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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. Capitalism can be productive, it can redistribute wealth and it can protect our environment. It is good for people, animals and the planet. It is sustainable.

    Socialism, on the other hand, can never be a consistent theory. There is no such thing as a pure socialist system. Even in its most prevalent form – communism – it has always been modified by other political systems, like democracy or nationalism. It is anti-human because it puts the whole before the individual. It's no wonder it has failed to produce a successful economy.

  2. Immer wieder erstaunlich, wie wenig Respekt dieses Zigeunerpack vor dem Privateigentum ordentlicher Bürger hat. Alles wird geklaut, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist, auch ganze Scheunen. Und das alles unter dem Deckmantel einer angeblichen Armut. Eine Sauerei ist das!

  3. my years ago ex girlfriend once had an exchange student from the united Kingdom who told me cunt is the worst word but i dont reallyy understand why? why is it the female genetalia that is used as a bad word and not so much the male one? dick cock etc is all indecent thing 2 say but not quite as bad as cunt afaik. never really understoof why that is

  4. dunno, i know a few tricks e.g. "the scissor", which means clinging onto the opponent with ur legs as if they were scissors but really hard, so u basically squeeze them until theyy scream and cry

    yeah, i'm a pretty self absorbed person and therefore can't really stand if the people i meet dont think im as cool as i think i am, which always makes me insecure and then i start sweating and cryying inside adn get really nervous and escape the situation as quicklyy as possible. often i just have nothing to say. when i get home i lay in bed and contemplate life and how much money i have (which isn't much and usually i borrow it from someone else,I'm jobless at the moment)

    and i also daydream about how happy i'll be once i finally discover my true calling in life, which is being a famous actress, and how i'll then be so happy and famous that everyone will love me and kiss my feet and tell me how pretty i am.

    but reallyy, i'm not that pretty. at all. in fact, im quite ugly, but i don't mind because i know it's only on the inside that counts.

    love lucy

    • Haha 1
  5. So let's stick together! Let's not let the elites divide us on the basis of race or gender or religion or nationality. We're all working stiffs, so let's work together to improve our horrible conditions!

    Working-class solidarity! No borders! No nations! One big happy family of workers!

    And yes, I understand that this is probably a hopelessly idealistic view. Maybe Marx was right when he said that the "working class is revolutionary or it is nothing." Maybe he was right about all that "proletarian socialism" stuff. So maybe we should just forget this whole idea of working-class unity and go join one of those Maoist uprisings in Nepal or something like that?

    • Like 1
  6. i stopped smoking weed some dayys ago and i like that i got rid of the bad smells in the bathroom (it is where i always smoked bcs the other rooms have smoke detect0rz) and im feeling more clear in the head but i miss being tired

    On 4/20/2021 at 1:48 PM, Rubin Farr said:

    20mg THC dark chocolate for breakfast, with a mellow day of bong tokes and streaming movies planned, maybe some vidya games to boot. Healthy snacks at the ready ?


    that seems overly egoistic to me

  7. iv always identified wid the frog as my indian totem animal because i take lots of hot bathes


    id kill myself if i were to ever lose my ability to smell

    i still havent figured out the whole sex thing so i just let my parents do all the work.

    i got a cool tatoo of a frog on my ass so i can identify as an indian whenever i get drunk

    i always pretend to have an opinion about politics so people dont talk to me

    i always tell people that i was too busy staring at frogs to finish high school but i really didnt want to do the work

    i only eat at restaurants that have frogs on the menu, i cant stand eating where there arent any frog-themed dishes on the menu.

    i used to think that frogs were cute but now im 21 and think they are gross

    my horoscope told me to eat frogs so thats what i do every day

    when people ask me if im going to eat bugs or lick frogs in the future, i say no because im grossed out by them.

    • Like 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  8. On 5/2/2021 at 7:48 AM, zkom said:

    The Finnish version of Google Maps is sometimes very confusing and hilarious. For example if there are /'s between numbers it interprets them as fractions, like 5/3 would be "five thirds" and the roundabout exits are all messed up so instead of "take the third exit from the roundabout" it says something like "exit from the third roundabout". Then there are various words that are translated completely out of context. Somehow it keeps getting worse over time.

    ai wil vener be gooder as hunamity of al de werld’. When she gets to the end of the song, she lets out a high-pitched scream. “I’m deaf.” She is not.

  9. how and why does LSD work? is it a way to trick the language making thing inside of you to stop working as it usually doz or somfin. i ate a paper with alber hofmann on it and it was very strange like there are different dimensions between the time units and everything is in some way logically or syymbolically connected


    i dont know if it was in my head, but it was so clear. i am a little scared of writing this, becasue i dont want the whole world to know about me and my experience. but i think its good to tell somfin to understand more about whats happening inside my head. i am thinking about what if there are many different dimensions between the way we have learned so far? are they really are there? i would like to hear more from people about how it feels when you are under the effect of lsd. i am also thinking about doing some research on the subject of the drug by asking people to write or tell me what they feel or think. is there any research going on on this? 

    i am thinking of starting a research with people who have used lsd, and get them to write or tell me about their experiences. i am also thinking of making some kind of research with people who are going to use the drug. is this good?

    can you imagine the feeling of being in another dimension?

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