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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Is it the D50 on the bottom right?Yup! How do you cope with the internal mic noise when recording quiet sources? I don't get any noise? But I also use the XLR-1... But it depends on what I need to record. I only use it for sound design stuff. Set the rec input from 6 to 10 and use internal mics in a very quiet space. There is a big amount of noise which isn't from the environment. See: http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/all-things-audio/236327-excessive-pcm-d50-noise-level.html Can you please try it out and let me know? I am curious if I was just one of the unlucky ones. The issue is very apparent when trying to record very quiet sounds. Well, there'll always be some noise but it's so little that you can easily capture a noise print and reduce it without damaging the rest of the recording
  2. One of the worst sub plots I liked the subplot 100x more than whatever the hell was going on with the Thomas Eckhardt conspiracy stuff post-Josie. I essentially stopped following that one by the end of the season finale. The majority of the subplots in season 2 are terrible. James and that woman? Wtf? Josie, Thomas Eckhardt, Lucy being pregnant, that mall guy and Andy trying to take care of a kid, Nadine being 18 years old... They're all terrible. Season 2 starts out great, and then the murderer is revealed and it all goes downhill from there right until the very last episode which is a masterpiece. I mean, I do get you (especially the James running away subplot), but you do realise Twin Peaks was meant to pastiche soap operas, right? It can't really do that if it doesn't have over the top shitty subplots. Yeah Squee, I think it's just you who is hung up on those and not into kitsch. Just you. Just you.
  3. One of the worst sub plots I liked the subplot 100x more than whatever the hell was going on with the Thomas Eckhardt conspiracy stuff post-Josie. I essentially stopped following that one by the end of the season finale. The majority of the subplots in season 2 are terrible. James and that woman? Wtf? Josie, Thomas Eckhardt, Lucy being pregnant, that mall guy and Andy trying to take care of a kid, Nadine being 18 years old... They're all terrible. Season 2 starts out great, and then the murderer is revealed and it all goes downhill from there right until the very last episode which is a masterpiece.
  4. Is it the D50 on the bottom right?Yup! How do you cope with the internal mic noise when recording quiet sources? I don't get any noise? But I also use the XLR-1... But it depends on what I need to record. I only use it for sound design stuff.
  5. It's a microphone that picks up electromagnetic fields ;D interesting! btw...i found it on the net and now i'm not sure whether to buy it or to buy their omni-directional mics uši I also bought these https://lom.audio/product/usi/
  6. I'm gonna use it for sound designs. Probably not any music.
  7. It's a microphone that picks up electromagnetic fields ;D
  8. I'm taking the bus home from work and this fucking sucks! So far it has taken me twice as long to get halfway home as it usually would if I was on my bike
  9. I've installed Plex Media Server on one of my laptops so now I can stream tv shows and movies while at work... aaaaah...
  10. Is it the D50 on the bottom right? Yup!
  11. What? The price on Doom was recently dumped to around $20 on Amazon and in Gamestop
  12. You've lost your edge, man... I'm gonna go smoke cigarettes with someone else
  13. If you start playing it now you won't be able to stop. So yeah, you probably shouldn't... but then on the other hand, don't you want to be cool?
  14. Ditto I liked it RIGHT until the end. It stumbled over its own feet and fell flat on its nose. Less is more.
  15. Got some new toys...
  16. Holy shit, 2nd one it gave me to guess was a few villages over from the one my Mum lives in, in Devon. hahaha was playing it at work other night and had big open middle of nowhere american looking country road. googled ' where was first wal-mart ' and picked that location. pretty much got the location except a few cities in wrong direction xD also blindly guessing some random location in russia and getting it within the couple kilometers range was another personal victory highlight . (russia is really big!!!) I hate to be the one who ruins your illusion, but it's actually not that big. The map makes it look big. https://jakubmarian.com/how-big-are-greenland-and-russia-in-comparison-to-africa/
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