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Everything posted by Wunderbar

  1. Reminds me of a thing my grandpa used to tell me. Fuck them before they can talk, so they wont tell on you. Great man unfortunately he lost everything in the divorce.
  2. anyone know which bradley strider tune this ?
  3. my tinnitus creates a sus4 chord. My life is eternal dissonances.
  4. c major is pretty neet, learned it today.
  5. i was just jokingly responding to the mentioned people that apparently exist that don't have an internal monologue.
  6. Wtf some people don't have an internal monologue ? Imagine your own brain doesn't even want to talk to you.
  7. I cant sing for shit. I always try to think the pitch really hard but it never sounds the same lol. I also have this weird tremolo i cant control. I wonderd if being able to sing says something about how good your pitch perception is. for some reason i also struggle more on pitch perception on vocals instead of instruments,
  8. Yea i feel like that is how its supposed to be. I cant help but overthink everything as of late and totally takes the joy out of things. I used to get goosebumps lot when listening to music, but ever since this whole "how are u actually supposed to be listening to music" that seems to have faded away. Its a totally dumb thought and idk why it keeps infiltrating my brain. Same with trying to sleep i keep thinking about how to fall asleep but its not thinking about it that helps u fall asleep faster.
  9. That blush album really hits the right spot for me. and wow that Taylor Deupree album. thanks for sharing this.
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