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Everything posted by zero

  1. Fair enough, you got one opinion of him and I got mine. Not sure why you included the fuck you...seems kinda uncalled for. In his early days I thought he did come across as the typical holier than thou chef but as everyone has pointed out, mellowed out in his later years and seemed pretty genuine. Maybe he did lose the attitude, but I mean something was causing internal dissatisfaction and we can only guess at what that was.
  2. Yeah he definitely seemed to be able to keep his sarcastic tone/condescending nature/dickheadishness in check after he became famous. I thought that was part of what people were so intrigued by about him...that for a lot of the people he met and interviewed, you probably knew he was laughing and making fun of them internally, while trying to act interested in the stupid shit they were saying. Maybe later on down the road he stopped giving a crap and just sat there hoping to hear something to make him think we aren't all so stupid. I'm also betting he had been planning on doing it in France since that's his family's lineage.
  3. same here, Robin Williams was pretty devastating tooI think the one that hit me the hardest in the past 5 or so years was Chris Cornell. Brought me back to my teenage years, how I idolized lead singers of grunge bands.
  4. Watch out trump - Canadians be burning shit down: https://www.vox.com/world/2018/6/7/17435174/trump-trudeau-war-1812-history
  5. I can totally imagine him asking if the president gets to wear a crown for certain occasions. Then making some half joking half serious remark that the president should get to wear a crown and demanding one be made for him.
  6. "Yeah, I think the summit with North Korea is back on. I mean it could be on. Or maybe it won't. Who knows. We'll have to wait and see".
  7. No doubt Donnie was loling wildly to Roseanne's tweets and will probably end up hiring her to work in his fucked up administration.
  8. Me me me me me me me Or how about Donald j trump apologizes to all of humanity for subjecting us to this absurd failed reality show experiment called the Donald trump presidency and then pulls the trigger?
  9. i've been burnt out on politics for a while- the problem is that something happens almost on a daily basis that swings the conversation either right or left. like trump cancelling the meeting with kim jung un. just 19 days ago, his most loyal fanbase was claiming this meeting was going to usher in "world peace" and most couldn't believe how "amazing they felt about my president, ever". today they remain mum about the cancelation of the meetings. i'm sort of wondering if they even take politics seriously or whether we've been reduced to an orgy of competing over who's argument is correct while trying to ruin the other person's credibility if their beliefs. it gets tiring pretty quick but we (the country) remain stubbornly involved They are an army of yes men supporting a close minded, arrogant seventy something year old who suffers from delusions of grandeur and also has no interest in politics. What can we expect? Apparently the meeting was cancelled because golden boy Mike p said something negative about n Korea on Fox news, some n Korean called Mike a political dummy, Donald wanted them to apologize but they wouldn't, so he cancelled the summit. Too bad because I think he had some commerative coins minted up that now will go to waste. Maybe he can hand them out to trick-or-treaters next Halloween or maybe they'll end up in his mar-a-lago presidential tomb/library next to his collection of maga hats...
  10. Another incredible season of The Americans. Depressing that this show only has 2 episodes left. Can't wait to find out how this all wraps up. Looks like the pastor makes a reappearance next episode.
  11. He's a good actor? Macron is suave and debonair. Donnie sees him as a cool James bond type, so he wants to hang with him. Macron then turns around and uses big words when speaking to Congress that Donnie doesn't understand, yet he gets bro hugs and hears "you're the man don Don", which insecure Donnie is flattered by. As long as macron doesn't personally insult him, then Donnie could care less what his master plan is. But one whiff that macron has called him a douchebag - Donnie sics his maga army on him and it's back to freedom fries and french wine spilling down the gutters...
  12. The pre-nup between her and Donnie must be something insane. I think I recall him boasting back in the day about what a great deal it was for him, meaning she'll probably end up penniless and in a Slovak prison if she tries to divorce him.
  13. Mar-a-Lago Presidential Libary and future resting place of Donald Trump.I bet he will want his dead orange body to be on display in mar-a-lago long after he's gone. The red hat wearing MAGA faithful will make it a holy pilgrimage to see it. Unlike Lenin, he won't need any presevatives since he's so caked in orange self tan product that will keep him glowing for hundreds of years.
  14. Since media is all fake news, then he is the fake president. He is a bad actor pretending his way through this whole charade. "We might attack Syria, we might not. Who knows. I might wake up tomorrow and play golf, I might stay in my room tweeting and watch fox news. Who knows."
  15. I hope he rots in jail too, but seriously, what really bad can happen to this dude? His empire stripped and his children raped? His wife leaves and takes his money? His chimpanzee court has kept him out of harm's way this long, no way anything bad we all want to happen to him will occur. Besides, Russians will sneak him out of the country should shit hit the fan and he lives out the rest of his life in a gold plated Moscow hi-rise with Fox news, big Macs, and golden showers 4 life...
  16. President Donnie said F U to his handlers and called his boy Vlad P to give him props on winning the Russian president for life contest...
  17. The guy who leads the space force better be called Chewbacca or no one will take this seriously
  18. Oh absolutely, Rodman has to be there. Without him the deal will fall apart. And why not invite Vlad to the party as well for shits 'n giggles? Maybe the fillipino whacko wants in on this too...Donnie is a pro at making deals with enterprising criminals
  19. What if the north Koreans say we'll agree to give up our nukes if you agree to stop tweeting. Think Donnie could do it?
  20. The Americans is such an excellent show. Season 1 was near perfect, the first half of season 4 is incredible. I have no idea how they can wrap it all up in a shortened final season 6.
  21. Couldn't agree more. Strong leadership characteristics such as public speaking ability, confidence, and relatibility are one of the most important aspects of being a major figurehead, like U.S. president. Like him or not, Obama nailed it in this regard.
  22. Definitely seems like Putin/Russia strategized what this whole thing would be like with Trump at the helm. Poor Donnie can't see past the next Fox news commercial break, while Vlad and the boys sit back and watch their global dominance grow... And regarding this whole tariff shit show, it seems like everyone keeps falling for Donnie's nonsense. He blurts out something he's put less than 5 seconds of thought into, and all of a suddenly markets get effected and countries get pissed off? He will walk this back, no doubt, once someone explains things to him in 3rd grader terms. Why does anyone keep taking this reality star-trump enterprises-pseudo president seriously?
  23. Donnie had a stop today at a CPAC convention on his never ending campaign tour. It's like he's an aging rock star that keeps going round and round to the same lesser known cities, rattling off his greatest hits to a completely of touch fan base. Today's 75 minute set list included such classics as "build the wall", "lock her up", and a cover of "the snake":
  24. Yeah, apparently he wasn't allowed to go golfing this past weekend while on vacation at mar-a-lago, as his babysitters deemed it insensitive to the shooting victims. Therefore we got a weekend of angry tweets, since baby Donnie was essentially grounded and spent the weekend locked in his room probably inhaling Mickey D's milkshakes and watching fox news.
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