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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. 2 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    br2049 was better than dune for me and I didn't mind that or expect it to live up to that.  any movie based on a book will never live up to the ideal standards anyway

    While watching it it didnt come to mind but afterwards i cant help but compare.

    Agree about book adaptations. Dune is probably as good as you can get but switch between different art mediums are never 100% natural. Something gets lost in translation.

    But its all minor complaints, i enjoyed the movie and Denis did a very good job.

  2. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-12-gum-sars-cov-transmission.html

    ''A chewing gum laced with a plant-grown protein serves as a "trap" for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reducing viral load in saliva and potentially tamping down transmission, according to a new study.

    The work, led by Henry Daniell at Penn's School of Dental Medicine and performed in collaboration with scientists at the Perelman School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as at The Wistar Institute and Fraunhofer USA, could lead to a low-cost tool in the arsenal against the COVID-19 pandemic. Their study was published in the journal Molecular Therapy.''

  3. 8 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

    from what i've seen, the vaccination programs in any given country didn't start at the time that's shown in the video, hence the chronology of vaccination i posted. tbh i only checked for afghanistan and albania, couldn't be bothered watching the rest of the video (that's right, i only watched that vid for about 3 seconds lol). 

    mods pls ban my ass. 

    source: anthony hopkins university

    brian while posting  


    brian the next day




    5 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

    i suggest that the people who liked my post unlike it, since my post is basically garbage. 


    • Like 1
  4. Even with global coordination and vaccines and lockdown this virus is still causing massive trouble to human society. Imagine if near nothing was done. I dont get how you think this through. Please explain because it is beyond me. Cant you see the chaos it has caused everywhere?

    • Like 2
  5. Alright then covid is less dangerous than the flu.

    Vaccines are dangerous and we should not vaccinate anyone.

    We shouldnt do anything about it.

    Is that what you are truly going for? Sounds like denial to me. Denying something doesnt magically makes it disappear. We stop vaccines, we stop caring about this motherfucker it WILL still fuck people up.

    If nothing had been done about this a lot more people would have died and suffered.

    Is that the extent of the actions you argue for in the middle of a pandemic? I mean lol wth. May as well say you dont believe covid exist mate cause its not very much different.

    What i dont understand behind all this talk is what the hell should we do then?? just let it infect everyone and act like nothing is happening? what the hell do you propose? doesnt make sense to me.

  6. Mate your last article had 0 data how am i gonna trust you?


    you shouldnt trust yourself after sharing that shit

    if i had shared such a baseless article i would question my position more than you do

  7. 1 hour ago, Ayya Khema said:

    that's your opinion/fears. data clearly shows covid is less dangerous then influenza for people under 70 years old. were you terrified of the flu before?


    lol yeah thats what i thought as well

    for one week when the pandemic started


    Then i got real and i saw India, Brazil, USA being fucked over by the motherfucker.

    Hospitals almost breaking up here.

    A lot more people died from covid AND thats with full or heavy vaccines and lockdown effort... i mean you can share as many articles as you want you are cherry picking whatever feels like supporting denial and vaccine hesitancy without looking at the deaths from covid.

    I know people die from vaccines. But not as nearly as many from the virus. Pretty simple.

    I mean i wont change your mind at this point. Top doctors have been speaking for two years and you still wont listen i wont change your mind.

    whatever floats your boat

    I wonder what it takes for people to see reality. Usually ending up in the hospital themselves in seems...

    Anyway here i go again wasting my time arguing on the internet.



    • Like 1
  8. The wellness stuff is so out of control.

    Watched some Goop videos the other day when it was recommended FRONT PAGE on netflix.

    Insane shit.

    Gwyneth go home. Eat your avocados. Leave the people alone. You have enough money.

    This wellness business pretty much made my mom a vaxx hesitant ugh. They groom the moms into dumb ass shit.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Ayya Khema said:

    you meant the video or the scientific entry in the medical litterature?


    Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

    "These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."


    do you understand what it means? It means that its proven that MRNA vaccine increase the risk of (Endothelial inflammatory markers= blood cloth= embolism, strokes, heart attack. sounds familiar?). Im curious why you let that article slide? 



    The video doesnt help legitimate the article. (and seems to have been pointed as inaccurate)

    +covid has been proven to be more dangerous in term of inflammation (of the whole body basically, brain, heart etc)

    Even if the vaccine is not 100% safe proof the virus is always more dangerous basically.

    I understand people having fear but the fear is so focused on the vaccine they wont see the virus IS.MORE.DANGEROUS.AT.EVERY.LEVEL.

    Everyone is scared.

    There is just one of these two fears that makes more sense to me. Im more afraid of the virus. The fear of getting covid and transmitting far overcomes the fear of the vaccine.

    You just have to look at numbers of deaths by vaccine vs number of deaths because of the virus. Same for side effects. The numbers dont lie at this point.

    You didnt have hundred of thousands of people dying from the vaccine in USA. You did have them dying from the virus.

    Do you have 700k, 800k deaths from  the vaccine? there is a few very unlucky dying from the vaccine but not 800k.

    It's something that many seems to fail to grasp. Covid can fuck you up a lot more than the vaccine secondary effects. More chances, and worse outcomes. + transmission. What can i say. The gamble is just way worse with catching the virus than having a vaccine.

    Thats the information i got a hold of anyway. Im no doc.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, WurstPLUS said:

    "Can only" - Haha yeah that's the thing with voices. You pretty much get used to one specific interpretation, they are all quite different, and you can never listen to others ? Emma Kirkby, I love a lot of her singing because in Purcell era music I usually chose recordings with her. Her clean voice goes very well with that era, but in of Dido, she's just alright for me.

    Winterreise Schubert - Only with Fischer-Dieskau/Demus, lotsa Schmaltz ?.


    Hahaha youre right when you find your version in vocal music its pretty much definitive.

    Like for renaissance madrigals i can almost only listen to La Venexiana/ La Compagnia Del Madrigale, everything else feels off.

    Lovely Schubert.

  11. 18 hours ago, WurstPLUS said:

    My alltime favourite Dido and Aeneas. Concert d'Astree. Here Didos Lament, obviously. Susan Graham singing. 2:50 ff. makes me a total mess.


    i can only listen to this version tho

    cry everytime


    • Like 1
  12. 31 minutes ago, Nil said:

    Instantly grabbed a license for Pro… but a bug with some W10 computers prevents me from activating my copy. Patience, patience, Andrew’s on it.

    Can’t wait to have Elements in my DAWs.

    Did you check your account and entering your machine number?

    I couldnt download mine directly from VCV either got an error message with my machine number BUT

    If you enter it into your account it gives you a link to download the license.

    Its pretty fucking amazing by the way. Im gonna make soooo much music with the DAW/ VCV merge.

    It can be used as FX processing, sound design beast, instruments, sequencers etc,etc.

    Full modular power for 100 bucks. Amazing.

    Supercell in VST babyyyyyyy yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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