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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. and that Jesus beard... I know a few girls who would fall for it.

    Hey, What do you guys think about this?
    He's a millionaire so he can do whatever he wants, but he could have been fucking with the wrong group of people. If I was Jesus, I would have just made a human centipede with the influencers.

    The fact that he might have been fucking with the wrong group of people makes me wonder how many influencers actually died.
    I know for a fact I would of been getting a lot of plugs from Jesus if I was a dying man in his crucifixion's hey

  2. According to my girlfriend UFOs are a non-existent entity.

    Which leads to the question of why people are so desperate to believe in them, for what purpose?

    I think the reason is because it's a form of religion. A new age one to replace Christianity or Islam but still, it's a form of religion that offers hope for better things to come (the aliens come and help us). It's just like how Christianity in the past promised that if you die and go to heaven you'd be immortal and see God, aliens promise they'll come and help us (either by bringing immortality or by giving us technology we need)

    Also it's easier for people to believe in an alien invasion than the possibility of their own extinction. And maybe it's easier to give up on society when you think that aliens will save humanity, than if you know there won't be any salvation at all (even if they're just as fictional as God) For those who have faith in aliens though, it doesn't matter if they exist or not. If you're ready to believe they exist then you'll believe despite any evidence and without even looking at any evidence anyway. It's like someone telling Christians there is no proof Jesus Christ existed but I can provide evidence he did not exist. They'll still ignore the evidence and say "don't listen to him! Because he doesn't have faith" or whateverAnd what about the people who want them to exist? Why should we care about them? I mean if they want aliens so much wouldn't they be happier with them not existing? Ufology is an entertaining subject for some probably but I don't see the point of being obsessed with it but not being obsessed with life on other planets. I mean if you want to believe life exists on other planets but that you're the only one who can see it then that's weird. If you believe that aliens exist and no one else can see them then why not just believe that they're invisible and then you won't be obsessed with them? It makes no sense to be obsessed with aliens and not obsessed with the whole universeI think people are desperate for aliens because they want hope. Hope for a better future somehow. Better than what we have now, probably because of climate change or nuclear war or something like that. Aliens would be better than nothing right? Like God is better than nothing and God doesn't even existAnd in this case I'm just saying "alien" as a way to describe some other intelligent species that isn't human if that makes senseThe main reason I don't trust all those UFO pictures or videos is because most of them are obviously faked, especially the way the objects move (they're clearly CGI). Also some of them are stupidly overexposed so they don't look real, especially if they're flying low. And there are a lot of CGI videos of planes that you can find online. I've seen a video that had a plane in the sky and then showed the same video with an object replacing the plane and it was obvious that the UFO was CGI. It doesn't have to be perfectly clear that it's CGI though because people are humans after all and we can't see everything clearly with our eyes, but you have to be a moron to think that these things are real

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