds me of metal machine music
  13. that low bass synth in the back right channel is just so good
  14. ^ end of bladelores is the start of the second hour
  15. yeah i was just thinking that, like in the context of all 4 sessions, if you were to start during the day, by the time you got to session 4 the sun will be setting or have gon down, and this would be perfect
  16. background snares sound like sheet metal clashing in a ghost factory very lovely
  17. acid mwan idle is a standout for me, actually when i first heard it this morning it might have been the one that resonated with me the most.
  18. also, does the intro to icari remind anyone of the skeng remix they did? i had it in my head all day at work today and i wondered why, now hearing it again im getting that echo-y chamberhall kinda reverb that's in that remix.
  19. been listening to session 3 for the third time, on low volume now as its 2 in the morning here. I have to say 3 really is quite fascinating. really too hard to tell which is my favourite of the 3 so far. but i am really enjoying all of these tracks again as I did this morning when i first woke up. Can't wait to listen to it full blast on the long carride tomorrow. and yeah, no acid or weed for me. i'd've tripped if i didnt have work. i stopped smoking back in october just for my own personal reasons, and really have been enjoying it. tho i gotta say this would be fun to listen to with a nice big volcano balloon. maybe sometime but i wanna go for a year or more. that said, i'm already planning a day to trip this summer and listen to all 8 hours with a few of my mates. elseq 1-5 was one of the best experiences ive ever had on acid… can't imagine how much fun NTS 1-4 will be.
  20. tt1pd is indeed sick af I also really love the next track acid mwan idle upon second listen those are my favourite parts so far…
  21. what an absolute trip. the boys never cease to amaze. happy bike-techre day ladies and gentlemen!
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