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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. 2 hours ago, ignatius said:



    still looks fake but damn, those are getting quite realistic

    stuff from scifi

    i wonder how deep fake is gonna affect propaganda or crime prosecution in the future

    anyone knows if there is effective ways to spot fakes? are they getting harder to spot?

  2. I think a lot of people just dont buy music anymore. Streams or youtube and thats it. 

    Ive seen acts at raves pulling hundred of people at their shows having 5 sells of their tracks. A lot of people just dont give a single damn about buying the music, they just want to consume it easily like for TV series and movies streams. Spotify is just netflix for music.

    The problem is that actors, directors and all the film crew gets paid PRIOR to diffusion. So even if everything is just streams and pirates it doesn't affect the fact they were all paid for it.

    Musicians don't. So this whole streaming industry mechanism doesnt work with the music process of production as well as the one in cinema and TV.

    Imagine if the crew would only get paid by stream percentage hahaha 

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, purlieu said:

    It's true that there's music released now that sells poorly that would have made people a living 20+ years ago - simply because there's next to no commercial backing for more experimental stuff these days, you don't really see a modern equivalent of Tangerine Dream or FSOL or The Orb making the top 10 anymore, especially to the extent that it used to happen - but agreed that the majority of stuff on Bandcamp is the modern equivalent of the DIY tape labels from the '80s or the small CDr labels of the early '00s, who often made things in runs of no more than 50 anyway.

    Any decrease in sales has really come from a saturation of the market. I remember when I first started properly releasing music in the early '00s, and outside of specialised music forums, I very rarely found anybody online making electronic or experimental music. I noticed that dramatically changing over the following few years, and there do seem to be far more people doing it now, almost certainly due to the ease of availability of free or pirated software and the broadband speeds to download it easily. Similarly, faster internet speeds allow for things to be released as albums rather than tracks; back when I was a regular poster on ElectronicScene, maybe only a third of the regular posters ever bothered doing things as albums, just happy to pop a few tracks online that they'd made, whereas now things seem to be much more album- and purchase-oriented. So there's just way more stuff out there. I used to be able to buy every album by every musician friend I had; these days that would bankrupt me.

    Yeah i mean major labels DID take chances once in a while at very wild things. Even if you look at Jazz musicians, there was some wild stuff being accepted and promoted by major.

    Would any major release stuff as wild as the long ass free jazz fusion jams of Bitches Brew these days?

    You're lucky if you can get a 5 min pop song haha

    Risk ratio went from a little to none at all. I think this influence the whole ecosystem down the way and less people are exposed to it.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, kuniklo said:

    But this is more just a property of everything being online isn't it? You could also just post them up on a personal website or dropbox folder or something. If you're going to tie yourself to a platform like BC and be at the mercy of their corporate ambitions then you should get more than a landing page and download button in return.

    I like BC as it is but it could do a lot more to help artists find an audience.

    I think the bandcamp collection especially, makes it better than personal website or dropbox. Everything in one place.

    I agree there is probably more it could do for people to find an audience tho. But there is so much music hahaha

    • Like 1
  5. ''Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech Wednesday that Russia should undergo a "self-cleansing of society" to get rid of the "bastards and traitors" as thousands of Russians tried to flee the country amid its invasion of Ukraine. 

    "The collective West is attempting to splinter our society, speculating on military losses, on socioeconomic effects of sanctions, in order to provoke a people's rebellion in Russia," Putin said in a video address shared on Twitter.

    "But any people, the Russian people, especially, are able to distinguish true patriots from bastards and traitors and will spit them out," he said of those who did not back the Kremlin.

    "I am certain that this necessary and natural self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness, and our readiness to answer any calls to action," Putin said.

    Putin said he was not "judging those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera" or those "who cannot live without foie gras and mussels or so-called gender-based rights" as long as they were "mentally" with Russia.

    "The problem does not lie in this, but I repeat, the fact that many of these people inherently, mentally, live elsewhere and not here with us, with our people, with Russia," Putin said.

    "This is, in their opinion ... a belonging to the higher caste, the higher race," he said. 

    Meanwhile, thousands of Russians are attempting to flee the country in the wake Putin's February 24 invasion of Ukraine.''


    He is going full berserk dictator mode.

    In between economic collapse, dictatorial rule, covid.

    Wouldnt want to be in Russia for the next 5-10 years.

    • Sad 2
  6. Just asking you to please mate, just show some restraint toward the guy in Ukraine. All i ask from you. Out of decency. Please. Just talk to us but leave this guy alone.

