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Posts posted by dingformung


    2. SAFT
    5. EIER
    6. TOMATEN
    9. NUDELN
    10. BROT
    12. LAUCH


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    Mil hombres, mil cabezas, mil países, mil costumbres.
    Mil años, mil razones, mil preguntas.
    Mil amores, mil lágrimas, mil deseos
    mil milagros.
    Mil noches, mil días, mil horas
    mil años.
    Mil peleas, mil victorias, mil derrotas,
    mil guerras.
    Mil animales, mil plantas, mil idiomas,
    mil colores.
    Mil maravillas, mil valles, mil montañas,
    mil lagos.
    Mil mundos, mil pueblos, mil países
    mil historias.
    Mil acertijos, mil preguntas, mil secretos
    mil respuestas.
    Mil mentiras, mil palabras, mil palabras
    mil verdades.
    Mil oraciones, mil pensamientos, mil lagrimas
    mil paredes.
    Mil mundos, mil valles, mil montañas,
    mil lagos.
    Mil sueños
    A thousand men, a thousand heads, a thousand countries, a thousand customs. A thousand years, a thousand reasons, a thousand questions. A thousand love affairs, a thousand tears, a thousand wishes a thousand miracles. A thousand nights, a thousand days, a thousand hours a thousand years. A thousand fights, a thousand victories, a thousand defeats, a thousand wars. A thousand animals, a thousand plants, a thousand languages, a thousand colors. A thousand wonders, a thousand valleys, a thousand mountains, a thousand lakes. A thousand worlds, a thousand peoples, a thousand countries a thousand stories. A thousand riddles, a thousand questions, a thousand secrets a thousand answers. A thousand lies, a thousand words, a thousand words a thousand truths. A thousand prayers, a thousand thoughts, a thousand tears a thousand walls. A thousand worlds, a thousand valleys, a thousand mountains, a thousand lakes. A thousand dreams







    Tausend Mann, tausend Köpfe, tausend Länder, tausend Sitten.


    Tausend Jahre, tausend Gründe, tausend Fragen.


    Tausend Liebschaften, tausend Tränen, tausend Wünsche,


    tausend Wunder. 


    Tausend Nächte, tausend Tage, tausend Stunden,


    tausend Jahre. 


    Tausend Kämpfe, tausend Siege, tausend Niederlagen,


    tausend Kriege.


    Tausend Tiere, tausend Pflanzen, tausend Sprachen,


    tausend Farben.


    Tausend Wunder, tausend Täler, tausend Berge,


    tausend Seen.


    Tausend Welten, tausend Völker, tausend Länder,


    tausend Geschichten.


    Tausend Rätsel, tausend Fragen, tausend Geheimnisse,


    tausend Antworten.


    Tausend Lügen, tausend Worte, tausend Worte,


    tausend Wahrheiten.


    Tausend Gebete, tausend Gedanken, tausend Tränen,


    tausend Wände.


    Tausend Welten, tausend Täler, tausend Berge,


    tausend Seen.


    Tausend Träume





  3. 1 hour ago, Mindphaser said:

    the self is memory/past and not present actuality. so i'm not here, there is no invisible me in the head looking out of the eyes, hearing shit, talking, thinking, etc. feels like there is though. fucking weird nature.

    There is an autobiographical self (personhood, narrative of past "this is me, that is not me", "I'm the body, I'm the mind") and there is a self as observer (awareness, being in the now, "this is", "I have a body, I have a mind"), then there is the state of no-self which cannot really be described from the ego perspective using language.

    The language of the ego is based on a subject/object dichotomy, but the state of no-self is not a subject/object dichotomy. It is a fusion. A lack of differentiation, a melting together, and ultimately an experience of oneness.

    Now, as far as losing oneself to something... well, that's the definition of meditation. The core Buddhist practices are designed to help you let go of your ego-based thoughts and to focus on one thing with your senses - whether it be your breath, or a sound, or what have you. That's the way to lose yourself in something - to let go of all other things (including the self), to focus on one thing (the object) with all your senses and emotions. And if that is achieved, then you become one with that object...

