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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. I think I like one Diplo track but I don't really know much about him. Carrying water for venture/vulture capitalists - no matter how naive and good-hearted you may be - is a shitty look in the end IMHO. ?

    Yeah I am kind of jaded about the state of tech and the world in general, why do you ask?

  2. I was really positively surprised to find out that Ableton is actually not bought out by some massive venture capital or whatever it is these days.

    It's like all of these people who are already super rich, they want to be even more rich and Ableton is their target because they have a really solid and amazing product.

    None of these investment fuckers have ever made anything useful in the world, they are just seeking to extract rent on cool stuff others make. I wonder what is the relation between this group and the assholes who are destroying Elektron.

    • Like 2
  3. Me and @TubularCorporation have been using Ninjam (https://www.cockos.com/ninjam/) for something like 1,5 years now to do a weekly jam session online and a while ago we also started livestreaming the whole thing as it happens. You can run your own private server and there is a VST version that is compatible with the protocol that you can just stick on your master buss in any DAW (https://jamtaba-music-web-site.appspot.com/).

    How it works is basically you decide a kind of master tempo (like 120bpm) and a delay factor (default is 8 beats -> 2 bars at 4/4) and then you always hear the others' sound exactly after that delay. This means that everything can be perfectly in sync when it comes to beats and all that, but you also do not hear what the others are playing in real time.

    It really depends on the type of music that you are making, but we have found that it works nicely and it's fun to improvise from the comfort of your nicely sounding studio and not some seedy basement where someone has urinated in the bass cabinet.

    • Like 2
  4. 12 hours ago, yekker said:

    How about getting a headphone tube amp just to make the headphones sound nicer?

    Using dt 990 pro

    Will my mixes sound better? I'm using a focusrite interface

    I think what you want is that your favorite tracks from other artists would sound nice on your headphones both in terms of subjective quality (i.e. you enjoy listening to music) and objective quality (you hear all the stuff that is going on in a mix, EQ response is flat, etc.). Because even if you get some wicked nice amp that makes your music sound good, then none of your listeners have that amp and your music will then sound not so good?

    Once you are at the point where all your idols' mixes sound really good on your headphones, it's time to start figuring out why your mixes still suck ass. :catsalute:

  5. IIRC there are different options/keyboard shortcuts depending on the scope of the thing you want to operate on. Like there is delete note, delete all notes in the track, etc.

    I remember I found this really difficult to get when playing around with Renoise, but that may be mainly because due to bad life choices I am on a japanese keyboard layout and everything is in weird places.

    A quick search gave me this thing:https://www.renoise.com/tools/unified-value-shift-and-transpose


    I really wish I had more time to experiment with Renoise as a MIDI sequencer. One of these days...

  6. I did some quick experimentation in Firefox dev console: removed reactions and topic snippet text from the threads because I feel that this way only the really important information is displayed without overloading the viewer with insane amounts of information.

    Yeah I know this is a little bit backseat driver mode, however if there is interest I could try and set up a custom CSS override that anyone can use so that no server side changes are needed.


    Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 20.47.49.png

    Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 20.48.31.png

    • Big Brain 1
  7. On 10/8/2021 at 9:46 PM, zero said:

    I too thought that whenever the reactions came about here that they seemed somewhat juvenile. I don't do any social media stuff, so wasn't sure exactly what to make of them at first. but after people kept putting reactions on some of my posts, I decided it's only fair to respond in kind, and so started using them. I do think they are somewhat useful now, as it is essentially another way to communicate with the folks on here. I disagree about the "don't read don't care" part you mentioned, as everything I put a reaction on I have in fact read, and wanted the poster to know I agree with them - which is what I think the heart thing means? I do think the heart needs to be changed though to like a fist or something more manly, as this place is what, 99.9% guys? a bunch of dudes giving each other little hearts seems, um, well...

    I kind of agree with this post.

    I like the thanks/heart thing because it gives me a quick way to thank someone for an informative post or give a thumbs up to something cool without posting something that is just "Thanks" or "That's really cool". Maybe a good move is to enable all smileys to be in reactions, maybe not. I think it depends if this feature is used in the WATMM community in a cool and innovative way, and right now it seems that it is.

    A bunch of dudes giving each other little hearts is in - my opinion - the wholesome content the internet needs more of. ?

    • Like 2
  8. 23 hours ago, chim said:

    What you can do is check DPC latency and LatencyMon results on sites like notebookcheck. There are also CPU comparisons in Dawbench results. Many recent laptops perform a lot better latencywise if you temporarily switch to integrated graphics instead of Nvidia graphics and drivers. 

    This sounds cool but when I checked out notebookcheck, the site felt more like 10% content 90% ADS ADS ADS and in the end I never found my laptop in the list.

    Dawbench seems to be inactive, at least based on the message they had on the website.


    I have actually experimented with forcing integrated graphics on my macbook in order to try and keep the fan noise down, but I did not have much success. Maybe I should try again.

