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Posts posted by NI64

  1. very cool! Nice rhythmic control.



    edit: I'm listening to their album 'w^w^^w^w' now, it's good stuff but everynow and then the vocalist makes a 'woo' sound that kinda reminds me of Attack Attack or something haha.


    The melodic vocals sound like Deftones sometimes though, pretty good.

    Haha yeah, like at the beginning of Finish It. I dunno, I like the woo's. I think he's a great vocalist overall. Utilizes a lot of different techniques and just sounds spastic and crazy. They did a cover of Malpractice by Faith No More where they ending is just like a minute of straight a capella weird ass vocal noises. Sounds really cool to hear. I can't find it now though, I don't even remember when I got the recording initially.


    And GhOsty, you should put up a pic of the Ron Burgundy shirt, it sounds hilarious.

  2. How do the WATMM metalheads feel about Car Bomb? Definitely one of the more abstract heavy bands out there. They've cited Autechre as a major influence before, and I think it definitely comes through in their music.





  3. SikTh, a band that predated djent by years and easily one of the most unique metal bands the UK have produced have reformed + are taking pre-orders for a new EP. Back it pledge music!


    Bland Street Bloom still gives me the shivers all these years on...


    Oh nice, I love SikTh! Their vocals are fucking crazy.

  4. Yeah I set out to do this a long time ago, just finally got around to it! They really do sound great played in order like this though. [Range 7 - Range 3 - Subrange 3] in particular sound like one long massive track.

  5. Perlence Losid 2 is my top pick. Not sure what it is about it, but it feels like a heightened meditative state for me, like some kind of neutral void. Almost a Buddhist appeal. Not sure if that even makes sense.


    I'd love to listen to it again on a rainy July day.

    It reminds me a bit of some of those iDoser things, binaural beats. I wonder if the rhythm of the pulses in your ears has any sort of physiological effect, because I definitely zone way out if I listen to it on headphones. I get the same type of effect with Drane as well.

  6. Been listening to all the Quaristice-era tracks a lot over the past few weeks, and I finally feel like I've dedicated a proper amount of time to really analyze all of the different versions of Perlence. It really is fascinating to find all the little differences - we've never had a single set of ideas explored as thoroughly in any of their music before, or since (Though 90101 comes close). At any rate, after having compared them all for a while I think I've come up with a fairly definitive playlist order for listening to them. Kind of begins from the basic, superficial level of the tracks and slowly descends deeper into the individual sounds. Anyway, the way I've been listening is this:


    1. Perlence

    - The cleanest and shortest recording, this gets straight to the point and illustrates the majority of the sounds explored in the series.

    2. Perlence Range 7

    - Mostly just a much longer version of the regular track, each of the phases in the original has more time to breathe. A bit more reverb-y.

    3. Perlence Range 3

    - The transition from Range 7 - Range 3 is so flawless it's hard to imagine it wasn't intended to be listened to this way. This is probably my favorite track. Almost like a dub version, very spaced out and very rhythmic. Around 3:12 we see the first introduction of the bassline which will be featured prominently in Subrange 3. Also from 4 minutes on the sounds begin to get a lot more sinister as we decay further into the subranges. (Personal favorite moment at 6:41 when they bring the opening melody back for a single note before dropping out completely, love it)

    4. Perlence Subrange 3

    - Things begin to get very dark here. The funky beats are gone, only a steady rhythmic pulse and bassline to hold it together now. The focus now shifts to the background sounds, which remind me of rubber balls bouncing on a hand drum. A new lead melody forms out of haze at 3:50, very subtle and hypnotic. It sticks with throughout the very long fadeout, you can almost lose yourself in it.

    5. Perlence Losid 2

    - The fadeout works well to prep your ears for this one, which I know is one a lot of people really dig. This one is all about close listening, the whole track is based off rhythmic manipulations to the echoey background noise, which I suppose is now foreground noise! Some interesting key changes around the 4 and 6 minute marks, and one very noticeable one at 6:35. The track almost feels like it hits the edges of human hearing after this. Sounds immense on a good set of headphones.

