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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. Reckless wishful thinking in a pandemic results in deaths and lives permanently destroyed. The lack of basic responsibility is staggering.

    Closing your eyes on the virus like its not there anymore wont make it disappear. I swear some people are acting like they're 5 year old.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

    omicron is 97% less lethal then Delta (this stats was just in)

    we are near the end of the "pandemic".

    all of europe are telling they will treat covid just like the flu



    come on have you paid attention to what happened in USA and Canada?

    Lot of people died or got real sick from Omicron


    Im more than happy if it gets better in europe in particular, but just saying ''pandemic'' is over, now thats quite the stretch.

    • Like 1
  3. The fact that free speech was beyond abused to excuse covid and anti-vaxx disinformation to the point it kills thousands of people.

    Is quite disturbing.

    Also finally found were my mom get her fake info. Some fkin wack french doctor spreading BS like butter on toast.

    • Like 3
  4. I think distributors are wayyyyyyy more severe about it these days thats for sure. Copyrights have been taken a bit too far in that domain. Fair use should be a thing.

    Success of a sampling imo is the new track being  at least as good or better than the original bit. 

    A lot of Daft Punk are basically remixes. But pretty damn good remixes. 

    If you use a sample because you cant write anything well its gonna eventually be known and its gonna show.

    • Like 2
  5. On 1/27/2022 at 10:09 AM, zkom said:

    Imo there is much more sampled stuff in Autechre's and AFX's work than people generally think.

    *posts that one SAW track that's basically just a looped sample*

    And don't even get me started with Luke Vibert lol.

    But I got into electronic music in the heydays of FSOL, the Orb and the KLF so my views are pretty liberal on the subject.

    Whosampled is a snitch.



    (was found by someone and shared on user18081971 soundcloud)

    11 minutes ago, ArtificialDisco said:

    I kind of think that if there is creativity in it it's ok. Or at least then I respect it. Breakbeat chopping is an artform in and of itself because you can come up with beats no one would ever have dreamt up otherwise. I've been on an Amen Break bender myself for the last few months and I'm trying to ween myself off it, but the method of chopping is still something I'll keep doing.

    Sampling whole songs and just throwing your shit on top is a little... eh. Although there have been curious cases in the past. Like for example, the Sugarhill Gang sampling Good Times by Chic, which almost felt like a collaboration through the ages. Good Times is a mediocre song with a great bassline and groove and having the Sugarhill Gang rap over it was just what it needed.

    (Also, technically wasn't sampling but a recreation, but you know what I mean.)

    Good Times by Chic a mediocre song?

    Get the hell outta here

    its a supremely lush disco funk song


    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, ghsotword said:

    I forgot what the name of this guy is but I trust his expert opinion that the virus will go away in April with the heat. I cant wait! April's quite soon!


    almost choked on my food listening to this hahahaha

    has a special kind of desperate beauty

    I had to watch it three times.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    OK, I want to respond, but there's a lot to unpack here. Your post is a compilation of facts, speculation and opinion. And it's all intertwined like a plate full of spaghetti bolognese. 


    First the facts: you're not hearing plans for the next 5 years. OK, the explanation is pretty easy: planning suggest predictability. Or certainty. And we're simply not in a situation where you can predict how the world looks in 5 years time. Let alone plan on how to deal with it. This has nothing to do with a lack of consideration (that was speculation and or opinion on your part).

    It's painfully obvious to various governments that some things are to stay for a while. (Like the climate crisis.) It was already mentioned at the first wave, I believe, by various political leaders around the globe that we were in a process where we would have to learn how to live with it (short and long term). And just as obvious was the conclusion that stuff like healthcare systems (eg. amount of available ICU) should be improved to the new situation (whatever this "situation" specifically is -> note the importance of specificity to be able to actually make a reasonable plan). But this also impacts economies and businesses. Remember the panic about the availability of face masks in those early months of the crisis? That's another component that needs to be addressed. Lets assume there are many more. 

    Also note that while everyone is following the media hype, few are aware of the steps already being taken. Why? Because normal politics is boring and not clickbait-worthy! Yes, we're all clickbait sheep complaining about stuff we don't have a clue about.