    So, yes, meditation can lead to "losing oneself". But also to "finding oneself" - by getting rid of the false self which is based on social constructs and ideas about who we are (we are defined by our jobs, our hobbies, our relationships etc) and finding out who we really are as humans beings (feelings, sensations). You could say that it leads you from being an egocentric person towards being a person who experiences true empathy for others. It helps you see through the illusion of what life is supposed to be like and start living it how it truly is - moment by moment.

    Sorry for writing so much... I do tend to rant when I get started on these topics... but there you have it! : )

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  4. Love is a myriad of variations in perseverance. Love is a myriad of variations on patience. Love is a myriad of variations in tenderness. Love is a myriad of variations in trust. Love is a myriad of variations of belief. Love is prayer.

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  5. On 5/25/2021 at 6:01 PM, T3551ER said:

    Yo! Really digging this - I went back and dug through the @dingformungtracks on Soundcloud. Love the liquidity of your grooves man - it's got that nice, slithery sort of Elektron sound, underpinned by tight percussive stabs. 

    I'm curious how much of your stuff is based on found sound things like this and how much of it is done digitally? Also: can you shed a little bit of light on your processing process (hahah) for found sounds? I've only very recently gotten in to it (god it's such an eye opener) but I feel like they often lack the "punch" of the stuff here (and in your other music - if it is, indeed, found sounds). 

    Gooooood shit - oh, also, for some reason the vid only shows me a gray box (double checked on another browser/device, same thing). Can you re-up? 

    Hey, glad you like the songs! Just saw your reply and it made me happy to read it

    This one was made by hitting the wall under a bridge for an echo effect, also some church bells were recorded and some drumming on a container happened. It was phone recordings

    Processing is a private secrete sorry (can't talk about details here because its a secrete)



    "Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music." #quote

  6. Then there is the problem of the ambiguousness and lack of clarity of historiography. History is a narration, it's a story we are constantly weaving and changing to make it work in the present. If you believe what you are told is the consensus between leading experts in the academic historiography, then you know that narratives have always existed in the past and almost all of them, especially of the earlier past, have proven to be wrong or inaccurate, or outright crazy by modern "standards" (which again, are something you just have to believe because a teacher or a book told you so, not because you acquired evidence yourself, which is nigh impossible in a lot of cases, and it becomes a political thing rather than an scientific one). Therefore discussing these topics only traps you in one or the other narrative. We should see which narrative is the least of a lie while at the same time should have the most beneficial consequences for humanity and all other beings of this planet, knowing that reality is a lot weirder than the human mind is able to grasp and that no narration can really capture the past as it really was in its entirety and absoluteness.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    Must say I'm getting a ton of red flags about her from just reading the way you described her.

    The way he describes her is the way he describes her and not necessarily the way she is and may say more about him than about her, though. Something to consider. But you are Satan's Little Helper so nobody should listen to you (as you admitted yourself).

    Your advice to separate might be a good advice, though, as there are always two sides of the story and we only know one. It might be good for her if he leaves her and she can move on. It might be very good.

    On the other hand, she's his mother and he should love her, no matter how she is. I would say that if he can't help her, at least he can let her know that he loves her and that he wants to help her become a better human. He can try to get her to a professional or something. As she is his mother, she also needs him and wants to be with him.

    I'm not saying it's easy, but it's the least we can do for our mothers.

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  8. pee pee poo poo.

    Not very many people enjoy going to the bathroom. There are certain things that make it unpleasant.

    Toilet paper isn’t always readily available. Sometimes you have to go elsewhere to find a bathroom. Sometimes you have to wait in line to use the toilet.

    Even when you can find a bathroom, there may be other people in the room trying to use the toilet at the same time.

    In order to deal with these situations, you need a device that can help you. This device should have everything you need to successfully relieve yourself.

    If you can find a device that includes these features, it will make your life easier. It will make that time spent in the bathroom a lot more pleasant.

  9. 5 hours ago, Thu Zaw said:

    If your partner has character traits that wind you up now, those traits are gonna drive you up the wall in a couple of years time and it will bring out the worst in you as a result. 

    One can never expect a partner to change their ways. Thinking you can wait for your partner to work on their insecurities and everything will be fine after is naïve. 

