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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Fantastic album, still in my autechre top 3 fo sho. Must admit my buttocks did chafe a bit when they were all dismissive of this earlier period of theirs in an interview (around overteps, maybe? can't remember) - something about it being too simplistic or whatevs

  2. That, and getting toasted. Nicely toasted.


    Seriously though this is actress at his most blunted, crunked-out lo-fi and as such requires a certain mindset going in to appreciate. Feels like a natural progression from Splazsh & RIP (both excellent in their own right, as was Hazyville) but that's just like my opinion man

  3. Oh man I feel for ya. For as low-dose regimen of zoloft + klonopin that I'm on (which I take every night), holy shit if I ever forget to do so. Barely any problem falling asleep but the REM brain activity goes off the charts which usually means terrifying-as-fuck nightmares.


    This happened to me last year when I flew out to the SF for a wedding, got in the day before, partied with friends, and forgot to take my meds. The following morning was like coming off a bad acid trip, must've been about 2 hrs awake before my subconscious let go of the idea that people were trying to kill me.

  4. Haven't gotten on to other albums of theirs yet, listening to this at the moment..


    Thnx 4 posting


    Does a download of this exist anywhere? Could rip from YT and extract the audio but I reckon the upload had to come from some original recording maybe

  5. the fwp is that there are people who can't figure out that windows 8 is basically two os'es: a faster windows 7 (aka desktop mode) and a touch-friendly os. you can do everything you did on widnows 7 with the same ease if you're not an idiot.


    Way to twat up the fwp thread Gene. No doubts that, if I owned (or was required to work regularly with) a Win 8 machine, I'd have it doing what I wanted and how I wanted in a very short period of time, just as with every previous OS changeover.


    The issue was with running 8 out of the box. The task was to browse to a network folder and open a jpeg, something that's been both possible and trivially easy since before Windows 95. And yet Windows 8 failed spectacularly.

  6. Had my first experience today with Windows 8 on my office's conference room PC.


    All I needed to do was browse a network folder containing 80 or so photos (jpgs) for a project, and maybe view a couple of them. Easy rite?




    Login - enter my network credentials, no problem. Since I'm a new user of the machine, Windows 8 then spends the next 15 minutes "updating my apps" (wtf?) & other shit, meanwhile telling me 18 different ways that it'll be "just a sec."


    Finally started up. Find desktop, windows explorer, and browse to network folder. This part actually goes quite smoothy. Color me surprised.


    Try switching the folder view to preview the photos, which you'd expect might take a couple of seconds. Nope, you'd think I was asking it to compute pi. Slow as molasses. Try to scroll and it refreshes constantly. Fucking progress bar in the address seems to be on an infinite loop.


    Try opening/viewing one of the pictures by double-click. Nope. DONT HAVE AN APP TO VIEW A JPG.


    Try again, this time photo loads fullscreen on monitor. Ok.


    Hit return or spacebar or something in hopes of advancing to next photo... nope. Now I have a dark blank screen and Windows 8 is telling me there are no photos in my "library." Yeah no shit. At this point I'm stuck. No Esc key, button, or anything to get out. Have to ctrl-alt-delete to kill it in task manager.



    Thankfully it was just an internal meeting but seriously what business in their right mind would bother with this shit?

  7. I've got nothing but love for AP, though you guys might want to read this.


    Basically from an end-listener perspective hi-res audio offers no advantages over standard 16/44.1. Of course in Aleksi's case choosing to release all of this as such probably ties in with all the Colundi Sequence maths, theory & whatnot so it's cool.


    Only noticed now the '1337' wedged in the Level 1 and 2 track titles, lol

  8. Props to Alkesi for putting these up on bandcamp, I've got no patience for artists who release only overpriced & uberlimited shit on physical format only for it to be jacked up even further on the aftermarket. Hope this nets him mad decent money so that he can continue to pump out the quality (and quantity) of tuneage on display here.


    Seems to me that from the artist's POV this self-release approach is far superior to waiting around for relphlex to pull thumbs out of assholes.

  9. I grabbed an iOS app called CanOpener to play these on my phone.


    There's still a limit of 48kHz to what you are hearing from iOS, but CanOpener does realtime SRC instead of you having to destructively convert them to actually sync via iTunes. Decent app.


    Just want to make sure I understand correctly... you put uncompressed 24/96 files your phone?


    Again, just checking.

  10. Sooner or later I'll try to get back into Drop the Vowels.


    Do do - it's paying dividends here. Probably rinsed it a least once a day for the last 2 weeks or so, playing it as I opened this thread in fact. I had low expectations going in but it's a huge grower and my sleeper favorite of the year so far. Real clever amalgamation of d'n'b with the atmospherics that each of them are known for individually.

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