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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. TH still hasn't grown on you then oscillik? I'd agree with you that the price people want for this is beyond the realms of reality. Even if I was a billionaire I'd pay about 40 quid for it, top wack. doesn't matter what my opinion is of the final album - the fact remains that this item is a part the ridiculously overblown and grandiose marketing promotion that led up to it's release.
  2. I think all this fluff is completely unnecessary and just wastes money
  3. I guess a few new people need to read the entire thread... and the rules.
  4. what exactly is wrong with listening to music that no living person has ever heard, HokusPoker?
  5. even though Kickstarter approved the project, and people that work for Kickstarter have pledged to this project themselves?
  6. it doesn't matter what Edward Bailey says though - these people are not gonna accept anything less than a videotaped statement from Rephlex / Richard, stating what is happening is legit. And even then, I'm sure these people will find things to pick apart with it. It's just like me on the BoC subforum anytime MDG makes a post. And I get that. But what is really ridiculous, and I'm sure you'll agree with me, is that these people are pledging to a project that they clearly either don't understand, or are uncomfortable with the amount of information that has been provided. To these people, I would say the following: 1. This whole endeavour was a product of this forum, WATMM. Regardless of what some people may say (ooooh Reddit could've done it, blah blah blech), WATMM did it. Joyrex has the connections to speak to relevant people, and it is happening. Those who have been around on this forum long enough, know that Joyrex is wired-in, and there's little question from this community surrounding whether permission has been granted for this. Joyrex is not stupid - he wouldn't risk a lawsuit over this. 2. If you don't trust this kickstarter, for whatever reason, why the hell did you pledge? 3. Many people who participate in kickstarter campaigns are under the false assumption that they are purchasing something. This is a common misconception which needs to be nipped in the bud. The items given to kickstarter backers are called rewards for a reason. Any and all promises made via a kickstarter can and will be subject to change, due to the very nature of what a kickstarter campaign is. People who make kickstarter campaigns are under absolutely no obligation to carry out promises of rewards, or indeed anything that has been mentioned in the kickstarter. If you have a problem with this, see points 1 and 2. Personally, I have been very reticent to participate in kickstarter campaigns for the reasons of trust and expectation. I have very recently broken my abstinence from backing campaigns because those that I have backed, I have a greater feeling of trust than I have for any others. I should also add that they're both music related (first backed is the recent Telefuture campaign, and now this one) condensed version: fuck off if you don't like what you see (not to you awep, those people)
  7. Moral arguments aside, you can't really call it stupid. It's the smartest thing to do - why pay money for something when you can get it for free? That's the opposite of stupid. Whether it's the "right" thing to do, however, is a question of morals, not intelligence. I see your point (and had that mindset at one time), but honestly, it's easier (in most cases) to pay for something legitimately instead of waiting until it's pirated (for me)... The thing is though - Irrespective of if/when it gets ripped, the point is that people have contributed the $30k towards this. If I'm right in thinking that money is now for certain and they can't back out. no, people can back out at any point up until the end of the kickstarter. once the end date and time has been reached though, that's it - no backing out.
  8. I think it was actually released mid-way through last year under a different title - Tomorrow's Harvest
  9. Why, ..would it influence the sound? Or do you mean more in a philosophical sense, keeping it as pure as possible to the original. DRM watermarking is wrong. I'm not going to explain here why DRM is wrong. If there is any plan for DRM to be included in the files, I will be rescinding my pledge. although it does seem that the subject was broached and has been shot down... It was never a requirement to get this done, just in case anyone is assuming such... thanks for clearing this up. worries are washed away!
  10. Why, ..would it influence the sound? Or do you mean more in a philosophical sense, keeping it as pure as possible to the original. DRM watermarking is wrong. I'm not going to explain here why DRM is wrong. If there is any plan for DRM to be included in the files, I will be rescinding my pledge. although it does seem that the subject was broached and has been shot down...
  11. I think watermarking is something we absolutely should not be doing I really hope no-one involved in this is seriously thinking about doing this? It was discussed, but ultimately I'm against it - I mean, why? Other than publicly shaming the person, there's really nothing punitive you can do. indeed. DRM is very very bad.
  12. I think watermarking is something we absolutely should not be doing I really hope no-one involved in this is seriously thinking about doing this?
  13. xy_politics has already suggested someone that may be able to do what we need, I believe Joyrex is looking into it
  14. kickstarter funded in less than four hours 29 days to go until something happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1eHKf-dMwo
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