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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. WATMM has the right to sound boards
  2. Donald Trump has failed and must resign.
  3. Yes, noticed that too. Something from Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments pt2
  4. How does it feel like to die?
  5. At this point in time it's not about preventing the virus to spread, it's about delaying and slowing down the spread until after the winter because during winter the health care system is stressed from the flu and colds and would be overwhelmed if 2/3rds of the population had COVID-19, also because the virus is more dangerous when in combination with a different disease. Experts say that it will take 2 years (absolute minimum) to develop a pharmaceutical. Until then it will be a yearly task to contain Corona before winter, as far as I understood. More EU cooperation on this would be good.
  6. As for Warren not endorsing Bernie. I think by postponing the decision of who she will endorse she is doing the most sensible thing. Obviously her policies are closest to Bernie's so by that standard she should endorse him. But at the same time, Sanders has little chance against Biden and when it's Biden vs Trump anyway it's better if she endorses Biden. Which of course is also not an optimal decision. So waiting for a bit until things get clearer might be a good thing, or possibly never endorsing any of the both. Also, she still wants to have a career. Endorsing Sanders could weaken her standing in her party (completely speculative point, though).
  7. ^Plus, Sanders insinuated that he would like to have Warren as VP at FOX News. Soon, after Michigan, the last bit of hope of Sanders getting president will die. When Biden wins Michigan, which he most likely will, it's over for Bernie's presidency. For ever. If it hasn't been over already since Super Tuesday. But if against all odds Sanders wins Michigan he could gain momentum and still do it. If he doesn't I will start crying really loudly. Looking at the polls I'm certain that now is the time for bitter tears, though
  8. Just found out Tallesen exists. Seems like all his tracks are good
  9. Sanders on FOX again: I must admit that I find US politics kind of entertaining, knowing that it's not the purpose of politics to be entertaining and it's probably even dangerous if it turns into a reality show rather than being about policies and addressing problems.
  10. Don't forget: Note that both videos are actually official attempts to contain the virus through pop culture
  11. First two deaths in Germany. A 89 year old woman and a 78 year old man with many pre-existing conditions like diabetes. My government seems to handle this relatively well so far, judging from the low death rate in my country and the way politicians for once listen to the experts. It seems that a functioning health care system generally is a good thing, too. If only more countries had one, not only would epidemics spread less quickly, it also would improve a lot of people's life quality. Time to support politicians that wanna realise that. Sorry SJW
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/07/us/politics/erik-prince-project-veritas.html Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups
  13. All the policies that you mentioned are things that are discussed in the German social democratic party, except for abolishing private health insurance, which in Germany wouldn't make sense since the health care system doesn't require to be rebuilt entirely as opposed to the US.
  14. I disagree with his self description. See it this way, you have an axis with two different ideas of equality on each end, one is that of equal opportunities and the other one that of equal outcomes, one is liberalism and one socialism. The idea of social democracy is finding a sweet spot on this axis that makes sense. And that's what Sanders is doing. Medicare for All is a good, rather socialist idea, that in this particular American situation makes sense and would fix a lot of problems. That's exactly the pragmatic spirit of social democracy.
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