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Everything posted by donotseemecricket

  1. Totally. elseq and NTS both really give off the vibe that they are just fuckin having a great time. On my crazy trip when listening to elseq i could imagine them cracking up at certain parts that were making my head go crazy and just when i was thinking 'omg wtf?? my head's gonna explode' they would change it up like 'oki bored with that now, lets do this' but yet it doesnt come across to me as just simply 'jamming' or 'noodling' necessarily, it still at the same time feels very precise so well thoughtout and expertley composed, which is part of what is ingenius about it this stuff.
  2. yeah, that's what matters most if you like how it sounds or not. people have different sonic pallettes and if someone likes this kinda stuff or doesn't it's not wrong. of course having opinions as to why you like something more or less is fine, but in the end it's really just what you like and don't like. I think they have been and will continue to do what they have always done, and that is make some of the most awesome electronic music that has filled our nugg jellies. if you can't get past something because it's 'not as good' as previous work, it's likely just as much to do with the ways in which they are now making their music, as it is simply to do with your own ears and taste. obviously their own tastes and pallettes change, and maybe not always in a direction that all their fans will find appealing. but I would think usually, your tastes will change over time, to some degree at least. and maybe one day those who aren't as into the direction they've gone in recent years, will develop a liking to it. I find this idea fascinating. And that really is what I'm wondering here. THey talked about being on the verge of being able to create full 'albums' sort of live or 'on the spot' so to speak. Which really maeks me think about how much of this is rehersed or sort of practiced, what is on the NTS sessions I mean. I think it woudl be so fucking cool if what they are doing is indeed, sort of more or less 'improv' creating a live album, live on an internet radio broadcast that will later be pressed to record and released on wav/flac/mp3 shortly after. because the NTS Session 1 does feel like it could be a album on its own much like all 5 parts of elseq couid be. I mean then I guess you're getting into what is and isn#t considered an album… is it a cohesive set of tracks that follow a sort of overarching idea or concept? i mean I would ahve to say it does. Anyways, again, if this is indeed what they are doing, which I#d like to believe it is, tho I am ignorant to programming and coding myself, I personally think that would be fucking so cool and I would say that is a groundbreaking feat. But we don't really know if that's the case do we?
  3. just listened to elseq 2 today. damn what listen that is. it was easily the most challenging one for me at first but i've grown to love it as much as the rest of the other parts. love that it's followed by 3, which is the fuckin chill zone drone cool down. man i can't wait to listen to elseq 3 tomorrow… i've been listening to each part one day at a time this week, alongside NTS 1. i donno about who wants to say this stuff isnt as good or interesting as their previous stuff, but then again you have people who say that about anything past amber… so i guess it's like fragrances. everyone has a different one they like and you're not wrong for liking it or disliking it. some are more popular than others. others more distinct. personally, i feel theyve just been improving since exai. I wouldn't go so far as to say NTS is 'better' than elseq, i mean we've only heard one part so far. but yeah it certainly is very close or on par with elseq 1—5 at least IMO. I haven't spent nearly as much time with it. I've had over 2 years to digest elseq in its entirety. since it came out it's been my most listened to album topping out quaristice, which was my previous favourite.
  4. …dude i was so esscited i didnt even read the malafaka haha i should have known… wow. oh well. i'm not even mad. bleep just gave me a refund for the double purchase so it's all good
  5. it's still winter outside where I live. it was -2°C outside today and snowing. And that was the high temp.
  6. lol that last one looks to be the most steady to me
  7. man its so good. i'mma have to gonk me a steady one after this shit.
  8. I mean I mostly got it for the artwork and to someting to look at. That and I missed out on most of the earlier ae vinyls pre Exai, so I'd like to have this in my collection. I'd say go for it. :P
  9. oh my fuckin gonk steady one I freakin love! this gong-guitar sound that just is all over this track. gæddæm
  10. fuuuuuck I'm listneing to these WAVs now on my AK jr thru my HD-25s, daamn north spiral goes hard. this track is soo sick! one of my favourite parts. its really adding some nice spice to this taco i'm eating.
  11. Glad you were able to appreciate it. Man when my friend first offered to trip I was at first like 'oh yeah for sure' but then liek when it came time to do it was like very hesitant. It had been over two years since I had last tripped and not that the last time was bad or anything I just was nervous I guess. I knew in my head right away that I wanted to listen to elseq tho, and I brought that up with her beforehand. It was so worth it.
  12. I mean elseq was the best stuff they have ever done IMO, and so i'm completely cool with this. And while it has hints of elseq and AE_LIVE it, is different enough to be interesting and engagin, at least to my ears. So far the only track that I find a bit challenging and that I'm confused about is bqbqbq. I do agree with you about the digital approach to their new music. I just personally enjoy collecting physical copies of artists I really like. I haven't bought a new record or cd in over 8 months now, so I felt splurging on this was justified. But yes, I certainly will get more play out of the digitals. Vinyls or CDs I usually save for special occasions these days.
  13. So my guess is this is indeed what they were getting at when they said they were getting to where they can put out an album sort of 'live on the spot'.
  14. …dude i was so esscited i didnt even read the malafaka haha i should have known… wow. oh well. i'm not even mad.
  15. ha i bought the vinyls, cds, and the 24bit wavs instantly. you're not alone man lol rip savings.
