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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. my best friend is the music director for the usyd law review. his favourite music is springsteen, miles davis, sonic youth and all sorts of eclectic shit. i could never get him into hip hop until he heard yeezus and he swears it's one of the best albums he has heard. i guess he's wrong though?

    Funniest post 2014

  2. Does anybody remember Oliver Stone's Wild Palms mini series from the mid 90s?


    Kind of want to give it another go. Only ever saw 1 episode and i was very very stoned.




    Wild Palms is a five-hour mini-series which was produced by Greengrass Productions and first aired in May 1993 on the ABC network in the United States. The sci-fi drama, announced as an "event series",[2] deals with the dangers of politically motivated abuse of mass media technology, virtual realities in particular. It was based on a comic strip written by Bruce Wagner and illustrated by Julian Allen first published in 1990 in Details magazine.
  3. [youtubehd]URFg_pg2GVY[/youtubehd]












    So in other news, I really wonder if this track is on CAT023, I have it on my harddisk for years now. Apparently it's a track played by Acid Kirk in 1997 and rumours are it's AFX. It sounds ridiculously like old AFX anyway...





    edit: longer version here from around 36:40, it's followed by Quoth (Wooden Thump mix I think) and Isopropanol so I guess it's pretty obvious...




    sounds awesome. would def love it if that was on cat023.


    also, the second half of this mix is pretty awesome as well.



    Marco Passarani

  5. personally i think we should give our share back from the sale to charity too, we got the music, all be it on digital, why not just help out a charity :) just my opinion


    The money should go into the Pissflaps Foundation to build and fund the Rephlex Camp where EOD, Wisp, Steinvord and Monolith can take baths together and jam out Semi-Scandinavian-Dungeons-&-Dragons-influenced-folk-ragas on Richard's old MS20 collection while sat in a bongo oblong warmed by a bonfire built out of 808s. There is a circuit bent doorbell at the entrance to the camphouse that chimes a single 707 cowbell.wav

  6. most often i dream i'm failing highschool. often with other annoyances happening at the same time, like sometimes i'm wearing really short shorts and i feel self conscious



    Most beautiful post 2014


    I have no idea if these are actually wisp tracks or not help me out here.



    at least I'm pretty sure they aren't. The one "Ludd" posted sounds like his own work, but not sure. The other ones I really don't know lol.




    It's wisp


    wizp is a losser and a internets bully


    this is the only goos song he ever dun





    Are you going for reverse psychology? Another angle might be good. Cover all the bases. Very clever.




    i was trying to upload a ultrarare VIP wizp track but t he watmm uploader is broken

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