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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. every culture is within every other culture. the east is in the west & the west in the east. cultures are lenses pointing at each other. "the americans" is a function of "the french", "the chinese" is a function of "the dutch". there are building lines pointing in all directions, or resonance axis, even if they are quiet or subtle. it's a kaleidoscope with no entry point that provides no meta level from which you can gain ultimate clarity

  2. it all a language game

    every word u use has infinite possible meaning depending on it's location in time-space/context

    it's fluid

    words cannot be understood, at least on WATMM, yyet they can transform. every word u read literally transforms something in your brain, it's a bio-chemo-spiritual exchange that goes on with or without awareness of that process, or false awareness

    • Like 1
  3. just got my second vaccine dose

    first one was Astro-Seneca

    second one was Bio'n'Tech

    now i am vaccine but they sayy i can only travel again in two weeks??

    i should have just gotten myself infected and then self-isolate and wait till infection is over to get immunity, bcs then i couldve got immunity certificate and this whole process wouldve been faster (without putting anyone but myself in danger)

    i think i couldve beaten the virus, i am helth

    but weill, this was the safe option

    i like this place but its getting lame. same houses, people, faces, languages etc... wanna travel to different countryy & see more world and off world stuffs etc, mayybe learn spanish in spain

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/21/2021 at 8:09 AM, dingformung said:

    ok ok, its a cosmic orgasm etc but what if time is a narration and memorising is just in the now? kinda like the future is not reallyy there but imagined, same goes for the past so all memory is a result of NOW and therefore it may or may not be accurate? knowledge, which relies on memoryy, is then more a story than a reality and fluid (but appears to be solid)???

  5. 1 hour ago, Thu Zaw said:

    I have no national or cultural identity. Countries and nationalities are a "social construct" (for want of a better term), and they're certainly not static in their cultural identity or existence.

    And they only apply to settled peoples/tribes/nationally identified groups. Nomadic and multicultural people are not included in national/cultural identities. Nations and locations overlap, heritage is a narration, not a fact, it a rhizome...

    What do you think about Germany/GermMans?   oops wrong thredd, even tho still relevant bcs apparently it was prussian-german military folks who helped the americans fight off the british and declare independence

  6. @drome a couple of hours ago i "thought" about telling you that boy u shouldnt rebel against the system. by rebelling you take part. you become the other side of the "coin". care for urself & ur loved ones andk the vaccine provides u with more freedom of movement and so on whether or not u believe in the deadliness of the virus or in virusses in general (or is the correct latin plural form of virus viri?)

    take care

    • Like 1
  7. ok ok, its a cosmic orgasm etc but what if time is a narration and memorising is just in the now? kinda like the future is not reallyy there but imagined, same goes for the past so all memory is a result of NOW and therefore it may or may not be accurate? knowledge, which relies on memoryy, is then more a story than a reality and fluid (but appears to be solid)???

    • Farnsworth 1
  8. On 5/6/2021 at 3:09 PM, eassae said:


    i really enjoy that style. something unique that cant be understood with the past... on my wall it should be... words.

    here is one of my magnificient pieces of art:


    the eyes on the left wing were a mistake. wish i hadnt drawn them and overall this is not finished but it distracted me from the smells while pooping

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  9. i had planned to make this thread when the joyrex had made that other thread about introducing the function of ignorage to the board of message

    i now fulfill the plan that i made, it is NOW


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