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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. this is how rae must sound to me grandmum i guess... fucking hell.
  2. somehow never realized rob is apparently left-handed before. might that be the secret sauce to lavish lushness?
  3. glad you can dig it. in fact listening through the whole thing for the first time myself rn and... holy maccheroni. ? seanbob, are u ok?
  4. k, just ripped the tube version... turned out to be a bit of a toughy, hard to take the muzzle off without making certain passages sound rather grating. but yeah... this much for trying: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/b50e9163e86cff582edeb559499becd020220707183720/1831afb65907a6da3e40a603fb07f4e620220707183750/e9fa84
  5. holy fuck that part when he actually compares the surgeons responsible for gender transitions to mengele in terms of "criminality"... srsly?!? like how about considering the the basic difference of one case being voluntary and the other not quite so much for starters? has he actually become that stupid?
  6. what an utterly pitiful display, ouch.
  7. avec plaisir, but would be cool to have some half-decent quality file first... ?
  8. holy shit... ok i absolutely love this, ae beatfuckery at its finest. particularly digging the monochromatic palette, everything comes together so seamlessly, also the "shardy" sound-design itself, i mean like what is this i don't even. this recording does the thing alot more justice, still but a shadow of what i assume actually being there must have felt like. anywhoo the plasticity of onesix still seems to be in full effect. this and the last recording are hard to compare due to vastly differing quality levels, but aside from that they seem quite different on macro level already, like the second one's missing the slow build up of the first and going into ecol rather quickly. considering this it's a bummer they blew soundboarding the primavera one, a home reenactment would be much appreciated. (edit: checking draft's recording rn and turns out that build up was just cut off lel... but still!) happy for anyone able to catch the lads those next few dates, hoping more will be announced soon...
  9. jaderpansen


    Most definitely. ? We were both wrong tho lol: RB: "It took a while to make that track, because it was made up of disparate elements. It was less of the machine-building and a lot of found sounds, a lot of field recordings going into it – rain, New York, bits of city life, bits of weather, direct recordings of rain on certain objects mic'd-up – things like that. Oddly enough, I remember walking into town with it on my headphones, demoing it to see where it's going next. As it happened, I was on my way to an Untold gig. None of my friends could make it, and I basically got pissed and listened to Untold on my own and it was brilliant, even though I was this kind of sad dickhead at the back of the club with some Red Stripe having a great time and being all ears. I totally remember walking in the rain with it on headphones to a gig. It was just the best night, because I got to check this track out in the rain, [and] it was recorded using bits of rain… I went for a long, late-night walk listening to a nearly-finished version, went home and put the final touches to it, and then it was done. I think it's a good one for depth and scapes, just listening on headphones and being isolated with a weather pattern nearby." https://thequietus.com/articles/13899-autechre-interview-exai-l-event
  10. friday u fucks! i'll be awaiting results on my desk by saturday!
  11. i knew it... the upper mid one holy shit XD...
  12. mixing up social insecurity and lack of social intuition imho. also absolutely not, it's an integral part of human nature and survival instinct. if it genuinely feels that way to you maybe you're on the spectrum yourself?
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