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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Nice! Have this on CD but it's nice to see it get out in the wild again. Always loved how each disc had a distinctly different vibe to it. Definitely want to cop the bonus tracks.


    Kruder & Dorfmeister always reminds me of the music in crazily priced clothes shops


    qft/lol (even if I still like them anyway). It's a shame that they just dropped the mic on K&D after this, though if their subsequent projects are any indication perhaps it was a good idea.

  2. You really should, both vhs albvms are great for entirely different reasons. POV takes you on quite a ride but TROG just beats you senseless.


    If you like them definitely check out his eps (Midnight Section especially) and the couple of mixes he's done so far - Mary Anne Hobbs, MethLab Mix, Bleep Mix - everything the man touches ooozes quality.


    My recent listens:


    Convextion - Convextion (2008) - 9/10 - what an album, feels like what Monolake is currently doing in a parallel universe

    Flying Lotus - You're Dead! (2014) - 9/10 - digging this a hella lot, don't mint the hotness/loudness of the mix at all, this is some straight future jazz

    Teebs - E S T A R A (2014) - 8/10 - definitely a grower, felt way too sedated on initial listens but in the right mind-state (cough cough) it delivers

    Luke Vibert / BJ Cole - Stop The Panic (2000) - 7/10 - picked this up on CD from the bargain bin & well worth it! Not my favorite vibert but it definitely delivers save for a few clunkers

    Repeat - Repeats (1995) - 6/10 - plaid + mark broom release I was completely unaware of until recently; haven't been feeling it yet but it has the potential to be a grower kinda like the +One album. Trainer-era plaid still owns however

    John Coltrane - Sun Ship (1965) - 9/10 - Awesome, I think this might've been some of the last stuff he & elvin jones did together. Amazing how "free" leaning it is yet totally held down by McCoy & that legendary rhythm section

  3. The first time I encountered this technique, still love how there's nothing complex to it, just a simple little mindfuck to start you on your way!



    Also a big fan of the intro on this classic, must've listened to it a thousand times and can still never get where the one of the verse lead is gonna drop after the double-time drum/bass:




    Edit: try punching in at right around 0:30, suddenly makes perfect sense!

  4. EDIT: also, at the time I remember being kinda cheesed off at the Boomkat hype train wondering if maybe Echospace was just a biiiiiit overrated


    Nah man it's a fine line both of them (boomkat & echospace) tread. I don't particularly agree with some of their (modell & echospace) marketing tactics - including but not limited to, overpriced "ultra-limited" editions, ratings pumping on Discogs, rehashing old material (srsly, anyone notice that silent world OST is just a half baked liumin disc 3?) - but the quailty is there to forgive these transgressions, at least for the time being


    Ha! I've definitely been there before. No foolishness about getting into things at your own pace.

    QFT. It's not about the destination, it's about tha journey. I've been into beats and circuit bending for the better part of 15 years now and am only discovering the illness of MBM now, go figure!

  5. To be fair to ol' Wolfie 4/4 is pretty ingrained in the DNA of techno. Sure you could build a choon in 3 or 6 (or an odd meter if you're feeling particularly IDM) on a palette of similar sounds & textures, but it's lack of technos will be immediately apparent and you won't be able to dance to it (unless you're into waltzing).

  6. Yeah higher ed institutions are shitty like that. Almost as bad as trying to pry back the security deposit from a landlord when it's time to move out, jesus christ.


    After cheating death for the past couple of years, my late model Honda accord finally met its demise today. Brought er in for an inspection sticker (fingers crossed) only to find out that the repairs needed to bring everything up to snuff are essentially more than the car's worth.


    The one silver lining is that my current sticker is good to the end of September, which allows a little bit of time to figure on a plan for a new set of Dob wheels. In the meantime I be rolling on some dead ride steez pumping Autechre out my stock speakers like a motherfucker.

  7. *brofist*


    btw I thought Iggy Azalea was a black girl.


    TBH I didn't know her until 5 minutes ago, she definitely has the same not-attractive/not-unattactive thing going on as Nikki, like some grain-fed clone of portia de rossi or something.


