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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. 9 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

    that's literally the 1st thing adam neely mentions in the video i posted, the inability to audiate, to hear sounds in your head. i would imagine only a tiny fraction of those who can't audiate won't be able to develop this skill through ear training though, for neurological reasons. but what do i know. 

    I think that it does not matter whether you can hear sounds in your head or not, or whether you can train yourself to do it or not.

    There as many creative processes as there are creators, so it's just a matter of finding what works for you. But it is probably right that to be good at music, you have to figure out some feedback process and train your feelings to guide you.

    Just now, Wunderbar said:

    Wtf some people don't have an internal monologue ?


    Imagine your own brain doesn't even want to talk to you.

    Uh what makes you think I can imagine?

  2. On 12/18/2021 at 3:12 PM, user said:

    Lots of interesting stuff in this thread, I'm unable to eloquently translate my ideas so as to make them a valuable contribution but here's a youtube video that's not actually really related to the original topic but since Rubin brought up polyrhythms...

    Essentially saying rhythm = frequencies = pitch, but there's nuances and it doesn't totally hold up as the guy himself explains towards the end. Still a great watch, I had to struggle through the initial ted talk vibe a bit though.


    I enjoyed watching this, and normally I don't click play on youtube educational videos longer than 1 minute, because it's usually repeating itself and I spend a lot of time learning nothing new. That was a really good exception to that rule.

  3. I zoned out through all of this scales and theory discussion. I have always been terrible at this, although I respect theory as a tool and I use it more every day.


    I wanted to add one maybe relevant data point to the argument about imagining music in your head: some people have an audible internal monologue in their head when they read text or something like that; some people don't have it at all. Both groups of people are incredibly surprised to find out the other group exists. And for simplicity's sake let's pretend auditory hallucinations (like schizophrenia) go to a 3rd group that I am not currently talking about. I.e. both the people who hear internal monologue and the people who don't are "normal" for lack of a better word.

    I think it is fair to expand this: some people "hear" music in their head and some do not. So to me this means that "imagining music in your head" can mean wildly different things to different people, leading to misunderstandings.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, cern said:



    I have a gas mask for u guys:

    - Arp on these are very poor
    - Can not have reverb on part only the master
    - Very bad memory capacity 
    - Sound is terrible like a Groovebox under a pillow
    - The layout is bad
    - No song mode

    Thank me later ? 

    That wouldn't scare me off really. What I want(ed) is a small box that can do some loops and has multiple tracks so I could drive my Korg MicroX or some other gear with it (or just bring with me to a train ride or a trip). I finish all my tracks in Live anyway, so the lack of song mode, effects does not really matter.

  5. I was looking at the electribes years ago when I was deciding which hardware thing to get, and I never ended up getting them because they were not inspiring enough (and I never bothered to research in depth either). Back then they were brand new devices and for some reason I thought the Electribes with that fancy tube thing were cooler. Past me continues to be a huge dumbass.

  6. Fair warning: never check local listings for used gear, you might end up GASing for stuff you never knew you wanted!! At the very least, if you do find something, do not search youtube, SoS, Sonicstate for reviews - you do that and you are gone. GONE!

    Anyways I never knew the Korg Electribe was such a cool beast:

    Yes I have been listening to the soma FM vaporwave station for all day today, surely this has not clouded my judgment.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    I'm a pretty bad drummer and don't even own a kit anymore but I'll never, never get rid of the Jacques Capelle kick pedal that a friend found in a relative's basement in high school and let me take when he quit drumming.


    I don't know what the odds are of finding one at any kind of decent price but you're probably in just aout the only part of the world where there's a halfway decent chance one might be lying around in a closet someplace so if you do see one, grab it. They're pretty nice.




    EDIT: part of the reason I'm a bad drummer is after high school I never had a place I could practice, but another real factor is that the dual spring on the Jaques Cappelle made it so easy to play that I never really developed any kind of ankle strength and playing on normal pedals always felt like trying to run in a swimming pool so my kick timing pretty much sucked with any other pedal and I'd get a sore ankle after like 5-10 minutes.

