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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Agreed. But I don't think Hello Games is to blame for any of this. As far as I understand Sony was in charge of marketing and their marketing was targeted a wide audience which is something an indie game rarely reaches. They kinda ruined a wonderful idea by making it into something that it was never supposed to be. Anyway, seem to have digged up some interesting stuff in the PC versions data files. All this talk is actually making me more excited for a game that a lot of people seem to dislike.
  2. Waching Videodrome now. Bought it a bunch of years ago but never watched it.
  3. I need to watch more Cronenberg stuff. Feel free to recommend, WATMM!
  4. I hate it when people keep using the same words over and over and over. My boss is turning all my colleagues into mini-versions of himself so they all go around and use the same "business"-words that he does. Luckily, as I'm writing this I can't even remember any of the words they use. But I cringe every single time they do.
  5. I agree with parts of what you're saying. I was talking to a friend of mine last night about the game. Neither of us have played it, so we're probably just talking out our asses in some ways, but we were talking about the marketing of the game. I think the marketing hurt the game. Actually, I think most marketing hurts most games unless you're super careful about what you show and tell. The best marketing the last couple of years have been for The Witness. Jonathan Blow said that it's a game where you solve line puzzles - and that was it. He didn't promise anything else and instead people discovered all sorts of stuff for themselves. The same goes for Inside. And yes, I know you can't do this for any title. It'd be kinda weird to publish COD19 without saying a word - then on the other hand, I don't know how much you can say about COD these days. Anyway, I wonder if it ended up hurting the development and the marketing that Sony jumped in to support No Man's Sky. Did Sony require all sorts of Triple-A marketing from a small publisher that was basically developing a $20-30 indie game? What if it had been just another Steam game that one day showed up on the frontpage and then became popular over night due people talking about it? Anyway, I'm just babbling on...
  6. I like that idea of most planets just being dead rocks and then once in a while you see something that is fucking weird and fascinating. Granted I haven't played the game but it seems like you can leave the planets and reach new ones pretty fast.
  7. Really fucking tired of the Resident Evil Rehashes... How many times has this game been re-released? I thought you'd never ask... Gamecube PS2 PC Wii Zeebo iOS PS3 Xbox360 Android PS4 XBone 11 releases! Hahaha!
  8. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1VNY1d53f8
  9. One of the corniest games ever made yet one of the best games ever made.
  10. You just need to buy more things from the Thing Maker list as far as I can tell and then the AI will generate new idea for the idea lister. Also, pay attention to the robot. It'll give you hints. 377.382 watts per second! EDIT: Wait, scrap that... 545.382 watts per second!!!!! EDIT2: 1.049.340 watts per second!!!
  11. I do sort of feel the marketing hurt the game in that regard. On hand, they've always said it's a space exploration game by a small team of 15, and that's exactly what they delivered on. But the level of marketing and hype for this game was pretty unreal and massive. The HYPE got to people probably outside the usual fans of small indie games / survival games and expectations based on the developer broad vague terms like "it's a space exploration game where you can do anything!!" planted seeds in peoples heads where imagination filled the blanks and a lot of people had this exaggerated idea of how amazing the game is going to be. It's like.. the whole reaction to the game atm has very little to do with whether or not the game is actually good or not. Is unfortunate but also a pretty good example of how you probably shouldn't set expectations when marketing something. You should always take any kind of gaming marketing with a grain of salt and instead make up your own idea of what is possible based on the gameplay videos you can see online. When a game developers says, "Anything is possible" every single alarm bell needs to go off. I mean, it's so easy to see through the bullshit that gets thrown around by marketing people and if people believe it when the developers say "Anything is possible!" then they're being super naïve. Remember how they marketed Spore? Same story. I bet it must be hard to show off everything that's possible in a game since you don't want to spoil the game, but vague marketing can really ruin everything. Just see what happened to Sim City the last time they tried rebooting that.
  12. Spaceplan - 10000000 clicks/10 http://jhollands.co.uk/spaceplan/ YES!
  13. Yeah, I really want to try it out! Super excited for it and I expect it to be a good game to play while listening to podcasts
  14. People seem so bummed about No Man's Sky. I followed the game pretty closely, but I'm still surprised that no one ever stopped to think or consider if procedurally generated universes are worth exploring? If none of the planets have anything unique to them besides the fact that they're randomly generated then what's so interesting about them? Where's the stuff the developers planned or hid on the planets? Where are those planets that everyone is raving about? If every planet is just a based on the same parameters then how can you expect it the exporation to be any fun? I know this is a very black and white way of looking at it, but I'm surprised people were so hyped by this game. Everytime they've showed the game it has all seemed very superficial and only skin-deep. But hey, I'm still very excited about trying it out because I bet there's more to it than what meets the eye. And like Austin Walker wrote, "No Man's Sky is the stress reliever I didn't know I needed".
  15. I have an extra bone in my elbow and it hurts like hell at the moment.
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