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Everything posted by Squee

  1. It's super cool but super hard. But I suck at platformers so I'm probably not the most reliable when it comes to talking about difficulty.
  2. As a follow-up to my super depressive post in the FWP thread. The operation went fine and my girlfriend is feeling a lot better plus my dad has asked for help which he has NEVER done before. So things are going in the right direction again.
  3. Oh great, my mom just called and told me that my dad has started drinking again. This is exactly what I need. Especially since 10 minutes earlier I was told that the doctors will have to cut out half of my girlfriend's kidney. Fuck my life.
  4. Yeah, it really sucks for her. But the operation went fine and she's already come round from the anaesthetic. Luckily, there was nothing cancerous to be found and the whole procedure went great. She was completely wasted when I went in to see her which was pretty hilarious. Poor thing.
  5. Finally!!! http://kotaku.com/red-dead-redemption-will-officially-be-backwards-compat-1783133375
  6. My girlfriend is in the hospital. We thought she had kidney stones. Now it turns out she has an 11 cm dried up clump of blood in her bladder. They're fixing her now and I'm watching tv. But I haven't had any dinner and THAT is my first world problem.
  7. Hoooly shit, you guys... In case you can't see it he's putting on make-up to look like No Face from Spirited Away. Also, he has the voice of an angel. I'm having a bit too much fun with this...
  8. https://vimeo.com/50124141 I was told I should use whatever instruments I wanted to so the last demo I made was made on my piano and then I added some cello and a pretty deep bassline that plays along the cello. It turned out pretty good but I'm not sure anyone would say that it's in the same style as the track in the video. Eh, you probably know better than they do what they want. As long as the instrumentation's kind of similar they'll be happy, most likely. Haha, right! We'll see tomorrow. I think my last sketch/demo was pretty good and actually better than the reference track. But we'll see... The client liked the third demo I did. I should move this sunshine story to the success thread now, huh?
  9. hahahaha, I've got that in a folder of films to watch somewhere. I put it off every time I browse in there. It was on Netflix so my girlfriend and I thought "fuckit" and put it on. I regret it. I need a good horror movie. If you find one let me know, watched A Lonely Place To Die, it closed Frightfest film festival but isn't a horror at all, just Deliverance without the hilarious rape. The Other Side Of The Door isn't good and is probably a bit racist but has a couple of fun jump scares. There's a Belgian film you might be interested in then... It's not horror either but it's kinda fucked. Calvaire http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407621/
  10. hahahaha, I've got that in a folder of films to watch somewhere. I put it off every time I browse in there. It was on Netflix so my girlfriend and I thought "fuckit" and put it on. I regret it. I need a good horror movie.
  11. https://vimeo.com/50124141 I was told I should use whatever instruments I wanted to so the last demo I made was made on my piano and then I added some cello and a pretty deep bassline that plays along the cello. It turned out pretty good but I'm not sure anyone would say that it's in the same style as the track in the video. Eh, you probably know better than they do what they want. As long as the instrumentation's kind of similar they'll be happy, most likely. Haha, right! We'll see tomorrow. I think my last sketch/demo was pretty good and actually better than the reference track. But we'll see...
  12. It was beyond mind blowingly delicious! My stomach still hurts because I can't tolerate red meat... but it was worth it.
  13. Ok, so... Holy shit, you guys. Holy shit. I recreated the burger from this video using the same sous vide technique and it was fucking insane! I took a picture of my half eaten burger which doesn't look that delicious but I'll post it in just a minute EDIT: Here we go
  14. I was told I should use whatever instruments I wanted to so the last demo I made was made on my piano and then I added some cello and a pretty deep bassline that plays along the cello. It turned out pretty good but I'm not sure anyone would say that it's in the same style as the track in the video.
  15. MOTHERFUCK! I'm doing the music for a commercial and the reference I've been given is so fucking simple yet I can't make anything that sounds like it! I can play the tune from the commercial on my piano, but the mood in the reference is almost non-existing so it's impossible to make something similar to it. Every test I've made so far is way too bouncy and detailed and I've spent 2 days on it so far. Argh! Help me, Zypher_Nova!
  16. Nothing. And that's the problem. The company is an alarming state. They're losing money and everyone keeps doing whatever it is they're doing. A couple of weeks ago I wrote an email to my boss and one of my colleagues and told them about a situation I had just witnessed. My colleague got mad at me for writing the email but my boss planned a meeting so we could figure out what to do about the whole situation. Then the meeting get post poned a couple of days, then one more day - now it's been post-poned to August so I don't really think anyone is taking any of this seriously. I'm not saying I have the key to saving the company, but no one knows what they're doing, the briefings I receive in order to do my job properly are so vague. Most of the time they just copy/paste whatever the client has written them, so as soon as I ask a question about my briefing they don't know the answer to it. So I'm constantly saving their asses by asking all the questions they SHOULD have asked. Anyway, I'm gonna play hooky tomorrow and Friday because I've got some freelance stuff that's more important than this bullshit. sounds like a sinking ship, mayne. how have they stayed afloat this long? The company is 8 years old and has been doing really well - right until my boss got hired and started trying to some changes. The changes are ok but the my colleagues aren't willing to change or learn knew things. But I skipped work today and will skip work tomorrow as well. I feel like such an adult.
  17. Damn! Hope everything turns out ok with him
  18. SMM died on me in an instant. I was working on a level and then BAM. I didn't want to play that game anymore. I might get back to it at a later stage though.
  19. Nothing. And that's the problem. The company is an alarming state. They're losing money and everyone keeps doing whatever it is they're doing. A couple of weeks ago I wrote an email to my boss and one of my colleagues and told them about a situation I had just witnessed. My colleague got mad at me for writing the email but my boss planned a meeting so we could figure out what to do about the whole situation. Then the meeting get post poned a couple of days, then one more day - now it's been post-poned to August so I don't really think anyone is taking any of this seriously. I'm not saying I have the key to saving the company, but no one knows what they're doing, the briefings I receive in order to do my job properly are so vague. Most of the time they just copy/paste whatever the client has written them, so as soon as I ask a question about my briefing they don't know the answer to it. So I'm constantly saving their asses by asking all the questions they SHOULD have asked. Anyway, I'm gonna play hooky tomorrow and Friday because I've got some freelance stuff that's more important than this bullshit.
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