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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. Don't go on Reddit or 4chan, get an used Mac laptop in good condition. Or save a little and get a new M1.

    Don't get a tower or some high spec custom made machine: gamers and all kinds of other wastes upon society have driven up the prices for those.

    In the end most modern computers are more fine for music production - there is absolutely no need to dig into CPU-motherboard-RAM specs and try to understand what the hell is going on. You just need a minimum of 16GB RAM, and a CPU with many cores.

    For a laptop, physical build quality is also super important - the leaders in this respect are Apple, Dell, Lenovo.

    If your budget is 500 pounds, then my gut feeling says that your options are:

    • new cheapo laptop - probably budget components, bad build quality, will break in another 2-3 years, forcing you to buy again
    • new cheapo tower PC - you can get an OK PC for this, but still might get incompatible/shitty components and having it custom made costs extra
    • used laptop - you can probably get a pretty good used business class laptop for this price. For home use this will be fine unless it is physically falling apart.
      • it's worth looking into Apple refurbished listings https://www.apple.com/shop/refurbished/mac basically you get a used Mac that is serviced by Apple and they offer 1 year warranty. Full disclosure, my current machine is refurbished, and even though I have dropped a lot into repairs it's still working fine and I have had it since end of 2017.
    • used-new mini PC - Apple Mac Mini and Intel NUC fall in this category.
    • Like 2
  2. On 8/17/2021 at 10:16 PM, user said:

    That could very well be afaik. If you have a multimeter lying around you could check continuity between the solder joint and the connector. Without a multimeter It'd be difficult/cumbersome to establish. Don't know if the despicable Action stores have invaded France yet but over here they sell a multimeter that costs around 3,- I believe and will pay for itself in the studio quite quickly even if you use it only occasionally to check on possible broken cables and battery voltages.

    Another consideration is to get a toothbrush and give both the connector on the QY100 and the connector on your adapter a right old scrubbing, maybe either end is just a bit oxidized or something.

    Thanks, I do have a multimeter. It's back home now so I do not have it with me at the moment.

    I think I will try scrubbing it first, because there does appear to be a sweet spot where the connection works.

  3. Thanks for the advice @user and @TubularCorporation.

    I tried opening the QY100 and it's definitely not the case that the connector is loose from the board or anything like that, so this is what makes me think the connector itself may be faulty somehow.

    Could it be that the solder joint goes cold even without it being loose?

    I might have a soldering iron around here somewhere so might be worth a shot to try and reheat it.

  4. The power jack on my QY100 is acting up. I found some tutorial for bypassing a power jack by soldering on another jack. Isn't there some better fix for this? Like if a jack is being touchy dropping power when you move the thing, is there a comparatively easy way to clean or resolder it?

    Here's the video. I think I have a very similar problem. The jack is not super touchy so I can still use it, but would be nice to fix it somehow.


  5. Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der deutsche bahn


    Due to baggage constraints I only brought with me the shitty apple earplugs which started hurting after a while, but this is a really nice piece of gear to play with.


    • Like 7
  6. Roland A-33 has served me nicely for something like 4 years now. Doesn't studiologic offer some smaller and more weighted keys?

    I kind of got over wanting to have MIDI sliders and knobs on the keyboard, because that gear is a pain to work with - you always depend on some crappy automap scripts and software (may be buggy, may install a lot of crap, may not be updated) and it's better to get a dedicated thing like Push that is designed to work with your software out of the box.

  7. 8 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    Ooooh.  I got some cheap monitor stands in a trade a couple years ago but I don't have any space to set them up.  They'd be fine if I filled the tubes with sand to stop them from ringing.

    Anyway, even budget stands are kind of overpriced.  If you have access to minimal tools, this is a pretty easy DIY option:




    I used to have a set of them I made, they worked fine.

    That whole site is quite a relic of crusty old web 1.0 audiophile stuff, but with an emphasis on keeping things as cheap as possible so it's actually pretty useful. I think the turntable stand I built 4 or 5 years ago is based on one of their designs, too.

    I am eyeing the K&M 26772 strictly because their [ shape means that I can put things under the monitors in a way.

    My current setup is basically a desktop drawer unit with some books on top to get the speakers to the correct height. They take a lot of horizontal space that I would rather use for my keyboard.

    I guess it would be possible to get a pair VESA mounts that I can attach to my desk and dangle the speakers on top like that, or maybe even some badass thing that carries speakers and my screen.

