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Everything posted by Squee

  1. It's a whole lot of fun. It's nerve-wracking as well. I got the biggest video game-related scare last night while playing. Someone was hiding behind the door I was walking through and shot me in the face with a shotgun. The dynamic range in that game is fucking insane, so the game goes from being extremely quiet to "here's an anvil coming straight for you face"-loud. I've just downloaded the Xbox One X patch for The Witcher. 4k 30fps and 1080p 60fps. Pretty excited to try it out.
  2. Hahahahaha! The sound effects are the best! Zap-zap!
  3. I have both games in my library, but only ever made it to the menu before I decided to wait for some other time. That was 3 years ago now. I really want to play it but I think the idea of playing it is more intriguing than actually playing it.
  4. I watched Exodus: Gods and Kings with my family last night. Ridley, please.
  5. Can we hear the tracks once the contract is complete? Sure! This was the first draft I did which has been scrapped because the video got re-edited. Just ignore the parts where things get tonally weird... and ignore the mix as well. Like I said, this was the first draft ;) https://soundcloud.com/mrroque/da-watmm/s-tQZ7l
  6. Hahaha, sorry, man... but worry not. My entire kitchen was purple for about 7 years before I hired someone to paint it over.
  7. I was actually thinking about asking them about getting paid in equipment, but I’m working on this through a production company. And yeah, I took it as a huge compliment that they asked me to do it :) I’ve already done one tune but they re-edited the video so they needed something more uptempo. I really liked the first track I did, and so did my client, and now I’m worried they’ll tell me that the new track is too dark. Oh well.
  8. I'm working on the music for a brand film for some of the best studio monitors available
  9. Got second place in PUBG! Jesus Christ, that's the most intense shit I've tried in a long time in a video game
  10. If you guys dont get rid of this fucking ape soon he’ll ban elections and you’ll be stuck with him and his goons for the next 20 years
  11. Preview of a remix I did is finally available... mine is the very last one that comes in at 6:29
  12. Watched it again. It was better the second time around.
  13. Just got back from it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I’m disappointed.
  14. Yup, Xbox... it's janky as shit, but it's part of the charm.
  15. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-space/trump-wants-to-send-u-s-astronauts-back-to-moon-someday-mars-idUSKBN1E51QP One would think there are more pressing matters at the moment, but ok...
  16. Did my first 5.1 mix for a Netflix documentary
  17. i wish with the contraption i got... i'm putting it back and demanding some extras... Could have killed some innocent child.... I bought a bike a couple of years ago. It cost me around £350 but it has been worth it. I love my bike. Bike!
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