    I don't think you're out there to harm anyone, but you may be without realizing. 

    Debating or ranting about Ukraine in the abstract is one thing, living through bombing, your country being destroyed and seeing people dying is another ball park.



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  7. I mean i dont give a damn about what they think at this point, i can take it, as anyone else in here but to have the nerve to say this BS to an actual Ukrainian under fire. I will say it like it is. It is not cool. It is definitively not cool.

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  8. 6 hours ago, kuniklo said:

    This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately too. As much as I like Bandcamp most of the records I buy on there sell in very low numbers, far below what any musician could make a living off of.

    So if it's not really making people enough money to support themselves maybe it's worth taking a step back and asking if there's some other way we can encourage creativity and help musicians find an audience without trying to mimic an ownership model that makes much less sense in an always online world and doesn't put control of music in the hands of tech megacorps that just see it as a checkbox in their strategy documents?

    The point of some of these music releases is not and was never to be viable in a commercial way or to provide for a living. But just to be available. To give it a platform.

    All those niche genras and releases will pretty much NEVER appeal to a wide audience. 99% will always stay in the shadows. No matter what you do. No matter your business model, there is only so many people interested in it.

    Bandcamp is cool because it makes it possible for those to exist and be available to those who are interested.

    • Like 3
  9. Quite a good amount of my favorite music does not sell well on bandcamp.

    Heck some top notch Gerald Donald trx have like 15 sells.

    But thats why bandcamp is so cool, you can find all kind of ultra niche and weird independent stuff whether its commercially viable or not. 99% of the time, this stuff will never sell much anyway, in any context.

    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

    i sometimes wonder if he is an operator


    i ask myself the same question everytime they respond to anything, feels like im talking to a china or russian propaganda agent

    but probably not because an operator would be more subtle but who knows, i wouldnt even be surprised, the funny thing is if they're not they managed to self-brainwashed themselve to a surprising degree

    Gaslighting an Ukrainian on Ukraine war tho.

    Is a fucking low point.

    3 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    well you are right then, I must be very stupid and misinformed.  but what do you want to happen, apart from the same thing we all want, which is for the war to end, which seems that it simply will not happen without ukrainian surrender or NATO escalation to ww3?

    you should be fucking ashamed of yourself

    gaslighting someone in a warzone and acting self-righteous to them? they are in a direct situation of siege and their life is under danger this is not a game

    youve said some fucked up things but this is a new low

    have you no fucking conscience? THIS PERSON IS LIVING THROUGHT ACTUAL WAR and you want to mansplain them the situation???? what the actual fuck

    • Like 8
  11. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

    3/4 through

    Certainly one of the best novels i've read.

    Found: ''The Norton Anthology of short fiction, 3rd edition'' for 5 bucks at thrift store. 108 stories. Now that's a good deal.

    Read a few including:

    “The Babysitter” by Robert Coover

    ''Rape Fantasy'' by Margaret Atwood

    Both excellent.


  12. 5 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    one of my favorite things is when i forget i'm watching an actor do their thing.  especially when it's someone i'm familiar with and i know their work etc but i forget that it's xyz person and it's wholly the character and i'm convinced. .totally sold etc. immersed. 

    Yeah precisely.

    The acting lives.

    It's why i mostly dislike Di Caprio or Brad Pitt or any of those guys. They rarely feel like they're acting to make things LIVE imo. You never forget it's Di Caprio.

    It's just ''here Di Caprio is in this movie saying his parts and someone is filming it''

    I want the actor being obliterated into his part with only the character left. It's beautiful.

    • Like 1

    3 hours ago, ignatius said:

    i liked the most recent season of better call saul more than a lot of breaking bad. breaking bad is good and beyond brilliant a times but sometimes they make walter a little too much of a magic macguyver w/the tasks he has to solve. but some of it is pretty amazing and great story telling.  they do the task/macguyver thing in some early parts of better call saul too but it rises up beyond that pretty quickly and the stuff w/jimmy's brother is amazing.. how that whole story turns out.. also, Kim is fucking great. 

    the two series are really quite comparable overall.. for me anyways. i think the first couple seasons of better call saul were lacking some too but really don't remember them so much. 

    edit: started watching Severance. which is interesting and weird. slow pace but compelling and draws me in. it's also darkly funny but also goofy funny too. 

    Bob Odenkirk and Jonathan Banks are just amazing at their respective characters.

    I watch the show almost only to watch them.

    It doesnt feel like i'm watching a guy acting , it feels like i'm watching these characters LIVE in front of me. Now, to me, that is fucking good acting. 

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