    6. Perlence Suns

    - This was the only one who's placement I wasn't sure about, but it seems to fit here fairly well. Some more overtly melodic ambient things going on here before another long fadeout. Also worth noting that the title implies that it's a mix of Perlence and Paralel Suns, so leaving it out or reordering it could work too. Good track though!

    7. Perlence Subrange 6-36

    - And everyone's favorite! Definitely not one you can make time for as easily, but there are some very subtle things going on if you open your mind to them. Some high frequencies pop in and out, at 20:00 in and thoughout. The whole track seems like it could be timestretched, a lot of the sounds are slower. I'd be interested to hear it fast sometime. The little changes might become more apparent. Would be interested to hear what other people have noticed in this one - I truly haven't devoted enough focused listening to it.



    But yeah, that's my analysis! Nice to get it a little organized in one place. I may try and do the same for the 90101 tracks sometime, on the surface they seem a lot more similar to each other though so it might be fun to dissect what the differences between versions really are.


    • Like 1
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  7. Phenomenal piece of work you've made here, noise. Deep, meditative, emotional, yet still catchy and funky. Really timeless, the melodies stick in your head for days. The cassette recording really adds a whole new dimension to the project as well. I feel like it wouldn't have quite the same impact if it was cleaner or more digital-sounding. At any rate, I can't wait to hear what's coming next. :)

  8. Ohhh maaaaan Tony D....one of my all-time favorites, just for the sheer insanity of it all. Didn't like Danza 4 as much as the others though. For me it's ALL about Danza 2. Just a nonstop beautifully chaotic mess, that album. Only lets up for the few skit tracks, which honestly are legitimately pretty hilarious and immensely quotable. Cannot recommend the album enough if you love heavy, complex music and wanna see just how extreme, grating, and relentless it can be.




    Or actually just jump straight to this video for a "proper" introduction. 0:28 is just :blink:



  9. North Korean hackers - we're sorry about that whole Seth Rogen thing. That was our bad. But really, we need you now more than ever. The world needs millions of shitty black market CD-R's floating around of The Wuteng Clan's "One Atop Times Of Shao Len'. Do it for the good of the planet. Remember, if RZA loses, Kim Jon-Un wins.


    Notting Hill Bus and Bradley Echoes seem to be a bit underrated, as far as any of these tracks could be underrated at the moment. Definitely a special pair those.


    Love both of those



    Yeah definitely! Those are two of my favorites



    Btw, is it me or does Lannerlush sound like a jam between Luke and afx?



    I got that vibert too!




  11. Now that this Soundcloud account has gathered so much attention, I think it would be an awesome platform for Rich to share some lesser known stuff from former Rephlex artists. It would certainly bring a lot of names into the spotlight!



    I would give anything to hear some more Voafose. His album in 08 was an absolute mindfuck. I love it. He can create a cerrain kind of eerie, spacey atmosphere than nobody else can quite replicable. A very dinstinctive sound, I think. And I know from listening to it that he must just have countless hours of bizarre tripped-out tape experiments from over the years he's sitting on.

  12. I don't see the massive hype over sedonka


    I like it, it's great, but there are plenty of tracks way better


    I'm glad someone else thinks the same as me. I was starting to feel lonely haha.


    I dunno, I must just not be hearing something. Or maybe I need to be in the right mindset first. I heard it compared to OPN earlier though, and I've honestly never been able to get into any of his music either, so perhaps it's some common thread I just don't understand.







    yes - attached is Last Clissold just to prove

    ... and sekonda

    its 128, pfff , i have 10 of these


    actually, fuck this shit. I almost beat Ninja Gaiden 2 before it started, so I'll just go finish what i must :shuriken:

    Damn, the NES one?? That's an accomplishment. I've never gotten all the way through the first. (FUCKIN' HAWKS!)

    YES!!!! I beat it! God fucking damn this game is hard. HARD. I'm all swet and tired.

    took me around 20 years to do it (with breaks ofc), feeling on top of the world now, what a night!!!



    on topic: aphex lush imminent quite good badger



    edit: FUCKING HAWKS!!!!

    Holy shit congraulations!! Thats fucking dedication right there. Your success has inspited me to give the first one another chance tonight. Wish me luck!



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