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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. ^lol, I watched that yesterday. Went on a found footage horror mini-binge.


    That one was def the weakest of the bunch, I rapidly lost interest.


    The other two were The Bay and The Poughkeepsie Tapes, both pretty great if you have suitably low expectations when going in.


    I don't mind people running around in the dark and I'm happy with some ambiguity but it needs some depth, unless I missed it there was not even a hint to what the monster could have been right?


    I'm a fan of both of those, The Poughkeepsie Tapes fucked me up a bit, particularly when they interviewed one of his captives at the end. Have you seen Lake Mungo? It's not amazing but worth a go. I think Grave Encounters may be my next one but it looks like it has the potential to be very cheesy.

  2. With Doctor Sleep King seems to have taken a lesson from the James Patterson/Dan Brown school of writing and begins a new passage/chapter(?) on every other page, it kills any suspense and is complete bollocks.



    Lifeforms - Try as he may, Patrick Stewart still ended up in a wheelchair/10.


    the story of Brian and Gaz?





    I don't even remember writing that post, but yes, Lifeforce, thank you. Now could someone write Lifeforms?



    my cow orker told me today about a movie he watched about 7 years ago which left a powerful impression on him and which he's been trying to rediscover ever since, having forgotten the name. apparently there were no big-name actors in it. the story was about a bunch of people (approx 20) who find themselves in a large estate/mansion where a Big Brother-type figure orders them over loudspeakers to hunt/kill each other to survive. only one person is able to leave at the end, with a shitload of money. the guy who makes it to the end opens the door to find past winners of the survival contest standing there.


    anyone know what this movie is?


    Sounds like this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280969/


    I made the mistake of going to see that with a girl on a first date on the grounds that she liked the show Big Brother.



    asked the dude and it's not this, apparently. he said it was def more people.



    Hmm, then maybe House of 9 but that has Dennis Hopper in it, making the no-name stars bit invalid. I don't know, perhaps your colleague just had a very vivid dream?

  5. my cow orker told me today about a movie he watched about 7 years ago which left a powerful impression on him and which he's been trying to rediscover ever since, having forgotten the name. apparently there were no big-name actors in it. the story was about a bunch of people (approx 20) who find themselves in a large estate/mansion where a Big Brother-type figure orders them over loudspeakers to hunt/kill each other to survive. only one person is able to leave at the end, with a shitload of money. the guy who makes it to the end opens the door to find past winners of the survival contest standing there.


    anyone know what this movie is?


    Sounds like this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280969/


    I made the mistake of going to see that with a girl on a first date on the grounds that she liked the show Big Brother.

  6. I watched the borderlands, if your biggest fear is watching found footage films filled with bad acting and being trapped inside an ass, this is the film to watch. 3/10.


    I really enjoyed this film, it's better than that but it still made me lol.

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