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Posts posted by thefxbip


    Reinhold Weber, born in 1927, was known as a pioneer of electronic music. In his compositions, Weber placed a focus on twelve-tone music, he became increasingly fascinated in the field of computer music since the 1970s. He produced numerous works at the Studio for Electronic Music at the University of Karlsruhe.
    Released in our Early Electronic series

    released March 4, 2022

  2. If you like Mozart requiem: listen to this. Mozart basically used it as a model, nearly a template to compose his own. 

    Quite a few similar passages. You can really hear the influence.

    • Like 1
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/04/zaporizhzhia-nuclear-power-plant-everything-you-need-to-know

    Is there a radiation threat?

    Ukrainian authorities on Friday morning said the facility was secured and “nuclear safety is now guaranteed”.

    Earlier, the International Atomic Energy Agency said the Ukraine regulator told the agency that there was “no change reported in radiation levels at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant site”.

    The US also said their latest information showed no indication of elevated radiation levels at the plant. The US energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, said the reactors “are protected by robust containment structures and reactors are being safely shut down”.

    Russia has already captured the defunct Chernobyl plant, 100km north of Kyiv. Some analysts noted the Zaporizhzhia plant is of a different and safer type to Chernobyl, which was the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986.

    The chances of explosion, nuclear meltdown or radioactive release are low, said Tony Irwin, an honorary associate professor at the Australian National University.

    Irwin, who operated nuclear power plants in the UK for three decades, is a former manager of the open-pool Australian lightwater (OPAL) reactor, Australia’s only nuclear reactor.

    He said the PWR reactors are “a lot safer” than the reactors at Chernobyl, and did not appear to be damaged yet. The reactors have large concrete contaminants and built-in fire protection systems, he said, adding:

    “Obviously, it’s not a good idea if you start shooting massive missiles at reactors,” he said. “The PWR [pressurised water reactor] type is a much safer sort of reactor, because it’s a two-circuit design reactor. The water that keeps the reactor cool is on a separate circuit to the second one, which actually supplies the power to the turbine and the outside.”

    “These reactors have back-up emergency cooling systems as well. In addition to the normal reactor cooling, they got a passive system, they’ve got high pressure injection systems, they’ve got low-pressure injection systems.”

    • Like 1
  4. Capitalism is evil but not every company just DIRECTLY gives out names of people out so they will be detained in concentration camps, knowing thats what will happen, there is a gradation of evil.

    Anyway. Im not that naive, i know lots of things we use in everyday are linked to this shit. But its quite depressing, indeed (for me anyway) to know bandcamp is now linked directly to this brand as well.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, dcom said:

    Americans have some of that, too, and the Brits, maybe throw in all the rest colonialist countries for good measure. Good to know that all capitalism is built on genocide.

    Yeah but buying things on bandcamp didnt give money directly to the american police, the canadian residential schools from the 60s or mining companies.

    Now it directly gives money to people that directly collaborate with Uyghurs genocide.


  6. Bottom line is Bandcamp is not indie anymore, its not its own thing anymore.

    It's the same as Spotify or itunes or any of those. It has been absorbed. 

    Capitalism is inevitable where money goes i guess.


    We had a good run of it.

    (Wonder when Zuckenberg is gonna wake up and buy WATMM!!!)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Just now, splesh said:

    Good to know I'm not the only Wandelweiser fan in these parts ❤️

    Listened to the full thing, really enjoyed it. Thx for sharing it. This is the kind of stuff that  is not that easy to find on your own.

  8. When Epic Games is half owned by Tencent, a multinational corporation that owns shares in all the big players, you better be fucking worried about bandcamp features because its coming.

    So much for champions for a fair and open Internet...

    Bandcamp CEO sold his soul to the big man, thats all. And it's a big slap in the face to anyone that believed in the bandcamp ethos.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  9. I mean you CAN go and upload something critical of China or subversive on bandcamp so...it is (was? lol) truly a free platform with regards to content.

    Probably loads of Hong Kong music there, Tibetan music + just the normal rebellious music from all over the world.

    And when you see how they overreact to absolutely any kind of minor criticism...

    CPC hates freedom of expression. Nothing else to be said.


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