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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. Worth it for Guts, literally the most disgusting thing I have ever read, but yeah I read it a few years back and that's all I remember.


    I don't think he is here too often now but thanks zaphod for the The City and The City recommendation, very enjoyable.



    Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



    What were the two small things?


    I'll try spoiler this just in case:



    Felt it hit a bit of a slow spot once Johansson shacks up with the Scot lad, starts to slightly drag and lose it's momentum, could have been cut tighter and still made it's point about her becoming more human etc. etc.


    And the other thing was the ending - I had no idea it was based on a novel, so perhaps this is exactly what happens in the novel? But i just felt the burning thing was a bit silly - would have preferred if the man had just witnessed her transformation and then ran away - leaving us the viewer wondering "IT'S STILL OUT THERE, COULD BE ANYWHERE, ANYONE...WHEN WILL IT STRIKE NEXT!?"



    But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas.



    I agree with your first point, I'm hoping that will improve on the rewatch and I can enjoy the journey rather than waiting to see what happens.


    Second point is spoiler territory, don't go there unless you plan on reading the book, which you really should.



    After gaining some empathy for humanity she has a man onboard that is going to the hospital to see his wife who is giving birth. She becomes distracted and crashes, injuring them both and trapping them in the car. A passerby offers to help and says they will find a payphone to call an ambulance. After failing to call the person back she knows her true identity will be discovered and presses a button that blows up the car and kills them both.


    So err, a bit different but I guess the idea of her being burned and her remains floating to space is kinda similar. I've not really done it justice, sorry.


  3. Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



    What were the two small things?


    Under the Skin - No idea what anyone who has not read the book would make of this one, next to nothing is explained but it's rare to find a film that tries to view the world from such an odd perspective and I felt very peculiar upon leaving the cinema and walking around the West End. Unsettling, gorgeous and freaky at times, but also treads a fine line between mesmerising and catatonic at others. Hmm I dunno, it'll be one to see again but I'm looking forward to it. Had a few people in the screening that left halfway through which wasn't surprising.


    is it as good as species though, if you know what i mean?



    You'll be disappointed, sorry, unless you like the occasional shot of a limp penis in an eerie as fuck alien house, I'm not judging here.

  5. Fuck, quickly scanned that night shot and because of your light jeans I swore you weren't wearing trousers. The very brief idea before my second look of a bloke in London, wearing pants and persisting with a bbq despite the absence of a sun, was a very beautiful thing for me.

  6. Under the Skin - No idea what anyone who has not read the book would make of this one, next to nothing is explained but it's rare to find a film that tries to view the world from such an odd perspective and I felt very peculiar upon leaving the cinema and walking around the West End. Unsettling, gorgeous and freaky at times, but also treads a fine line between mesmerising and catatonic at others. Hmm I dunno, it'll be one to see again but I'm looking forward to it. Had a few people in the screening that left halfway through which wasn't surprising.

  7. Getting a little sick of people shooting down my optimism/ambitions. I talk about playing in a few different bands and people say things like "are you sure you'll have time for that?" or "ANOTHER band?! It's gonna kill you!".. these people don't know me, they don't know what I'm capable of!


    Start carrying around a baseball bat.


  8. You are right and I do agree, that was typical post-game angry fan reaction but I couldn't ring Talksport so came here instead.


    that was to Amen, I am willing to give players some leeway in their first season in a new league.

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