    The only person whose behaviour and response you can change is you own. So, you can change how you respond to and feel about your partner's behaviours, or maybe she's not the one. 

    I disagree. Relationships are a transient oscillation, an entrainment, a build-up of mutual resonance, a harmonising or invigorating vibration. We change constantly and we change along other people's energies. We may not stay together for the rest of our lives (or even be alive), but a relationship can last for years, and it is thanks to a particular vibration which we created together and which can still influence us long after we have parted. Our interactions with others are not always conscious, but most of them are, and that's why they are so important. 

    You see, if you disagree with someone's opinion on something or if you dislike them for any reason, it doesn't really matter. You wouldn't have been friends with them in the first place if your vibrations were too different: You would have rejected each other at first sight. If you are forced to live with someone who causes friction or discomfort, then it means that a part of you has resonated with theirs at some point in time, and now you need to heal those vibrations because they no longer serve your higher purpose: They are only feeding the ego that is separating you from yourself.

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  10. It's a dream inside a dream inside a dream, but not really as these dreams don't necessarily follow a Matryoshka principle (although they absolutely can), and also not necessarily an arboreal structure (although again, they can) but are ultimately (which probably is an unfitting term here) connected in a rootstock-like manner. Therefore aliens can be or may emerge as a dream inside another dream, or as a dream within one's own dream. The idea of aliens is often associated with dreams, and how our minds are able to generate vivid imagery and how the mind can be convinced to perceive these images as real. I'm not saying they aren't real because even if they are a lucid dream, dreams are real as we know, at least in the plane of existence they live on. And these various layers of existence more often than not permeate, influence and interpenetrate each other. It's all in your mind? Your mind is not only in you, though. Mind is a concept, and like most concepts, it's not what you think it is.

    If we are to posit the existence of a dream-reality, what would it look like? A world where dreams exist? That would be a very strange place indeed. I think one way to address this problem would be to draw inspiration from bardo (the Tibetan word for transitional states between two lives on earth). In these states, you have some degree of freedom to alter your surroundings. You can create things, communicate with others and even visit other worlds. But what's really interesting about bardo is that for many people (I'm talking about those who had an out-of-body experience), they report seeing their loved ones or other entities they know walking around, interacting with them or even fighting with each other. Therefore we could say that bardo is a kind of dream. It's a space where you can meet familiar people and places, and aliens indeed. Do you want to wake "up"?

    Do you want to wake "up"?

    Are you ready to wake "up"?

    Are you ready to look at your world with a new set of eyes?

    Are you ready to see the truth?

    The world is not what it seems.

    What if everything you knew was wrong?




    The Truth about The Secret

    Is it true that all you have to do is wish for something and it will come true? If it were that easy, why aren't we all rich and successful? Why aren't we blissfully happy, fulfilled, and healthy? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why does anything bad happen to anyone at all? How could a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people? How can you be happy if your dreams don't come true, your relationships fail, your business goes bankrupt, or you get ill? Do you really believe that the mind has some sort of magical power over reality? What if everything is exactly as it seems on the surface, and there is no hidden reality or secret to life? What if everything is exactly the way it seems to be, and only through recognising that reality can we find true happiness? What if the mind can't control reality, but is instead controlled by reality?


    What if the Secret to Reality is Reality?

    What if the secret to everything is that there is no secret? What if the secret is that everything that happens to you in life is exactly what you asked for? What if the secret is that you are responsible for your own happiness and joy? What if the secret is that you must take full responsibility for your life and your feelings, and you can't blame anyone else for how you feel? What if the secret is that if all of your dreams don't come true, it's not because of a "higher power," or fate, or a lack of visualisation skills, or some other excuse, but it's because your dream didn't fit into reality? What if the secret to life isn't a magic trick or a new age philosophy, but instead it's simply "the real deal"? What if awakening means more than just learning something new about yourself, it means realising what you already know? What if self-awareness isn't just about looking inside yourself to see what your dreams are, but instead it's about looking outside yourself to see where your dreams are leading you? What if the secret is that there is no secret?