    So in the meantime, various countries have actually implemented plans - and in some cases executed - to localise certain high risk industries. Do you see that in the news? Perhaps. My guess, only if you know where to look. And if you do, it's easy to forget with all the other noise.

    Also note that the news focusses on the stuff that bad. The good is not interesting. As it is assumed to be obvious. Nobody's interested in reading that today the traffic lights performed perfectly, right? You only read about traffic lights when something went horribly wrong. Again, just stating the obvious.

    And another factor is the variance between various countries. Not every government (country) is the same. Perhaps your local government is exactly as you describe. But in that case, I can only assure you that your local government is not a good representation of all governments. In which case  this generalised "lack" wouldn't be general at all.

    Other than that, we can't tell what is "normal"  in 5 years time. This was also the exact same conclusion of the video you posted earlier. It was in big bold letters. Something like "WE DON'T KNOW" or "WE CAN'T...". Or something along those lines. Finishing with a remark about not believing anyone telling you otherwise.

    I hope you understand you can't just make plans on how to deal with the situation in 5 years time in a situation like that. Especially when the risk/impact of making the wrong plans is huge. As any investment will be huge. Don't forget you're talking about limited budgets. If you spend more budget on ICU capacity, you have to spend less on other parts of the budget. (schools?) Also note this stuff is highly political in the sense that there are many stakeholders and important issues. And there needs to be a reasonable equilibrium between all this "stuff". Governments are forced to move budgets from one important issue to another. And yes, that does require "deep" plans. 

    Don't expect those deep plans to be published soon though. Even if those plans are currently finished. Which I doubt. It takes time. And yes, there's an argument that it requires too much time. In which case I will point to all your fellow citizens of your country with vastly different (opposing) opinions. Without those people, it's difficult to change things. 

    Coming back to your "lack of consideration": often it's better to assume there's a lot of consideration at the governmental level. Unless you live in a completely corrupt country, that is. And that this sense of a lack of consideration is more a reflection of the political discourse, if you will. Which includes - as far as I'm concerned - the opinions of the general public. (Also note the impact of the media and it's publication bias: clickbait...conflict...etc)

    Lastly, I know I have told you little you didn't already know.  And I suspect that your post has a strong emotional source, if you catch my drift. In that case, no explanation from me or anyone else would change that, I'm guessing. (or at least my wall of text wont) And perhaps this is more about coming to terms with the realisation that life will remain uncertain for the coming period. That's not just for governments. That also for us. Please note that governments can not just create certainty by force or magic. At least not when it comes to issues like corona or the climate. Also note that uncertain doesn't mean it can't change for the better.


    Yeah mate im obviously ranting/venting the steam hahaha

    You're right about all of this.

    I just said all of that because I just cant stand being told that its ''soon to be all over back to normal'' every two months when it's obviously not true when i look at the global situation, levels of contagion, levels of vaccination worldwide. Might not be happening where you live but here, oh boy how often did we get variation on this theme.

    Things do get better in some places and progress is being made with some issues but it is not done and over. It's what i mean when im talking of lack of long term plan. When a big peak or wave eases it does not mean we're back to normal still. But the way it is being communicated often implies it is. This happened quite a few times in Canada. In Alberta especially last summer, it was claimed that Covid and the pandemic were finished. What was meant to happen, happened, people acted recklessly and it was a fucking disaster. You can't act like a pandemic and the virus doesnt exist anymore when its still roaming around. It also creates unrealistic expectations in a lot of people that now we are done with covid and big frustrations when it comes back. So much so that we see people stop caring or giving a fuck when being let down time after time with such lies.

    I think it's better to say ''hey we're doing decently but this aint over till its over and it might never be truly over but only get better and better with time, slowly''



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  8. 1 hour ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    The experience is that omikron cannot be contained. It spreads too fast. Even within a lockdown. And given that the amount of hospitalisations is manageable, societies are opening up. And it's not just a few countries, btw. The biggest problem is that lots of people can't go to work because of (mild) covid. Which, btw, has already lead to lifting restrictions for "significant" people with covid. Such that they're still able to work.

