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Everything posted by Squee

  1. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-01-23-xbox-game-pass-just-got-a-lot-better Damn...
  2. no. it's way worse than this. Hahaha! Did you watch In Bruges? Curious to know if you like that one better
  3. I was kinda hoping that he would run for president again in 2020, but he'll be 79 by then... Guess Oprah is the next best thing then.
  4. ^Truth! I can't eat anything before 12 pm though.
  5. It's a thing again. And fast. FWP: I just spent way too long learning how to land in Elite Dangerous. How do I video game?
  6. You guys are exactly right - for thousands of years the region has been unstable. When referring to "root conflict" I was talking about the intensity post 2003. But what remains the same is that this is their conflict. Not ours. We don't have and never have had any reason to be there in the first place. Oh, I don't disagree with that.
  7. To be honest, it was still pretty fucked before the US started playing world police.
  8. About the KP3... It's amazing! I use it all the time - though I'm not sure if I use it the way it was intended. But fuck that. I also have the KP1 which sounds a lot better than the KP3. The KP3 is way too clean, whereas the KP1 is just full on dirt and the delays and reverbs are beautiful
  9. US president Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office on Wednesday (Jan 17). While the interview ended with takeaways of Trump’s plan ahead for this year’s midterm elections and tensions with North Korea, a truly remarkable exclusive was this photo of Trump and his communication staff engaged in tense tableau while Reuters journalists looked on. For those who have read the various stories depicting a White House coming apart at the seams, with a diminishing team of advisors, here is an intimate image that seems to illustrate that chaos. LOL - stable genius.
  10. o___________o Hahahahahahahagsgsgagshdghdjduhssrhkææm.,?:!!!
  11. I’m paranoid about people trying to steal my clients
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