  9. Just wanted so say this too: if you all think rhythm means only drums and percussion, then I think you're super wrong. You know there is a term called 'rhythm section' and 'rhythm guitar' etc etc.

    6 hours ago, vkxwz said:

    I dont see why it has to be caused by your brain matching the mess to something it already knows, seems like all that needs to happen is to have an idea of the "shape" of the sound over time, built up by listening and having your expectation constantly adjusted to match what you are hearing. After reading that wikipedia page I do agree that Apophenia is somehow related though, I have noticed that with this sort of thing I hear different parts of some looped "random" noise as connected when logically they aren't, but I don't think that means contour isn't the way that you are perceiving the shape of the sound, just means that your mind is trying to explain the shape. This bit from a more recent Autechre interview relates I think: "Suppose you are looking at a turned acrylic vase on a lamp stand. You might see loads of different layers, but it’s been on a lathe and it’s been curved and you’ll see a silhouette, and you’ll see light travel through it. You’ll get ideas about what its construction is or what its materials are but you still see one surface, one curve" I think contour is perception of the shape of the surface, and Apophenia comes into play when getting ideas about it's construction.

    It does not have to be like how I described. But I am pretty sure that this is how my head operates. And your contour and shape theory makes sense too, but I don't think it is related to rhythm - it's more like how people identify whatever is going on in the track - what are the dominant elements etc. I basically agree with that last point that apophenia is the next step after shape/contour and then your head is in the mode of "well ok these are bleeps and bloops, do they remind me of AFX or Autechre".


    You can't really do a real scientific experiment with those things because in order to do it correctly with control groups and all, you would have to kidnap a bunch of newborns and force them to live in silence or at least without music at all (this is illegal, don't do this). Because I feel it's pretty much established that people grow their likes and tastes in music and sound throughout all their lives, and I am not sure how you would switch all that off during the experiment that you do for research.


    For all this evolutionary psychological stuff like "ah yeah the human brain has obviously evolved to focus on the mid-low frequencies because the stone age sabertooth tiger's farts were exactly on the same fundamental and so you see this gave an evolutionary advantage and also explains why the original Roland TB-303 was so successful" please kindly fuck off. ? 

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 hours ago, vkxwz said:

    It's gotta be what you are experiencing when you loop any bit of disorganised sound and start perceiving a more structured rhythm in it like you are talking about thawkins.

    I am pretty sure it's apophenia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia), i.e. your brain starts matching the mess to things it already knows. I definitely consciously feel it sometimes that whatever calls out to me in a bunch of random notes is some reference or similarity to an existing track or melody or something like that.

    Probably it makes some sense within the context of that article but my first impression is that the research is looking at a much lower level than rhythm. I mean of course I am also super skeptical that some boffins can tell me how to optimize my drum loops for maximum coolness.

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 hours ago, vkxwz said:

    I feel like this thread may need some examples but my thoughts on how a very small segment of music feels fall apart when out of context. I also realise this isn't really too different from asking how melody works. This also seems like the sort of thing where the closer you look the less you see, like trying to understand how an image on your screen makes you feel a certain way by using a magnifying glass on the pixels. as for sad drum loops, I can think of some but only using drum sounds that basically act as notes in a melody. Maybe it is all just a mystery and the best composers do not understand how their own music really works and it is all just intuitive without explanation, but there is something unsatisfying about that to me.

    It's a nice thread if you want people to be philosophical and share their theories, and it's always cool to read others' perspective in this forum (then steal their best ideas to use in your music). I am saying this because even if I knew all the psychoacoustic theory to answer "why" I don't think it's really possible to explain "how rhythm works".

    My take is this: in any given piece of music you will always have the three components: rhythm (WHEN does the sound happen in time), pitch (WHAT note-pitch-root frequency), timbre (HOW does it sound like). For example if you take the Amen break in MIDI, but replace the drum machine sounds with a melodic synth, it's still the same rhythm but it will sound like absolute shit unless you mess around with the pitch (make the notes correspond to a melody) and also tinker with the timbre.

    This leads me to think that you can't really separate rhythm from the other two components if you want to analyze "which rhythms work and which ones don't".


    2nd thing I think maybe some posters mentioned here already is that modern electronic music is super heavy on repetitive patterns and ostinato - i.e. the basic point is that if you loop any kind of random garbage and your audience is in the right headspace, it *will* work. I am a huge fan of krautrock and that style super heavily uses monotonic drum and bass parts where nothing really changes in terms of rhythm, but some subtle and less subtle effects in timbre (i.e. LFO on filter cutoff, delays) create a changing atmosphere, and that works as well even though on the rhythm side of things, it's the same loop.

    I definitely notice that if I start building a track by looping 4 bars of just smashing the keyboard with my fist (gently so I don't fuck my gear up), it takes like 5-6 repeats and I get into the headspace of that loop. It's like your brain starts extracting order from the chaos, making sense of this weird thing. And then if it gets really good you get some instincts on like "Ok lets add a bass note here, set up some pads there" and a few hours later I have had lots of fun.

    My tracks are still shit though.

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