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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. equating rogan to nielsen you obviously realise not only invalidates your point, but puts you on a watch list amongst the keep reality beautiful community.


    That's a late contender for post of the year. *wipes away tear from japs eye*

  2. Lord of Tears - Anyone else seen this one? It's got really good reviews but I don't get it, I know it's an independent film but still, the acting was appalling and the scary scenes go on until they become tedious and a bit embarrassing. Er, 2/5 I guess?

  3. It's the third time I've tried to read Neuromancer. Look, I'm a big reader, I've actually read Gravity's Rainbow FFS, but I just can't get pass page 50 or so from Neuro. It's not bad, it's just that all those texture definitions, it leaves me cold. And the context of the book, the cyberpunk mumbo jumbo, it feels like I'm reading Jules Vernes (sci-fi that didn't age that well) but without the same writing quality.


    I love it, I was also blessed to get a signed copy with a heartfelt message from the man himself too.


  4. Extraterrestrial. Like Alien Abduction but pretty good, rather than utter arse. Speaking of which, a bloke gets killed by an anal probe. Michael Ironside is a stoned 'Nam vet who tries to fight an alien with a machine gun. Super cheesy at times, if you like aliens though why not go for it.

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