    Thanks for the tip. That pedal looks insane but getting a new pedal is so low on priorities list now. I pick the iron cobra because I already have one back home and it’s pretty good and you can configure it to your liking. 
    Another thing with the bass drum is that so so much depends on how your heads are tuned and set up - whether you have a huge drum, a hole in the resonant head, how low the batter is tuned etc etc. That’s basically why you should not think too much about the pedal until you have a dedicated space with a kit that is kept in good tune and you don’t come back to it one day and see that someone absolutely destroyed the resonant heads because I know that dumbass past me did this kind of stuff for example.

  8. OK ok I actually need a 20" ride cymbal for a long time now, got my eyes set on a Paiste Giant Beat multifunctional, but I thought I would not bother with trying to get one during the insane consumerism rush of December, also that series is quite pricey so now I am wondering if there is some alternative that sounds similar, but honestly trying to audition cymbals online is a losing battle and it really is just better to get one but but wait maybe the 24" giant beat that I used to have actually DID NOT fit my setup and I should work a little to find a cymbal that is the one true grail that will magically "tie my sound together" even though right now the cymbals is all I have, and every time we hit a rental studio, the drum kit sounds different anyway and it always takes half an hour or so to find the best way to play to make use of the sound of the day which is quite cool if you come to think of it and eventually I might also need a good snare and a Tama Iron Cobra pedal and a DW cocktail kit and finally a huge cargo bike to transport all that junk across time and space to the studio de jour and set up the recorderman mic set up and yeah maybe then I would have like 2 weeks of peace before I realise that wait I do not have enough hard drive storage for all those crappy jams that show promise, so then it is time to head off to the computer shop to get a massive storage server with like 10 terabytes of disks in RAID or something and I could spend like 3 months minimum full time tinkering and configuring how that thing works and by then I assume the first drive has already failed and needs replacement, but after I do THAT, yeah after replacing the faulty drive I could have 2 more weeks of feeling content until I remember that DUH we do not have a bass player and guitar and drums feels kind of tinny on its own so now I definitely need to get that Subzero Rogue VI baritone guitar and force the guitarist to learn both the Art Of The Looper and Art Of The Sick Bass Riffs and probably get more mics to get the guitar on tape too, but GOD DAMNIT I FORGOT: we also need a portable multichannel recording thing (a cheapo Behringer taped to my old laptop?) and more cables (definitely more cables - I am not poaching cables from my home setup every time I need to head out), and by this point astute readers might have figured out that the cargo bike now needs at the very least some nice rugged custom travel cases for all the crap I am bringing with me each time and well maybe it is also time to admit defeat and start renting a dedicated studio space, oh boy this will take months to find a lease and a good place and talk some other people into it to be able to split the rent and soundproof it and then have some passive aggressive stuff going on with regard to beer bottles or some other kind of weird spills and definitely some other stuff too but after maybe 6 months we should have a working routine in place and then I can probably relax for another 2 weeks until we discover some wacky smelling mold in the place.

    On the other hand, maybe I don't need to get that ride cymbal yet.

    • Like 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  9. 1 hour ago, sheatheman said:

    Scrap wood live rig for my show tonight. I somehow managed to make this mixer sound pretty decent. I don’t think the perfect small live mixer actually exists, but this is certainly so cheap (and 10 years old) that it’s the best solution.


    That modular on top left side is new to me? Sound any good?

    • Farnsworth 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    you think about squarepusher's studio lacking ergonomics of any kind while being covered in dust and remember that it doesn't fucking matter



    I know it doesn't fucking matter. The procrastination demon that runs my brain does not care!

    • Farnsworth 1
  11. 1 hour ago, user said:

    Haha. Very funny.

    If you'd know that the chair slightly pokes your back, there's a psu making a weird whining noise and there's a funny smell sometimes you'd realize what an absolutely ridiculous proposition you're making. Also I'm not wearing the right shoes right now, so...

    How do you solve the problem that once you successfully finish cleaning your gear from dust, the pieces of gear you started the cleaning from are already dusty again?

    I know, I know, CPU fabrication cleanroom solutions probably exist for the average prosumer...