    Then again there's dis/dat: (NSFWish)








  8. What country/jurisdiction did you commit the infraction in? I believe in a lot of places it's possible for an offender (particularly if you were a juvie at the time) to get shit like that expunged from your record provided you've been clean since. Could also be like delet described where only those with access to high priced lawyers can take advantage of such schemes.

  9. Oh god yes. Even the couple times I've stepped down in dosage were rough - we're talking like 2 pills a day to 1.5 here. Even though I'm on a really low dose regimen now I have to be super vigilant in not forgetting to take it before bed, otherwise hello nightmares.

  10. I'm juggling 2 kids (one 3 mos, other 2.5 yrs old), buying/selling house + moving and the infinitude of bs that goes with, and I'm only 1 day in to hella busy week at work. FML


    Oh and I've needed to upgrade my death-cheating cell phone for a couple of months now, finally get a semi-free evening to get to the store and the dude can't do shit for me b/c I'm not the "primary account holder" or whatever the fuck it is that's in my wife's name. Gonna have to have her sign my permission slip, put on my big boy pants and find another free evening, maybe 6-8 weeks from now if I'm lucky. Thanks obamacare


    Most importantly, I just bought Colundi Sequence 5 from AP's bandcamp and the fucking ginormous flacs are taking forever to download so I'll probably have to leave my laptop on overnight

  11. Yeah yeah, the Orb isn't the Orb without Alex Pat, that's fair enough, although that doesn't mean he's any less of a twat that he appears to be. This is buried at the bottom of the rant so you can be forgiven if you missed it:

    what i feel grieved about is you claiming the credit for my work alex, not even putting my fucking name on it, releasing my work over and over and over again. remastering it without my permission. renaming demos i worked on to other titles and not giving me credit. releasing and cashing in on every piece of shit i even farted near including stuff i have never ever wanted to go out that were just experiments. stealing my track ‘white river junction’ and putting crap over the top of it and then releasing it as your own. taking my intellectual property and whacking it over orb tracks withou asking (causing universal to shit the bed and start drawing up contracts to placate me when i find out ten years after the fact). giving away my royalties to people who had nothing to do with my tracks. putting your name on the PPL royalties for tracks you had nothing to do with, and cant perform anyway because you dont fucking play any instruments you brain dead football loving sheep cunt. leaving the band was the best decision of my life and i have never regretted it for one second.


    I'd be stark raving mad too if someone so brazenly raped the body of my creative work. Like I posted earlier even if only 1/2 of this is true it seals Alex Pat as a grade AAA fucknut.

  12. Either way, I love the early Orb albums, and don't give a rat's ass about who played what on them.


    I take it you've never had someone claim that your work is their's, never mind profit from it? Step in the man's shoes, even if only half of what he asserts is true then he's got legitimate beef fo sure.


    I don't necessarily agree with the airing of grievances in this manner (except, perhaps during Festivus season), however after reading this I am compelled to reassess certain long-held opinions on le Orb.

  13. My guess is is 2/3 fucked over, 1/3 insane. Also


    to finish up lets focus on a track called hidden from FFWD. hear that ‘lets go’ at the beginning ? thats alex getting ready for a take. you probably think its something like a musicial instrument or a sample im talking about. nope. a hot water bottle. yes that was what i let him do on that track, play a hot water bottle. it kind of underlined the farcical nature of him being there at all, and it caused much sniggering in the control room because it basically sounded and looked like he was wanking off in the live room, which essentially he was. wanking off and looking for some kind of affirmation that he was useful for anything. blah blah bitter musician, musicians arent allowed to be angry about stuff – they are bitter if they dare to complain, fuck everyone who says that up the fucking ass. have a nice day.



  14. When you first turn it on or during actual playback? I don't doubt what yours saying but I've never had that problem myself. The original firmware was a little buggy for me (just breathing on it wrong would cause it to 'refresh' the media library), but everything's been great since rockboxing it.


    edit: @li-lo re: clip

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