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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. lol, why in the fuck would you even try to watch that shit?



    it was on telly last night. watched it with the wife. lolled at how bad it was then it just became like a dead animal that we couldn't stop looking at and poking with sticks.


    we made a solemn vow not to tell anyone about it.



  2. just watched the first episode of The Fear mini series from the UK. I can't find anything about this show, the IMDB seems pretty blank. What's with lots of UK shows having no real IMDB info? anyway its alright so far



    Don't think I'll bother with Episode 2, How does Paul Nicholls even have a career? Even Peter Mullen couldn't save this. Pretty rubbish.


    Lastly, do you know anything about this mysterious artist off of Rephlex known asSteinvord?

    TJ: What’s the name of the artist?

    Steinvord. It’s supposedly a pseudonym for a mixture of two of yours and Richard D. James’s tracks (


    TJ: No—I mean, nothing I could say about it in public, no. [Laughs] But in all honesty, what can I say? Nothing




    im almost as old as SQpsher. I dont know what he means the equipment was very expensive. fuckin hell, gear is outrageously expensive these days. ebay and inflation i guess.




    It was much less affordable then. Stuff like computers and new gear was anyway. Obviously 303s and unfashionable gear was more affordable but to set up a home studio with a compouter or whatever was realtively much more expensive than it is now i think.

  4. A Dangerous Method - Really uninteresting. Pointless. Dreary. Featuring possibly the most annoying performance ever (Keira Knightley). Dozed for about 15 minutes in the middle. Rewound the DVD to see what I'd missed. Shouldn't have bothered. Also massive lols at the CGI ship scene. Adds weight to the argument that Kronenberg has always been pretty rubbish really. Don't even know how to rate this one. Can't think of a single redeeming element. 1/10 (scores a point for not being Sex and the City I guess)

  5. Polisse - Absolutely brilliant slice of French social realism. Almost fly on the wall docu style drama following the lives and work of the Paris Police Child Protection Unit . Directed by Maiwenn and based on actual cases that she saw or was shown while working with the CPU researching the subject. Some stunning acting. Some pretty heart breaking stuff which is to be expected given the nature of the subject matter but balanced with some serious lols (the smartphone scene). Best film I have scene in a while. Plus Roxy Delgado from Braquo. I never give a 10 / 10 (unless drunk and rambling about Robert Altman) so this is a definite 9 /10


    Cabin in the Woods

    Liked it alot. I missed it when it came out as I'm not into horror so much, but this wasn't scary at all, which I'm sure is a criticism for some. would like to have to seen this with an audience.


    Was it even meant to be scary? If it was it failed by trying to be "clever" about it. Was fun I guess. Wouldn't watch again.

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