    My screen is a Dell 25" and according official specs it weights like 3.5kg / 7.6lbs. The Neumann KH120As weigh 6.4kg / 14.2lbs each. So if I get a VESA mount, it better be some heavy duty thing so it can carry all that weight.

  8. Come on, guy I messaged about buying his Yamaha QY100, get your shit together and reply and let's get this over with.


    Also is it me or is K&M 26772 literally the best monitor stand solution for gaining some precious desk real estate? I haven't seen anything else like this around. My current desk gets really cramped if i lay my huge Roland A33 keyboard on it, but I feel like switching to those stands I could make it work much better (and finally stop using books to get the speakers to the correct height.


    10 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    Not technically mine yet, a friend and I got all of them plus four Eiki 7070a classroom cassette/CD combo decks (with CD pitch control) and about 50 unused blank cassettes for $213 this afternoon from a random dude on the street. My friend fronted the money, I'm going to test them all and then we're going to ebay a couple to cover our expenses, divide the rest between us, and then set up a giant delay network with about 10 three head cassette decks running in parallel.

    Could be related...

    Local newsroom manager caught selling all his reporters' equipment for funding modular habit

    • Like 1
  10. During the past year I set up my things so that Ableton Live is my where I sequence my MIDI and also record a stereo stem of whatever it is that I am working on or playing. The MIDI goes out to different hardware synths but comes back each instrument on their dedicated track with Live's builtin effects.

    For a controller I use Push v1 with a foot pedal and a 72 key keyboard. I just record MIDI loops and mess with them in Live and see what sounds come up.

    I realise this is basically like having a bunch of physical VSTs to generate sounds, which is fine for me because I am mostly after modeled presets of real instruments like vibraphone, piano, rhodes, acoustic drums etc.

    I like this because I can have the project take not so much space on disk. MIDI is basically nothing, so the only waste of room is the stereo stem, but I can rerender that anytime since I record all the automation and MIDI anyway.

    If you want to hear how it sounds like, click on the "Streaming..." link in my sig. ?

  11. 6 minutes ago, chronical said:

    lol I mixed this thread up with the "post what you're working on" one, weekly thawkins sounds like weekly wips.. sorry mate :flower:

    No worries, working on new music every week is a big thing, congrats on doing it and keep on keeping on. :nyan:

  12. 5 hours ago, yekker said:

    Like if ableton detects that I'm a fucking theif somehow. I'm sure they don't take kindly to do that sort of stuff.

    Well if they cared at all they could just google your posts right here in a public forum. ?

    I mean if it came to light that Ableton was secretly spying on all the other software that you have installed on your computer - which they would have to do in order to detect "pirated" copies of Live - then you bet that people would have found out and raised hell about it. Also, do you think Ableton would fuck over their new clients that just gave them $$$ with this bullshit? Do you think anyone who pirates Live would ever buy the legit version if they got sued or something?

    Piracy is even kind of good for them because people can try out the software and sometimes end up paying for the full version, why would they break that flow.

    And as I said, I used to have a non legit version of Live on my computer, probably I still have in some backups or old hard drives and I also have legit copies of Live 9 and 10 Suite so I don't think you will have a problem.


  13. 8 hours ago, yekker said:

    I have a pirated version of ableton, I think 9. If I want to legit buy a copy of 11 would the old serial number conflict with the new one?

    Not sure what you mean by "conflict".

    Anyway I had a similar situation before getting a legit version of 9 so I don't think you will have any kind of problem with it.

  14. On 7/15/2021 at 12:05 AM, Squee said:

    It’s basically a knob for people too lazy to assign midi to knobs. 

    Not really. If I have a workflow where I use a variable number of tracks, effects and custom stuff then it's not really possible to map everything I need beforehand. Of course there are automapping control surfaces like the Push, but I really do see the immediate benefit of having something mouse-like where I place the pointer with the "real" mouse and then fine tune the value using the "knob" mouse.

    Can't argue with the small physical footprint either!

  15. 23 hours ago, brian trageskin said:






  16. 8 hours ago, Squee said:

    Saw the nOb at a friend's place last night and bought one this morning.


    Did you have any hands on with it? It looks like it controls the mouse somehow (or it IS a mouse kind of) which makes me all kinds of specktical.

    Actually here is the SoS review which clears a lot of things up https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/nob-control-nob


    (time passes)


    Wow this seems kind of cool. Like a poor man's Faderport. Well, since it's €238, it is actually rich man's Faderport. Seems way too pricey for what it is, but maybe that is just because they have not scaled their production up or something.

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