    In other words, the problem has shifted from keeping the healthcare system from choking to making sure people can work to keep society running.

    In case you're still wondering why. An important argument for lifting restrictions in the first place, is the necessity for kids to go to school. Now that covid is less severe, the argument to keep kids home is simply not strong enough. And with schools opening up, you're already in a situation that covid spreads like mad.

    I understand this.

    But still all of this does lack consideration that the virus is still gonna be around for years. Im not hearing a lot of plans for the next 5 years only short term lockdown and total ease scenarios. Yo-yo again and again.

    But what i am saying is that the pre-pandemic normality is still considered the base normality when its not anymore. It's been sold everytime a lockdown ease. ''now we're back to normal finally'' You can't act post-lockdown like it's pre-pandemic, its foolish. The virus is still around.  Yes you need to open but not with pre-pandemic normality as the aim.

    Opening all pubs, restaurants, clubs, have schools open without masking and little prevention like nothing happened every time a lockdown ease and act like it's 2010 is what makes no sense for me. The world changed. 

    It seems like there is only two mode. Full lockdown and pre-pandemic mode. I dont know cant we figure out something in the middle? And prepare for next variants when it ease instead of acting like nothing happened and that no variants will come next?

    There is a lack of long term vision, of deep restructuration plans and recognition that what normal means is not the same than 5 years ago.

    Do you seriously think in winter 2022-2023 its not going be the same story all over again? recklessness and lack of preparation?

    I think it will. I hope im wrong but i think it will.

    Also global warming is coming. We will have double pressure to do preparation and change for long term soon. Cant keep the head in the sand forever. This obsession with what was considered normal need to stop. Its not coming back.

    • Like 1
  9. Sure some countries in Europe are doing better and opening. More than happy for them. 

    But for how long? And it is not the case everywhere. I repeat it has hit USA and Canada really bad.

    This massive spread will create variants. It is the same story repeating itself. Trying to get back to pre-pandemic normality without taking in consideration the fact the virus is not under control globally. Getting things mildly under-control for some time and then completely losing it, saying everything is fine and acting recklessly and having contagion peaks that create new variants.

    Letting omicron just roaming around and removing mask mandates for example helping contagion...is just insane to me. Especially when we have seen variants each time progressively being able to evade vaccines AND that vaccines do wane with time.

    Here two weeks ago it was fkin chaos and still there is talk about removing mask mandates in schools. I mean wth.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    Again, over the pond Omikron is skyrocketing (UK already in decline btw). And the big thing is that it is less severe than delta. In terms of hospitalisation rate, ICU-rate and death-rate. That was also confirmed in that presentation you posted. I believe with relatively old data, btw. In europe, the expectations at the beginning of the omikron wave were way worse than what transpired. That's not an underestimation. That's an overestimation! 

    PLease note that it can go both ways. Somethings things look worse than they are. And sometimes the other way around.

    Currently, in Europe though, there's this strange experience that the new covid rates are setting new records, while hospitalisations/deaths move a little. Sometimes even still on the decline. (possible because of a recent delta wave that was still going on) And that's not because of a delay. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now. Easily a month.

    Omikron is a completely different animal.


    Did you miss the part where he speaks about the virus being less severe but if the rate of contagion is a lot worse you end up with a lot of deaths and hospitalizations?

    It compensates for its decrease in severity by being so damn contagious. Its very misleading to think of it as just less dangerous.

    I mean i dont need any other proof than december in here. Thousands and thousands of cases in a very short amount of time. No more testing available because of overflow of cases. Hospitals crashing. Health care staff burned out. People being denied health care because of that. It's really bad.

    Timestamped it


  11. 11 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    Are you sure you're not mixing up the delta boom and the omikron boom? The delta boom was (is?) quite severe indeed. It's even a bit early to consider that past. Omikron is still very much on the rise.

    Nah man. Im talking about omicron.

    Massive spread here. Not even out of a wave. One week ago the hospital were crashing. Massive contagion. Massive hospitalizations. 

