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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. the guard - excellent dark comedy carried brilliantly by gleeson. if you enjoyed in bruge you'll love this also.. recommended! 7.8/10


    agreed, surprised by how much i liked this, although i didnt care for in bruge that much.





    I think the above statements are potentially grounds for a psychiatric evaluation.

  2. For some reason, I've spent years believing Arrested Development ended after 1 season so was mindblown to find out I was wrong. As a result I've spent the last couple of weeks watching seasons 2 & 3. Season 2 was brilliant. 7 episodes into season 3 which has been slightly annoying - the Wee Britain storyline / Charlize Theron's character is terrible, the lack of Henry Winkler as the lawyer (though Scott Baio's Bob Loblaw is one of the best character names ever). Still as long as it still has the Bluth family intact it's gonna be better than pretty much all other US comedy.

  3. "If not now, when?" by Primo Levi. 3 chapters in. picked this up from the bookshelf on a whim. absolutely glad i did. wasn't expecting too much. effortlessly readable. immediate empathy with the central characters. beautifully written. some of the most evocative descriptive storytelling i've ever come across.

  4. Afx's Rhubarb is the single most beautiful track ever made.


    basically this


    also lichen


    and stone in focus


    and UK by burial


    is this pretty?


    also on land by eno


    i dunno there's so much "ambient" but only a tiny fraction of it moves me one way or the other

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