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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. Ages ago, I was addicted to Dead By Daylight for iPhone and it consumed my life. I eventually deleted it to try to regain a healthy routine. Recently, however, I reinstalled it because I feel like I’ve run out of good horror movies to watch and it scratches the itch. 
    I already feel it starting to ruin my life again and I’ve only had it reinstalled for a couple days :rdjgrin:

    Side note: I changed my screen name from GlennDanzig to MAGAisAcult and I am pretty sure I’ve been reported multiple times (likely by right gamers), which I honestly didn’t expect. Now I’m a bit fraught as to whether I should keep the name and deal with the consequences or switch it back to a perfectly rad name. Only thing is that you are allowed change your screen name only once every week so I’m stuck with getting booted from the waiting room at the start for another 5 days. It’s rough because the game takes upwards of 5 long minutes to join already and 5 minutes is an eternity when you’re a parent. 
    Btw, MAGA is a cult. 

    • Like 3
  2. Oh yeah. Never having heard Squarepusher, I picked up Big Loada when it was released based on the cover at Gramophone Records in Chicago and listened to it at the listening station and it blew my damn mind. 
    I remember how hard it was to find Aphex Twin and Coil records in the 90s. The only place “near” where I lived was not convenient. I remember always seeing April Wine and Archers of Loaf records next to where the often-empty Aphex Twin slot was. My first RDJ release was On in 94 or 95, then I nabbed either SAW2 or Ventolin next. After that it was all downhill. I remember being super excited when I came to the often-empty slot and finding The Donkey Rhubarb ep. The cover art was so modern and hilarious. The Girl/Boy ep also blew my mind when it dropped. I listened to that CD a billion times. 
    Come to think of it, it’s pretty rad that Richard still drops so many quality EPs. Every one has as much distinct character as a full length release. It definitely keeps the hype train rolling rather than just putting out a big LP every 5 years or whatever. 

    … edit…

    I forgot to mention my 2 aphex shows. First was in 97 @ The Vic in Chicago. He sat on a couch with just a laptop for the whole show and his buddies came out in the donkey rhubarb bear outfits and breakdanced / wrestled / etc for the whole show. Afterwards, I saw Rich outside his tour bus as his sweaty buddies were stuffing the bear costumes in the underside compartment and I didn’t know what to say to him so I just gave him a tiny green plastic alien I got earlier in the evening from a gumball machine. 

    22 years later, I flew back to New York (where I had lived b/w 99 & 2011) to see the Avant Gardner show. It was emotional. 

    I guess if rich were to ever read this, I would be curious if he remembered that little green alien. I still wouldn’t know what to say to him exactly, at least I don’t know what wouldn’t sound awkward... like how I listened to SAW2 almost every night through high school on my discman through headphones under my pillow as I fell asleep… or how I play SAW1 every other day while driving in the car these days because it’s almost 100% guaranteed to put my toddler to sleep around naptime… or how Syro came at an emotional low point in my life and was really a helpful companion to guide me through some of the darker parts… or how he’s possibly the only artist I’ve ever cared to try to be “completist” about as far as collecting and practically zero of my friends even know about him, let alone know that I hang out on a music forum and type epic posts about how big a deal he is in my life. 

    • Like 8
    • Farnsworth 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:


    Surfing on Sine Waves


    On EP

    On Remixes

    Joyrex J9

    Analogue Bubblebath 1 Issued in US

    Analogue Bubblebath 4

    Selected Ambient Works II

    Caustic Window LP

    V/A - Artificial Intelligence II


    I mean, 93 for On and SOSW alone. 

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, ignatius said:


    Haha! That first video was shot at my high school and I knew all of those kids. They were a couple years younger than me. The whole thing was obviously made up bullshit. 
    They made a documentary about the whole thing too. 

     I also ended up playing in a band with the kid in the sonic youth shirt years later. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

    I'm on a medication that makes my bowels extremely volatile so I'm sat in the chair drunk like a Beastman and shat myself. Very satisfying. Can't be bothered to do much about it to be honest, so probably sit here all night. Sweet dreams...

    Oh dude. I completely sympathize.

    I’m currently on antibiotics after my finger injury (posted above) and yesterday I was positive I shit myself in the car while driving on the highway and was shocked to find, after pulling off and running to multiple stores without functioning restrooms, that miraculously I hadn’t. This was after having to jump out of the car to spray the bowl at various prior locations (one of which was out of toilet paper, naturally). Today I’m doing nothing. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Hail Sagan said:

    I’m confused. So there actually is a VR version? I thought it would be but the only version I see that’s available is the flat screen 360 thing 🫤

    I watched on my phone and it was fully 360 AR-style radical. 

  7. Touchdesigner 

    “TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime projects and rich user experiences. Whether you're creating interactive media systems, architectural projections, live music visuals, or simply rapid-prototyping your latest creative impulse, TouchDesigner is the platform that can do it all.”

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