    But every time its the same message. Just a few more weeks. We'll open everything like normal in a few weeks. 

    Hahaha i mean what can i say.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    Are you talking about the US specifically? The part about people dying at quicker rate and rising hospitalisations is def not something universal. In Europe countries are opening up again. And the US appears to look a few steps behind the curve wrt Omikron. And also in terms of rate of people being vaxxed, btw. The Vax rate in the US is relatively poor. 

    Don't put this on denial of reality please. Reality is a very timely/local thing. 

    I understand people being annoyed with false hope, but there's def a different reality over the pond.

    And yes, corona is here to stay. Haven't seen anyone arguing otherwise.

    Also note that presentation was specifically aimed at the US situation. And his disclosure at the start of the presentation isn't unimportant either, btw. 




    Talking about US i guess but also Canada. We got hit pretty bad in Montreal.

    I dont know man but Covid seems to not give a damn about locality. It travels fast and quick. Until its controlled everywhere its not truly under control. 

    No country is truly isolated in the Covid business. Different reality? not so sure about that. I mean last summer. Last summer everything seems to be going to be very chill in a lot of places and then boom. Omicron. Barely a few months and shit went down.

    Im not a scientist, i dont know shit, but it seems to me that the policies sadly have been very short termed minded and constantly stressing that everything is going to be over soon when its obviously not the case.

    And im looking at recent local news and they're still doing the same! 

    There is a certain wishful thinking short term over-optimistic flavour to the whole deal that just feels not very responsible when you look at the facts that the virus is not under control at all.

  13. The most intelligent, informative and rational video ive ever seen on covid.

    This is not over man.

    I'm reading everywhere ''omicron is mild'' ''covid soon over'' ''lets reopen''

    ''virus is getting milder''


    The denial of reality is just insane.

    Yet people are dying at quicker rate and hospitalization are on the rise and health system is crashing.

    And there WILL BE more variants. Omicron has spread like crazy.

    People just cant accept this is a long war we are into. Since the very beginning all is being said by politicians is ''just a few more weeks''

    We need to think in terms of YEARS ahead in terms of planning and minding ourselves to battle covid.


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  14. On 12/31/2021 at 5:03 AM, logboy said:

    the actions against anti vax citizens will be the wests biggest issue with CV 19 in ‘22. patience will run out, as money + sympathy does too. in those less vaccinated countries, international efforts to assist will be hampered by further rounds of the west keeping their own countries heading closer to the right direction. more new variants, more concerns about protection and pressures. two steps forwards, one step back. or something like that.

    Yeah... but then again lots of country dont have access to lots of vaccines. Variants will keep just popping up wherever there is lots of contagion.

    New variants man...now we know that omicron fucks with the vaccine efficiency...and look at the cases and hospitals struggling...

    The thought that even worse variants (and its pretty clear there WILL be new variants as the cases are surging as bad as they are now) could basically destroy vaccines even more and annihilate whatever progress was made is quite scary.

    I think the main problem is that we are facing a motherfucking powerful virus really, we are not its match yet, we can blame it on people and circumstances etc and such but at the end of the day it comes down to that. The virus is a hard motherfucker and is beating our ass. We are giving a honorable fight but damn this thing is not easy to beat on global scale.



  15. On 12/21/2021 at 7:52 PM, brian trageskin said:

    my mom: i don't want no covid vaccine, they don't protect you 100%

    me: it's raining outside, someone's giving you for free an umbrella with holes in it, and you're refusing it because it's imperfect? 


    I feel you brother.

    Moms when they enter dumb mode jesus fkin UGHHHHHHHHH

    I saw my mom struggling with my granpa wanting to drive at 80 and being a danger to all that cross his path and not wanting to move out even if granma wasnt autonomous anymore and im like ''Mom you dealt with your parent old people BS and youre doing this to me?? get the damn shot!''

    • Like 1
  16. Covid cases is exploding here omicron is getting everywhere.

    Mom still unvaccinated. Tried to convince her. Cant talk her out of her BS anti vaxx mindset.

    Fucking antivaxx BS spreading around i hope my mom wont die in a respirator because of you...

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