  16. elseq 1–5 has over the past two years now just really blown me away in terms of its sheer scope and execution. In my mind, it is the most prolific and masterful material they have yet released. It has become far and away my favourite album from them and I have listened to it in it's entireity (in one sitting) more than 10 times now. And on so many occasions I will just listen to it in parts, 1 part at a time over the span of 5 days. It's expertly timed and paced. It captures every range of human emotion. It certainly has standout moments for me, but as a whole I can't really pick out anything that feels out of place. Over my birthday, in january of '17 a friend and I took two very strong tabs of blotter. Being a good bit younger than me, she had never listened to Autechre before, and was really not familiar with techno even, let alone idm. I told her I had a 4 hour long album I was going to play during the trip and we were going to lay back and just listen to it the whole time. Uninterrupted. We waited until we had both hit our peak and had a good feel for the acid, and I asked her if it was going to be oki to listen to it now. She said yes, and I warned her it's not going to sound like anything you've heard before and some of it might make you feel uncomfortable, but I promise you it will pass and whatever happens you'll ride it and it will be oki. She understood and assured me she would be oki. feed1 hit so hard like, this track seemed like it went on for eons, halfway thru she gave out an exhasparated 'holy fuck!' and when it finally relinquished itself, i was like 'that was just the first track' and kind of laughed. Needless to say she had her mind blown, as did I. She came away from it totally enlightened. I remember her saying something like 'I didn't even know these kinds of sounds were possible to make, let alone that they could be made to sound musical.' and one of my favourite descriptions I remember her saying was something along the lines of 'if I were to try to describe it as a whole it was as if you were interacting with a sort of kaleidoscopic image of a flower and within each microscopic petal on this flower there was a capsule or shred of one part of human emotion, and it was constantly shifting and turning and you were experiencing them through the different sounds as the album moved on' I can't rightly describe everything I personally experienced, but I do know that it was easily the most enlightening moments I have ever had listening to their music, or really any music really. And i have certainly listened to my fair shair of music on acid. One of the most memorable experiences I have and probably will ever have. The sound design is phenominal. There are parts that felt 3 dimensional, where I felt like I was inside a giant bell or horn of a wind instrument and I could see the sound waves rippling off the sides of the walls around me. I remember thinking… dude, they designed this perfectly for an acid trip… the duration and pacing… like when part 3 hits, it is JUST what your brain needs to sort of come down from the massive mind fuck that is part 2. and the slow winding drones, it just seemed natural that at that point i loaded up a huge balloon in my volcano and the vapor rose above us and we laid back down and fell into it. sure of course this makes sense even if you're not tripping balls, but still. Each part is an album inandofitself, but then again as a whole it works brilliantly. After this occasion I really had to let it sit for awhile, I didn't revisit it again for maybe over a month. And when I did come back to it I wasn't sure what to expect, it wasn't as profound of course, but it had grown more familiar and my understanding of it was much richer and deeper. It is, (and æ are) as has been stated above, very playful music when it comes down to it. But it is also very serious, and quite passionate. All this being said, I am loving this NTS Broadcast, and am really digging a few parts in particular. I have only been able to listen to it all the way through twice so far. I am very much anticipating being able to hear it in high quality, and I can't wait for what is yet to come. It does feel as others have said like this is new material worked in with reconstructions of ideas from AE_LIVE and elseq. I don't know how they will be able to top elseq, but I do not doubt that it is possible. It is such a wonderful thing to be able to experience the music of Autechre, and knowing that they are continuing to create more of it to share with us gives me the most beautiful feeling.
  17. it started at 11 AM ET. its 2 hours long. so every two hours it resets. so if you use that as a refrence you can figure out how far into it you are. Edit: It shoudl be starting from the beginning now? if i calculated correctly.
  18. at 40 minutes in the water turns to acid and an alien parasite reaches up through the drain and grabs your leg, the walls start to digitally decompose around you and your brain jizz is leaking everywhere and you cant find your eyes in the water and there is mad splashing panic mode spine spasm engageAren't you the guy providing track names for Venetian Snares? That post could be the name of his next glitch album lol haha I wish. it's been quite awhile since I listened to some VSnares tbh im on my first time listneing thru from start to finish… yeah the flow is very great the 40 minute mark, 57 minute mark (which is very elseq… the name of the track escapes me atm) and the 1:07:00 mark and onward just yes… uuuh so good. I can't wait for next thursday. I'm gonna wake up early to listen to it live.
  19. at 40 minutes in the water turns to acid and an alien parasite reaches up through the drain and grabs your leg, the walls start to digitally decompose around you and your brain jizz is leaking everywhere and you cant find your eyes in the water and there is mad splashing panic mode spine spasm engage
  20. Funny how just the other day I was talking to my friend about how æ hadnt released anything new since elseq and how they were due. then two days later i get this notification. so glad the bois are back in town.
  21. shit i missed the boat on the timing. so what im listening to now isnt live and just a recording of the broadcast? holy shit this is amazing
  22. Awww man, so awesome he was able to get the missing track on sawII. I was never able to hear that one. The comments are just icing on the cake. Can't wait for more!
  23. same here, maybe they are adding, fixing some stuff we can only hope they are adding stuff as we speak these zauberwörter… simsalabim bamba saladu saladim
  24. the aphex store isn't loading for me now… anyone else having issues?
  25. yeah I mean I kinda had guessed those releases on cd probably aren't really rare. I keep my eye out in the used cd section at my local shops, found several autechre EPs that way actually. I just haven't bothered to hunt them down online is all. I went through several years where I didn't listen to AFX much at all, mainly as I was finding other stuff. But within the past few years of him putting stuff out again (particularily Cheetah, I loved that EP so much) and this store now, gave me the afx virus so to speak.
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