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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec


    Just finished Fell vol. 1 - Feral City. It's a nice, nasty crime book with a sort of unhinged David Lynch meets Silent Hill 2 vibe.


    Have another Red Bull and finish this shit


    Warren pls



    That sounds pretty cool, might have to look into this title.



    Just got this, it's pretty cool, did they ever do a volume 2? Can't seem to find a mention of it anywhere.

  2. Ayoade on Ayoade - his song for There Will Be Blood is a highlight. I'll put it up there with Rik Mayall's autobiography in books about someone where you finish and know even less about them than when you started.



    Yeah, this I am excited about.


    And I guess I should read Laura Palmer's diary at some point.



    It's okay but you aren't missing a great deal by not reading it. Actually maybe the most bizarre thing about it is that Lynch's daughter wrote it and his quote on the back of the book is "it's like sex and it takes time".


    well, pete martell and killer bob aren't gonna be back :(


    edit: at least, bob won't be in his killer denim form.


    neither will donna hayward (at least, not in the way you remember her)









    Christ that's depressing.

  5. The Town That Dreaded Sundown - A wholesome slasher film, maybe Zodiac for religious people. The killer is quite endearing as it shows him sneaking around the cars on lovers lane which rarely happens in these, and he's quite inventive with a trombone. Contains scenes of drag that wouldn't look out of place in a Carry On film. 3/5.

  6. Why? She's fucked up, her Dad is fucked up, cue the torture, it was so boring.


    I didn't even feel like the people who made the movie had much faith in it, every scene that was supposed to be powerful they drowned in slow motion and ridiculous rock music. And the sub-plot, besides some unlikely link with her missing brother, was utterly pointless.

  7. The Loved Ones, mainly because of it somehow blagging its way into the BFI top 10 horror films post-2000. It's not good, the dinner scene at the end of Texas Chainsaw is ripped off and moved to the beginning, the characters have no depth and there is a sub-plot that seems like it was left on the cutting room floor of an even worse film. Afterwards I was so angry I sent a tweet to the BFI guy who wrote the article saying that the film "is proper rubbish mate". I eagerly await his reply.

  8. Nightmares ('83) Horror anthology film. worth watching to see what Tron would've been like if it starred a punk rocking, arcade hustling Emilio Estevez and a dream sequence featuring Lars Henrikson as a priest being menaced by a goat and throwing an acidic space-snake. or something.


    Ha, I've seen this and have no idea why, probably because Estevez in it. The demon jeep thing bursting out the ground was awesome, I draw a blank on the rest.

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