    The Secret to Life is Life


    The secret to life is life. That's the real deal. That's the truth. That's all there is. There is nothing else. There is no special secret. There are no magic wishes or destiny or fate or higher power. There is only reality, and reality involves you. So instead of wishing for something that seems like a magic trick, maybe you should look around you and see if what you're wishing for is in line with reality. If not, you might want to change your dream. Maybe what you really want is not what you think you want.




    What if we are more than just a body? What if we have more than one part, and one part can see the whole picture? What if the one part that sees the whole picture is the soul? What if you are more than just the body that you are right now? What if your soul is eternal and has lived many lifetimes? What if your soul has a broader view of the world than your body? What if your body is just a tool for your soul to experience reality in this lifetime? Without a soul, you would be nothing. Without your body, your soul would have no way to experience reality.




    What if "soul" is capable of fluctuating between various bodies and temporarily occupying one ore more? What if "aliens" are an alien soul temporarily occupying the body of a human (or another creature)?

    What if we all have more than one soul? What if we have multiple souls that can inhabit different bodies at any given time? What if everyone is secretly harbouring multiple souls in their physical body? What if you have multiple souls within you right now? Is something formless even countable? Either way it’s an interesting concept to contemplate.

    What if we are all capable of possessing different bodies and inhabiting different minds? What if consciousness is the thread that ties all of this together? What if consciousness is the soul, and not our physical body?

    What if this is more than just an exploration of a potential theory? What if this is something we will all have to experience in the future?

    • Farnsworth 1
  11. Over the past couple of weeks my perspective has constantly changed. Every day I seem to go into completely new territories of thinking (new to me at least). My angle on things fluctuates more rapidly than ever before so that I can even understand these more extremist & religious viewpoints. My antidote to getting completely delusional is trying to memorise all or some of these possible angles (there seem to be infinite possible angles) and derive a kind of modesty from them. I'm not referring to modesty as some sort of moralist stance or demeanour, but as the ability to know that every angle is just that, an angle, and never the absolute truth (which may be impossible to obtain as a human anyway).

    I'm trying to be as humble as possible (which is what allowed me to accept certain people's more religious viewpoints). This has been a constant battle for me because I naturally feel like I know everything, but I'm trying to be aware of my own delusions. This requires me to constantly analyse my own behaviour and thoughts.

    It's as if there are two sides to every story: the side that is being told and the side that is not being told – i.e. what isn't being said. The narratives we tell ourselves are in our minds, and the narratives that exist outside our heads are in other people's minds, which may or may not match our own. As far as we can tell, most people agree on certain narratives, but there are others that are quite different from these common narratives (and sometimes these 'different' narratives are an improvement on the more popular ones).

  12. 12 minutes ago, ambermonke said:

    I often feel worthless

    Your worth is not defined by your income, your title, your buying power, your ability to conform to some imaginary standards (that really don't exist). You are of great value to the world because you are alive. Life is not a game; it is the most important thing.

    Your self-worth is not defined by your material contribution or the position you hold in society. Your worth is defined by your very existence. Life is not a game; nor is it a competition. You don’t have to take life so serious. When you do, it ceases to be fun – at least for you.

    Don’t judge yourself by external standards. You don't owe anyone perfection.

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  13. 7 hours ago, yekker said:

    I'm just saying aliens give atheists something to believe in sometimes on a religious scale.


    • Farnsworth 1
  14. 1 hour ago, yekker said:

    People that believe in aliens are similar to people that believe in Jesus. Both groups believing in the unknown and having faith that they're messiah will come.  Aliens are like a modern religion. Did I read that here?

    whoever wrote that is moron

  15. I can't stand people who put others down for not being interesting or cool enough (or not looking good enough, being too immature or not contributing enough to society or whatever etc pp). Maybe she is scared of that bcs of past experiences. Humans can be cunts. I have a ton of unjustified insecurities myself and others have to live with them & I'm grateful they still tolerate & accept me. I try not to devalue others unless they are cunts and deserve death. I'm OK with braggers, as long as they don't expect others to be as "cool" as them and look down on them... etc pp

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  16. Relax. Maybe tell her that she annoys you when she is actively annoying you, then she might stop annoying you or you have an argument, which can be fun (or stressful). Tell her you think she's a Fomo and that you are triggered by that attitude and see what happens.

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