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Everything posted by zero

  1. If only animatronic Abe Lincoln would pick up a scythe and whack off animatronic chump's head, while the rest of the animatronic presidents started pointing and laughing...
  2. A year? This orange pile of shit will be sitting on our doorstep for 7 more years guaranteed. If the mound of orange has made it this far, it will keep in its place for many many more years. We are living inside Fargo S3, where this frustratingly disgusting want-to-wring-your-hands-around-its-fucking-neck entity was mistakenly invited in and now is disrupting normal civilized life as we previously knew it.
  3. Holy shit Donnie's sending us back to the moon! You can tell in those photos his favorite part was getting to play with the toy astronaut. I hope he's figured a way to pay for this...recent estimates say this will cost $100 billion
  4. Little donnie loves to eat 2 big macs, 2 filet-o-fish, and a chocolate milkshake when his mommy and daddy take him to mcdonald's: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/12/trump-eats/547355/ I read somewhere else he likes his quarter pounders with cheese's to have no pickles, extra ketchup. Inhuman.
  5. This is like watching a crappy '80s movie where the bad guys keep getting away with everything, the good guys keep thinking about how they're going to get the bad guys but really do nothing, and all of us watching the movie are screaming at the screen DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!
  6. Yeah...I wonder at what point his behavior will no longer be considered shocking to everyone? I mean the number of things he's gotten away with that would have completely sunken another person in the public realm are so vast, it should be now understood that Donnie is going to say the stupidest shit in everything he tweets about or comments about and it won't affect him as it would someone else. I think he's a joke as much as anyone does, but I just find it interesting that he continues to get the media so riled up with every stupid tweet he makes. It's as if they are hoping he is somehow going to come around and act like Obama and they are so disappointed in him that he continues to act like a spoiled 5 year old...
  7. Hookers and coke for all! Oh wait... that's Tom Sizemore I'm thinking of
  8. As much as I would love for Don Dada to spend the rest of his existence getting butt raped in jail, I will settle for a Harvey Weinstein style take down, where no one will come near him to do those "deals" Donnie loves to brag about.
  9. blumpstore lol he is so relatable, no wonder lower/middle class folks love him, hes one of them! Yep, it's crazy when you hear an interview with a factory worker in rural Mississippi who says he loves Trump because "he gets us".
  10. Toiletries bags, golf head covers...modern day nazi memorabilia...lol I'm sure this shit will be worth a fortune 20 years from now when he's dead and his movement is still thriving in the redneck strongholds of America
  11. Are we supposed to feel sympathy now because it has made national news, that this more or less previously unknown dude couldn't control himself and ended up over dosing?
  12. I figured he has no fucking idea what he's doing and saw an easy opportunity to piss off libs/Dems so he did it without thinking more than half a second about it
  13. If only there was a single working brain in all of his entourage, one of them should have requested that everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears be playing every time he got up on stage during his tour...
  14. Donnie is fucking hilarious! His latest yarn is his Asian vacation has ushered in "the great American comeback" and he has singlehandedly restored America's standing in the world... Donnie's the savior!!! He saved America!!! (Crowd goes wild in his head) Oh please army general dudes...just let him ride around once standing on the tank with his army man helmet on...then take him back to his golden room for his afternoon nap
  15. Love it. I know it's a few days late now but this is an excellent Halloween album. Perfect for putting on and staring at a jack-o'-lantern. I get Kraftwerk vibes from his vocal style.
  16. Yep, he's already there: http://www.politicususa.com/2017/11/01/watch-deteriorating-trumps-speech-stumbles-mispronounces-words-cabinet-meeting.html I heard the audio on npr earlier and was like, wait, did he just say diversery? Then he said it again.
  17. El Orang barely speak english anymore. John Kelly and his handlers should seriously look at just subtitling his interviews with the intended WH answer, maybe even a bad overdub with his words spliced together. Trump: "I'm rich, football rings, blah blah blah" Subtitles/overdub: "yes, I agree we should work toward a peaceful solution in north Korea and a reduction in nuclear weapons"
  18. Since it's apparent he will never have anything substantive to say and behaves like a dangerous warmongering dictator, why can't the media come together for once in a lifetime and put him on a massive "ignore?" Stop reporting on his tweets, stop putting him in the headlines, just basically fucking ignore the prick since we know he thrives on attention...and currently everything is pointed at him 24/7. It would be doubly awesome if the media would ignore Crump and troll him by pretending Obama is still president...CNN headline "Obama visits orphanage today" "Obama goes to Starbucks today" etc...
  19. My unrealistic hope is that after this whole nightmare is over, something similar to the procedure in Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind has been developed and can be applied en masse, so we all can have "the guy" erased from our memories and things get back to an acceptable level of normal, and not this alternate 1985 Back to the Future II shit, where Biff is in control as a billionaire operating from a slowly decaying high rise, in a dark, twisted, apocolyptic, dystopian version of America...
  20. I'm gonna get drunk, take my shirt off, let my belly hang out, and eat a cheeseburger in salute to Mr.Lahey
  21. That orange crap smeared all over him is actually fire retardant and will preserve him forever. That's why he doesn't give a fuck about a nuclear holocaust...him and cockroaches...gonna be here forever
  22. Lol at discussing American politics as if they are to be taken seriously anymore. One thing Donnie has done is dumb this shit down by 50 levels. Look at the headlines today..."President Trump challenges his secretary of state to an IQ contest." The equivalent is 2nd graders shouting at each other "I'm smarter...no I'm smarter...no I'm... I predict the next election will be decided by a thumb war or arm wrestling contest. Seriously, what if it's Pence v Schumer, and old Mike P beats him square 2 outta 3. 'Muricans would never vote for a loser like that...
  23. But his babysitters can't deflect everything...he was asked today what he thought about Rex calling him a moron and he claimed fake news. He claims it whenever he's threatened and hasn't had time to come up with an angry Twitter reply yet.
  24. And that's when the good 'ol fake news excuse works its wonders...all he has to do is claim "fake news" and that never happened in his mind, nor in the minds of his brainwashed followers.
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