  12. 17 hours ago, user said:



    Redid everything at least twice since I last posted, I think. 
    One of the things I’m most happy with is that I finally slapped together a stand that allows the 19” rack to stand on its rear. Cut a hole in the top for slightly easier access and cable routing, and can also access everything when I slide under the table on my back. 
    Not sure yet if the large-ish Yamaha mixer will stay, and would love to move all drum things (including out of shot tr8) to where the mixers and patchbay are but can’t figure out an ergonomic way to do it and I’m kinda sick of reorganising now. Hoping to mod the bx8 with individual outs somewhere in the coming months. 
    Over the last year I’ve only sold stuff, the mixer I already had, and for some reason have been totally gas free for ages (having no money helps, I guess) and I’ve been pretty content with the setup. There’s only a few things I’d like to add now and then I think I’ll be done for basically forever. 

    Yeah, this looks really nice.

    How does it feel to finally be able to start making music? :emotawesomepm9:

    • Haha 1
  13. 12 hours ago, e-mertz said:

    So I've been locked in the house due to being on sick leave. Did a workshop last weekend for soldering together a bastl Kastl drum after not having done any diy for 2 years. Realized again how meditating it is! Now I'm GASing on two diy kits that both use the same megadrive chip as the MegaFM.

    First up is the Opera Rotas, a sort of Mega FM drum machine! Can also be played as a 9-voice synth though.

    Around 224$ inc shipping for just a DIY kit...a very unique instrument though I reckon!

    Anther is the DAFM Synth. No Drum machine, just a plain synth. BUT 4 oled screens, one per operator. And slightly cheaper for around 140 the diy kit!


    Gotta set my priorities what I need more, a new synth or an exotic drum machine ?

    Sick leave, more like sick beats leave!

    • Like 1
  14. That said, I really like how the drummer (Chiminyo) uses that tool. I have been playing drums on and off with a guitarist for a long time and we never could find a bass player or whoever, so in theory I could use this to hum some bass lines while playing drums.

    Hell, I should just try out the trial, I got a SM56 laying around.

  15. On 11/25/2021 at 9:01 PM, user said:

    As a person that gets their musical results from process, not talent or ideas, this makes me feel threatened and angry. Also apologies for this post.


    Yeah, it's better to not look at any new gear that comes out, because you'll just feel like you have wasted so many years mastering the blade and fighting with crappy tools to get your ideas recorded somehow (while never being completely happy). And then some kid or non-technical person comes along and beats you in your own game.


  16. 1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

    Thanks! I was hoping someone would reply to this thread though Two Player DAWing hasn't caught on yet really. Every person I tell about this are surprised it's even possible and like me initially dismiss it due to the assumption there would be no way around the lag.

    That said my friend will be moving halfway across the world soon, so hopefully the lag doesn't become a problem then. 


    Out of curiosity, how good is your internet and your friends? I have to use my phone as 4g tether so my latency is gonna be like... 30 or 40ms. Then plus his latency.

    Have you tried any others? Or looked at them in comparison? There seem to be a lot of options now.

    If you are asking about the lag, it means you did not get the point of Ninjam at all.

    The way Ninjam works is that it's not real-time, you always hear the other person 4 seconds later (if you set tempo at 120bpm). But it will always be synchronized to bpm which is cool if you are doing electronic music obviously.

    So as long as your latency is below 4 seconds (that is 4000 four thousand milliseconds), and you can send receive like 500 kilobits of data per second (this is approximately 64 kilobytes, 0,06 megabytes per second). I feel like this should be doable on 3G and definitely on 4G if you have a nice connection.

    I have a fibre connection at home, but Ninjam needs ridiculously little bandwidth:


    The main requirement for running the server is outbound bandwidth. For example, a 4 person jam needs approximately 768kbps of outbound (and only 240kbps inbound) bandwidth, and a 8 person jam requires approximately 3mbps of outbound (and 600kbps inbound) bandwidth.


    Really, if you have two laptops at home or something like that, just try it out and see how it works and whether you feel like this way of jamming works for you.

    I don't know what other collaboration things there are because a) I never did much research and b) there physically does not and can not exist anything that can do realtime jamming without something like 100-200ms of lag.  I guess there is Endlessss, which kind of works on the same principle - you have loops loops loops looops did I say loops and other people are making loops and you can use those loops in your loops and then you mess around with the loops.

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