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Posts posted by NI64

  1. Doublename: if you haven't tried Animals As Leaders' 'The Joy Of Motion' I highly recommend it. Perhaps my metal record of last year.



    Seconded on Joy of Motion! Excellent album. Such insane musicianship in that band.


    Karsten Pflum can out-Steinvord Steinvord.



    Thanks for this. The track was good but sadly the whole album doesn't really keep me interested long enough. Yet I'm part of NI63 thankcamp and will bear this in mind in case I run out of new stuff.


    Yeah I feel the same about that one too. If you ever get a chance you should listen to his album 'Flugten Frau Ar 2000' though, I think it's his masterpiece. Very RDJ Album in places - lots of strong melodies and expertly produced.

  3. I guess there's no way to figure this out without knowing how many copies are being pressed, but I feel like the expense report on the cover could just be showing how much you are personally contributing to each of these costs by buying the album. Like, it's a list of all the things you're paying for (Starting with the tracks themselves, and then all the promotional expenses, etc.)


    This album is a revelation. Farewell Frenchman is like Analord++. Any similar stuff people could point me to since this came out?

    This album by 'Splitradix' is very Analordy with some Ceephax spices added:



    ^ Highly recommended!



    Ooh, very nice. Got a touch of Tobacco in there too, mostly in the vocals I suppose.


    I love how popular vocoders are getting in this kind of stuff. Can never get enough of that sound.

  5. Last few months:


    Ken Ishii - Garden on the Palm

    Wagon Christ - Throbbing Pouch

    Lone - Emerald Fantasy Tracks

    Lone - Cluster Dreams

    Christ - Metamorphic Reproduction Miracle

    Jodey Kendrick - Indus Silver Club

    Eyehategod - Preaching the End Times Message

    Sleep - Dopesmoker

    Om - Pilgrimage

    Monolith - Volume 1

    Monolith - Ages Sound

    Weedeater - Jason...The Dragon

    The J.B.'s - Food For Thought

    Freeform - Palavalamp

    Dual Purpose - Hobs

    µ-Ziq - Tango N'Vectif

    Squarepusher - Port Rhombus

    Squarepusher - Numbers Lucent

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